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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. Ah, yeah.. the sun tan finish. Up here, that would take month and a half! Course, we aint got trucks no more. After yet another person called wanting 'favors', we got rid of all of those, including the dump box. You know the type... can't remember to mention that we got too many steaks and too much beer, but when they ready to move to new house they remember Jeff owns trucks
  2. I hadnt' really considered the leather weight, as W/C does split if asked.. I think down to about 2/3 oz.
  3. If you're playing, then continue to play - that does NOT suck Is the darker part due to oil not set, or just the lighting? If you have a "job" that you "get back to", I guess that means you separate it. Which is a requirement for me. Years back, I fired this guy. I provided his phone, and when I got the bill I saw it was INSANE. HOURS of phone calls every day. When I jumped on him about it, he said I shouldn't care because he was going to pay that bill (which was north of $400 for one month). But HOW was he going to pay it? With his check, that he gets from us. But the calls were made during hours he was getting paid to work. So basically, he thought I should be "okay with" paying him to talk on the phone, as long as he paid me back for the phone that I pay for ?!@$!@#$ IF that's hard to say, imagine trying to grasp that he ACTUALLY MEANT IT. Nope - that guy is GONE. What a guy working for me does before or after work is none of my business. But few can work for me. Not that I'm "so" hard to get along with, but I expect you to be doing what I'm paying you to do. And that's actually the EXCEPTION these days. And what a guy who doesn't work for me does is none of my business, whether he's at work or not. But there are some things a guy can do that will get him uninvited to dinner at Jeff's --- and above describes one of 'em. I actually had one guy BRAG to me that he cashed a check for $1k each week and had managed not to do any actual work for at least 3 weeks. I don't hang out much with people who lack integrity and then defend it with "my boss is cool with it".
  4. I wasn't talking to you OR about you. IN fact, if you hadn't quoted me, I would probably not have realized you meant me.
  5. Because of the volume of sales put through those places. They don't care about that, either. They'll have processing costs of course, but since they're getting a significant cut of the sale without actually DOING anything to make the goods, they'll survive that. It may be that these places actually LOBBY FOR IT - since the "little guy" doesn't want to 'mess with' all that tax processing, these large sites become more of a lure. For example, some might say -- instead of dealing with all that tax "stuff", I'll just sell on Cutesy where all that is done FOR me. And it IS computed by that site... but you should ask your tax people how you should record that - I wouldn't know how to do that (yet). I only list a few things on Cutesy, and not at all on Ebay or Amazon, and if this complicates that I'll eliminate the Cutesy "store". I use Square for card processing, seems to work well. But I have to calculate tax myself. Sometimes get emails about creating a Square "store", which i have not done, and I do not know if that "store" includes such tax processing.
  6. Oh, I did say federal law, didn't I? Actually, it's a nationwide issue, but not "federal" (hence, not all states). But no, you're not in "one of those states". It's not a question of where YOU are... it's a matter of where the BUYER is. It's a bit of a mess, and even tax people are saying it's likely to take a few YEARS to get all of it ironed out. Compounded, of course, by people. Some will say they're a "business" on social sites and to avoid paying tax on materials. SOME of those will even bother to register with local / state entities. Then at tax time, they're "just a hobby" If you're making a few things a month, probably well under the radar as far as minimum $ requirements. Course, there's the question of - if nobody notices your delinquency, is it even worth being in it? But I wouldn't rely on "i didnt get a notice". I once "got a notice" that I owed more tax FROM THREE YEARS BACK. You can of course argue that if you like, but you will pay it in the end ...
  7. Well, I've made a bit of holsters over the years, and I've dun a tad o' toolin' here 'n' there But I haven't used much harness leather at all. Maybe a bit biased, but I'm for taking the word of somebody who pays the bill in leather WORK over somebody who makes internet posts from a "job" while they're taking money from somebody else for supposedly doing something ELSE - and plays at leather Course, I've made my share of purchases that didn't work out so well. Sometimes what didn't work for doing this is perfectly fine for doing that. And that should be assumed ANYWHERE really. Some around here love to go on about Hermann Oak leather. I'd be one of them. But even at HO, not all leather is created equal. They have GRADES of skins for a reason. Seems every month there's yet another "reseller" wanting top dollar for sub-par and discount hides. If IT'S ME sending you leather, then I can personally attest to what you're getting. I wont be responsible for what somebody else sends you - so if that makes you discount my advice... fair enough.
  8. I would have leaned toward NOT using the harness leather, but I'm happy to defer to what @BigSiouxSaddlery says (and not too many others round here).
  9. My mistake. Once again, I thought a guy was looking for ACTUAL INFORMATION. These days, I routinely ignore the fact that most people ask a question either to have a pointless conversation or simply to get attention. Originally, I assumed we were talking about this color. But if I was wrong and we just have a couple hours to do nothing but post about things that really don't matter, let me know and I'll leave you to it. Which you would get by adding black (technically "grey" to yellow). Yeah, it looks "green-ish", but that's because the black would suggest "blue" and the green would contain yellow, which only means there's more than one way to arrive at that shade. BTW .. Google thinks "olive drab" is about a jillion colors. There is in fact an olive drab "color pallette"... https://www.color-hex.com/color-palette/42715
  10. I admit it .. I had to look up "OD green" despite former jarhead. Irritating after all these years I still lace left over right !@!@#!@$!@#$# I assume you're referring to Olive Drab, not Oculus Dexter. And I don't think that is "A" color. But, a color picker pointed at that DW 1911 says that color (at lest in the picture) is R119, G121, B78. Which it looks like would be obtained by adding grey (black) to yellow.
  11. JLSleather


    Pretty much what i do right there. Don't remember where I got that, but I do remember using 5" from center hole to tip and I frequently (30% of the time?) was asked to make the tip end 1" longer, so I now do them all that way unless requested otherwise.
  12. So you're talking about taking a lefty OWB "pancake" holster, and putting loops on the INSIDE of it, to be worn as a right hand IWB? I 'get' the idea, and you have a point. You'd think it would be less concealed though.. might be more conspicuous. Other than that, 1000 guys making those "50/50" rigs today.. not much different than what you're talking about - so yeah, a guy could do that. Maybe a better plan to build the right hand version, then shim the loops out if you think it's necessary. Simple enough put a rubber washer or leather "pad" under teh loops.
  13. Honestly, I aint a BIG fan of bargrounders, and I don't like the "halo" around the brand / letters (on ANY project, not just yours). But overall look is nice, Kid. And I like the stitchin' ya dun there, too. Never used thoroghbred leather, though I have talked with them and almost you make me wanna try it
  14. 1/4" difference in the diameter of the cylinder wouldn't matter to me at all. BUT... do the 3200 and the 3500 use the same "stuff".... pretty sure the bobbins and feet are interchangeable, but with a difference in cylinders the holster plate, slotted plate, stirrup thingie likely won't be. Bob can tell you in less time than it take me to type this, but might ask IF that's a consideration for you.
  15. From the album: Stuff 'n' things

    Because sometimes simple is exactly what ya need ;)

    © 2019 JLS

  16. From the album: Stuff 'n' things

    3-piece (once the belt is done) set for the Bond Arms Bullpup 9

    © 2019 JLS Leather

  17. Are you emotionally attached to it? Is it "special" leather? Instead of spending money and time on things that "might" or "could" work, I'd personally likely sell that leather for what i can reasonably get. Do what you're going to do. Buy more leather when you're ready for it. Cash travels (and stores) quite well.
  18. My latest machine was a bit north of $2500, one before that was about half that (not the same model). Do I think the price is inflated for what it is? Yup. But i paid it because I figured the benefit was worth it at the time. I have no idea what the "dealer" paid for it, or any taxes or duties involved. Nor do I care. That one machine, girl wanted $1200 and I paid. If she said $1500 she'd still own it. But WHY she set the price the way she did is neither my business nor my concern. She could tell me long stories about "overhead" and "all the work that goes into making the video about it"... NEITHER of which is my issue. Truth is, you pay that stuff every day. Stop and get coffee, and you're paying for the new parking lot, the lights, that girl behind the counter, (even the day she calls in sick), her insurance,.... and on and on. Now, NONE of that is my problem - and I could just go make my own coffee. SOMETIMES, I like to just pay a bit for the stuff that's already done. I do try to steer away from the coffee girls who say stupid things (i mean, I do shop selectively). NOW THEN... I return you to the regularly scheduled (originally asked) question: WHICH is the best machine, which I will leave to people more knowledgeable than myself. Maybe I'll go make a video about picking sewing machines... making a video "about" something obviously requires no actual knowledge of the subject ....
  19. No, hey -- I 'get' it. Good while back I saw this one.... didn't order it, though. I see now says not available. Looks JUST like that cobra thing, don't it?@! When I saw it available, it was priced about 40% of what that cobra sells for, making that some VERY expensive paint job. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2019484089.html?spm=2114.01020208.3.9.tLdJ5p&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_1_71_72_73_74_75,searchweb201527_1,searchweb201560_9 Even the "add-ons"... drop down edge guide was like $30 (not 90).. with no minimum order required and if they charged me a "tariff" it was so small I didn't catch it Like ya say, guy has to shop just a bit (or should anyway). Other day I looked ebay for some "dummy" guns I couldn't find... and what i found was there are many 'dummy guns" available at many retailers in the $50-60 range... now offered on ebay (same brand, same gun) at $60-100. I don't know why anybody would be uninformed enough to pay that, but it must happen or they wouldn't be there, right?
  20. Don't think I would do an acrylic. You can change out the word "acrylic" of the word "paint", generally. Acrylics, like paint, sit on top of the leather rather than penetrate it. They may discolor ("stain") the leather but they are not a permanent solution for any item that sees actual use. If you're making something like a wall hanging that just gets viewed, then acrylics are likely fine. For something that will actually see USE, I'd certainly lean toward a dye or, alternately, a stain. I have used their stains in walnut, black, and mahogany with good results, but -- down side, I don't know that FIebing's has a BLUE stain. I'd opt for the DYE. Depending on the shade you want, you might THIN IT and then THIN IT AGAIN. The navy is nearly black if applied full strength, but it can be thinned to transparent or anywhere between.
  21. Yeah, it's a TWO 38 , but 'preciate the effort. Well, @wayner apparently not coughing up the design, so I guess I'm going to rework that one. Not a problem.. there was maybe something I could have done better than that version anyway
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