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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. Yeah, i aint got too far with that. Registered, added bank account, verified bank account, started to enter "catalog" of items..... then .... nothing. Should finish setting that up one day, but been a bit pressed fer time lately.
  2. Oh, I see makers supply (or something like that) has a set of 4mm chisels (which is 5/32", or so close nobody cares) but $60 for the set, which seem extreme to me. I'm gonna pass for that price, but I mention it here in case somebody else wants to know. Oops.. it's Makers Leather Supply. Knew it was something like that.
  3. Nope, not there. Narrowin' it down, though.. we know where it AINT
  4. And my comment was not so much the copying, as the ridiculousness of copying somebody else and then insisting that others not copy "your" work He or she seems intent on arguing... same thing happened in the other thread (the one that started this). My speech is [mostly] english and generally purdy clear (TOO clear for some). Maybe "over there" the game is just to see how many times they can convince you to reply?
  5. If they have it, they don't list it. But thanks anyway
  6. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/product/1110/how-to-lace
  7. It's a RECTANGLE. You are correct - no copyright. That IS my point. But the holster pattern IS COPYRIGHTED (says so on every copy of that book). Not sure what you're not keeping up with here. You don't get to "slightly modify" it and make it "yours". I'm going to guess that since Tandy just made that book freely available to everybody about a month ago, they basically can't be bothered to pursue those who infringed it previously. At least, not the ones so small that suing them would cost more than it would profit. So.. to clarify.... lemme separate it for those who may need that: the one WITHOUT copyright protection (mine) i distribute. the ones WITH copyright protection, I DO NOT distribute (you can buy that holster done that way, but you cant by the pattern from me).
  8. Looking for WHITE LEATHER BUCKSTITCH LACE. COW OR KANGA... either works. But no mylar (which is for balloons) or plastic (which is for bafoons). NOT a test.. see if you can NOT reply if you DON"T know Oh, yeah -- and if'n ya know who has QUALITY 5/32" chisels, that would be good ta know. Could be a finder's fee ...
  9. short of a better picture, that woulda been my guess tha's why I suggested the "K" dummy gun... maybe a bit less "buffin" on the finish. But, perhaps the SP101 will let it ride a bit higher and result in less wear? Closer inspection comes up with info that may or may not matter (we could be talking 6 er half dozen here) Cylinder diameters (note this is from internet search, NOT from actual physical measurements taken): Ruger SP101 1.350" Colt "D" ........ 1.400" S/W "K" ...... 1.446" EDIT: Cylinder diameter / length does not take into account FRAME height and thickness and should not be construed as medical advice.
  10. Yeah, the black sorta 'works'. Only RELIABLE way I've seen to do yellow and/or white is acrylics, and I tend to avoid acrylics on "flexy" articles that will see use. I might have carved the thing 'inverted'to avoid excessive matting of the "halo". Would have given a "beveled edge" look to the shield, which would work nicely since it's bordered. Just think-out-loud noise.. pay no attention
  11. The question there is not USING a stohlman pattern (Al and Tandy intended you use them) the issue would be SELLING the pattern. Printed on every copy of that How To Make Holsters book -- copyright info. I've had THOUSANDS of people use my holster designs. No worries - that's what I INTENDED them to be used for. I'll go even further -- if you can find somebody SLOW enough to PAY YOU for what I gave away for free.. go ahead and sell it! Just don't be upset when I'm talking to the guy and tell him he could have had that FREE. Yup, that's basically it right there. Base reasons NOT to "enforce" your IP "right"? 1) it's going to be expensive, time and money 2) if may not do any good. I have a judgment for a civil matter. After 20 years, I have never seen a dime. That guy spent YEARS only working where he could work for cash so his wages weren't 'garnished', but didn't do ME any good at all. And in another case, lawyers told me I COULD sue, but should think about it, since it would cost at least $5k to file and follow, and in the end I would probably get a percentage of the NOTHING those people own. So basically throwing away another 5 grand on top of what i had already lost. So, if you go by the idea that you are "small" and "probably" won't be sued, that may actually end up being TRUE. But, have some self-respect (if you are able) -- do you REALLY want to be the "hundred-aire" who only makes the hundreds by piggy-backing on somebody else's income source?@! There are words for "that guy". They are not nice words. Oh -- you are free to distribute any information I provided as you see fit? You can - if you like - set up a site and a bank account and sell patterns and comments I've offered - wherever I offered them. Just remember I'm pretty "vocal", and if somebody asks me about it, I WILL tell 'em how and where you got "your" info. So, HOW to NOT violate copyright rules (and maybe use a Stohlman pattern too)? I made and sell this. I sketched all those rectangles myself and priced them accordingly https://www.etsy.com/listing/385969090/leather-notebook-pattern-field-notes And I also made (and still make) these. https://www.etsy.com/listing/220872475/tooled-leather-revolver-gun-holster?ref=shop_home_active_5&frs=1 But I do not sell the pattern, I do not pretend, insinuate, or suggest or imply that the pattern is my creation.
  12. What you mean by "will work"? Wet forming, I'd want the Colt. But if you're making the 'traditonal" taco-style rig, use the K. The J and Ruger will be too small, and the N too big. Easy enough to verify if he has a caliper, have him measure the frame height in front of the cylinder, and the barrel diameter. If I remember right, there's less than a 1/16" diff in the cylinder diameters (k is just slightly larger than the D).
  13. Looks like he made a small change to the page -- fixed by going back to his init page (in case he changes again). Thanks for the heads up - I know he'll appreciate it.
  14. 'Preciatecha Afore it was over, that one end up lookin' a bit like this. Color was just a tad LIGHTER than shown ... that shiny buckle really messes with a camera lens! (click to enlarge)
  15. Thanks Alex is pretty good .. that's pretty good detail for a stamp that's just under 1" x 1" (he also made me a larger one that's quite nice). Link below (A&M)
  16. Hermann Oak makes a nice piece of leather, and Alex makes a darn fine "maker" stamp. (Click to enlarge)
  17. Fascinating! I still think I can teach a MONKEY to tool leather, but that braiding is an ART. VERY nice.
  18. I ALWAYS have these. I use them myself, but if the new guy wants to find out what leather is really supposed to look like, or the not so new guy needs a bit but doesn't need a side of that weight, I'll have them here.
  19. Not at all. Fella gonna make sumthin' otta make it HIS way I was suggesting that I didn't think it's necessary, but certainly was not attempting to try to talk you in to or outta anything.
  20. My vote here, so that's 3 for the right But, I guess you could stick in something if they requested it. I get people who want weight lifting belts HALF AN INCH thick ... which is WAY overboard, but I'll make 'em if that's what you wanna do But a weight lifter belt is all about protecting your ABDOMEN WALL. Tell ya what, if you can put on a 1/8" thick leather belt, then stretch or otherwise alter it with your ab muscles, I'll GIVE you a 1/2" thick belt Likewise, 2 layers of leather plus a "layer" of glue plus a "layer" of thread will hold up 3 pounds of pistol and ammo. For a L O N G time, if it was built correctly with quality materials.
  21. That's what I'd do too. If you sold me a tool that doesn't do what it's supposed to do, I'd be asking you what the problem is.
  22. https://www.jlsleather.com/hand-made-well-made/
  23. Have em cut 10 of each. Apparently, there are people LINING UP to pay $25 U.S. for a "template" of a rectangle
  24. Granite. Far cheaper than marble, and incredibly durable. MN is covered with it, and MN been there a long time. ETA: Concrete is a no-go. Okay for cutting on, even pushing on, but not for hammering. Concrete CHIPS under impact (you may have heard of jack HAMMERS) Park a truck on it if it's thick enough, but IMPACT is bad.
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