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Everything posted by Aven

  1. Talk about up-scaling your work space and storage. Congrats on the new play space. I am a wee bit jealous as well.
  2. Aven

    Maker Mark

    I second the motion.
  3. Tony, you are absolutely correct. I quoted the price for 8 oz, not #8 which is $18.61/yard. But I'm still seeing yours at $40/yard. And I can't remember another supplier that does offer canvas. I do realize that you guys are doing this as a favor to us by offering it and I do appreciate that you are willing to offer a non-leather item. But for me, it isn't a good buy. Now with that said, if this is the only thing I find that isn't a good buy, then that leaves a whole lot that is. As I said, I have purchased from you guys in the past and I will do it in the future, just not canvas.
  4. Congrats! Looking forward to the pics.
  5. Dang! That was a heck of a trip. Google Maps says its a 20.5 hrs trip just to get there. You guys were hauling, but it looks like it was well worth the trip.
  6. @BattleAx Sorry about the short highjack. Your bag turned out very nice. It looks like it is the perfect size to use on a daily commute. Love the canvas and leather look. Nice job.
  7. I completely agree with supporting our sponsors. And I get that it isn't something that you would expect them to carry. They are doing us a favor by carrying it and I expect it to be a bit more expensive. But its not just a bit more expensive, it's 2.8 times more expensive, ($40/yard vs 14.20/yard) and that is just too much of a difference. It's almost an insult to us. I have bought from Springfield in the past and will buy from them again. But it won't be their canvas.
  8. I sat here laughing with my morning coffee because I did the very same thing. Went through everything and pulled out duplicates, sorted them into piles, good, bad and why do I have this, and well, except for the very small ugly pile, I'm just not sure I want to part with them right now. Its good to have back ups right? Might drop and break something and then what? It'll take days, weeks to replace it if I can find what I'm looking for. Most of my hand tools are ebay finds and are older then me and I'm working on being old. Your shop is coming along nicely. You'll get it where you want it to be. Must say, I am jealous of your heavy iron. I would love to have a 3200.
  9. Aye, Springfield carries Martexin, but at about twice the cost as Fairfield Textile. And Fairfield has more color options. It really pays to comparison shop sometimes.
  10. Sewing With Leather is all about sewing garments. Tandy has the paper version and an ebook version. If you need a pattern look for Missouri River Mountain Man patterns. There are a couple on ebay now.
  11. Great job by you and your kids. Do you play music while you stitch? Staying focused on what I'm doing, especially if it's repetitive, can a challenge for me. I've found the music I'm listening to influences my stitching. If its rocking hard, I tend to pull my stitches tighter and work a bit faster. Since music creeps into my stitching, I'm picky about what I play now, especially if I have other things on my mind and my hands go on autopilot while I'm distracted by whatever is going on in my head.
  12. My email inbox was stuffed with Black Friday deals, including one from Village Video, the guys that shot Jason's video. If you were waffling about getting the video, now's the time to do it. The email: Get 40% off all streaming videos or DVDs through Monday Use the promo code gratitude Learn to understand the language of birds with Bird Language Learn to make our own turnshoes Learn to make a Rocket Mass Heater It’s also the last few days to pre-order our boot making video for a discount! http://villagevideo.org/store
  13. Have you checked with C.H.Holderby? They are up on 12th Ave. I know they carry new, but they also have a stash of used sewing machines. They don't list their used inventory, but it can't hurt to call. 206 622 6646
  14. And that your ruler is flat. Weaver Leather Supply sells a non-slip tape. It's great for rulers and squares. The leather doesn't move when you press down. Hopefully you can find something similar locally.
  15. Grüß Gott Fynn. Welcome. I like what you have done. I like that it doesn't look like something you see everywhere. Nice job.
  16. I tried that, but I couldn't get the skin to toughen up, it kept splitting open all the way down to muscle on me right hand. So I made finger covers. I made four leather finger covers out of soft leather that was about 8~9 oz. Think fingers cut off of a glove, with the tips cut off. I made them tight enough to stay on, but not so tight I couldn't bend my fingers. Basically they are a wrap. Wrapped the leather around the finger I wanted to protect and used binder clamps to snug the leather. Once I figured out how tight I wanted them, I sewed a simple seam down the length. I'd show you picture, but I don't have a camera at the moment.
  17. A stitching pony is a great thing to have. Really cuts down on frustration while stitching. But if you decide you want/need a stitching horse check out pages 98-104 https://ia802605.us.archive.org/32/items/farmwoodwork00roeh/farmwoodwork00roeh.pdf
  18. Ebay is good for finding likely candidates for new straps
  19. That's what I did. I used the old strap as a guide to design the new one.
  20. Zayne, last are complex things. One of the things that they are not is a copy of your feet. And a shoes made on a bad last can mess up your feet. Walrus Shoes carries a last making book and DVD. I'd suggest getting both. And if you want to chat about it, Larry, the owner or Walrus Shoe, is a very knowledgeable and helpful guy. http://www.walrusshoe.com/books_pages/lasts.htm I realize you aren't interested in carving a pair of last, but the book will help you refine whatever you chose to use with proper measurements.
  21. Slippers as in house slippers or are you talking about a slip-on shoe? House slippers tend to be a softer construction that doesn't require a last per se. Do you have a picture of what you are trying to do?
  22. If you are still stalled for ideas, there is always Pinterest.
  23. If you are willing to go a bit farther there is https://www.chicagoschoolofshoemaking.com/ If you are up for a trip to the other coast, Jason Horvatter is in Portland. He teaches unlasted style of shoemaking. Jason made a video for making Scandinavian turnshoes. I have taken several classes with Jason and have the video. It's like being in class with him. And they are finishing up on the video for the internal stitch down work boot. It should be done in a month or so, hopefully sooner. http://laughingcrowe.com/
  24. Your work never ceases to amaze and astound me.
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