Hi guys, it's been awhile since I commented. We all know that in this day and age we have words that are "installed" in to marketing that give advertising to give the feel of "genuine" (opposite of honest) to fool the masses into believing it is a quality item! Like when news reporters comment that Trudeau or camala are genuine candidates (meaning low end or trashy) some will believe they can trust that installed politician and they will not question the motives
When you hear the term "Vegan Leather" the smarter folks will know it's plastic table cloth material or some type of highly processed lawn clippings. If you purchase a Walmart belt and you have a small waist that belt is designed to last a specific length of time (like 12 weeks). If your belt has to work harder its life is considerably shorter (6 weeks if you're lucky) and those Walmart belts cost about $12. Buying a real leather (not genuine) is penny wise (not the clown) dollar smart. Most folks don't understand that "genuine" is the bottom of the barrel or (for a term we can all understand) garbage!
And for our guys that make belts or straps, any type of layering makes things stronger (like plywood) and more efficient. Sandwiching a length of genuine leather between two top grain lengths will definitely make it last longer.
and when punching holes in belts try using an oval shape instead of a round one. The buckle tongue will lie down better and not poke straight out.
And remember all globalist make genuine politicians!!!