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Gregg From Keystone Sewing

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Everything posted by Gregg From Keystone Sewing

  1. I don't think so, but I'll check too. I had to look up the model, never heard of the 21W, looks like a very old needle feed top load. Interesting and very nice looking model.
  2. Check the timing using the needle bar. Most 199RB made by Stager in Japan like your Consew have timing marks on the needle bar. Bottom ring is for BDC or bottom dead center from the bottom of the needle bar rock frame, and then turn the handwheel over in a sewing motion or counter clockwise and the upper ring on the needle bar is inline with the bottom.
  3. Looks like you need new take up roller and stud, too.
  4. Send pics, or post them here, we can all have a look at it. It's not like we have a lot of other things going on right now.
  5. Well, if you are ever in Philadelphia and I have one on hand...That guy is about 363 Kilo, or 800LBS. Here's a spec sheet for the machine see attached. CordesSpecsGreggNotes.pdf
  6. We had a Pfaff 335 that was rebuilt in new like condition. It was missing three or four parts, available genuine Pfaff only. Total cost on needed parts? Well over $800USD ten years ago. We can only get say $1,000 for the machine rebuilt on a new stand. So, investing $800 was not a good plan. I forget what happened the machine eventually, but the point is that it may be more cost effective to just buy another machine than to go down the rabbit hole with these two. But, I don't know.
  7. Good information here already. Here's a video I made that may help explain hook timing and needle distance on YouTube Click Here
  8. Agreed, this is the first thing I thought of. It's actually pretty common, and a good feed setup for some people.
  9. That was a great motor, really one of the 1st servos that really worked the way people wanted.
  10. All good stuff, and BTW we spoke on the telephone, all is well and everyone is happy.
  11. We like the motor a lot too. It's been very reliable. I DO have concerns about adding a speed reducer into the mix, as I have not had a lot of luck with my testing. I love the simple plus and minus button that makes it easy to change speed at 100RPM at a time without a complex timed button sequence. Also, the motor is a real torque monster, and may not even need a reducer, but depending on your work, the reducer is key. As for the motor, your FedEx shipment was canceled, not your order. This morning she said that the motor is on the way, scheduled for delivery today via UPS. All the best, glad that you are enjoying the motor.
  12. I've got one more... PfaffNumberSystem.pdf
  13. I have no idea if this will work on the Singer 132K6, but someone else may know. These are popular machines from what I'm told in your area. 1249 is the current Seiko number for their current model SK-2B-1, here is the parts book link, CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
  14. 267 Service Book See above link, section 2.4 I think will help. Obviously, this is for a different model, but this may help if you apply this to your model machine.
  15. Looks great, that is an odd size. We hosted a an exchange student from Salamanca over two summers, and then went to stay with his family, in Salamanca for two weeks. We had their old apartment, and they were more than accommodating. It was a great two weeks they took us everywhere and treated us like family.
  16. Is it a tapered bore pulley? Some new and old motors still used them, and you can get them in a variety of sizes if that's the case.
  17. Thanks for sharing, the images look a lot like part of Philadelphia here in the United States.
  18. Seiko STW-8B. also known as a Consew 226R-1. Top loading G bobbin.
  19. I thought this was going to be another 'I invented the bobbinless lockstitch' topic.
  20. Nice. Add one more to the digital library.
  21. I did read that this is the book that you are looking for, maybe I misunderstood that part. I'll see what I can dig up for us on Monday. If they made one we should be able to find a way to get this engineer manual. It does not appear to be floating around anywhere on the web.
  22. They are talking about changing the SC-920's control box setting values, or parameters as I would call them. What the DNL-9010A Owners Manual does not cover will be covered in the SC-920 Engineer's Manual. That's the explanation as how I understand it.
  23. CLICK HERE this may be anything and everything ever printed for the DLN-9010A, I'm not sure.
  24. PM sent thanks for asking.
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