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Everything posted by Sylvia

  1. Did anyone get an answer from this fellow?
  2. Wow! you reinvented the sewing awl. Pretty clever with the shuttle.
  3. Hi franko: At least you didn't put your servo motor into reverse on accident like I did once. lol I was befuddled for a long time until David at Cobra sent me a PDF on how to fix that. Take your time, you'll get this sewing thing down in no time at all.
  4. If you are talking about a single toe outer foot, you need to remember that you put the one on that allows the inside foot be closest to the thing you are sewing up next to. So if you have your D-ring on the left side of the sewing area... you need to use the right single toe outer foot, so that your inner foot will ride right next to the D ring.
  5. It is a deal at that price... but cripes... not going to be me. I'm not where near you so "free local pick up" is not happening. Too bad too, I've been looking into clicker dies. Oh well.
  6. Wishing Everyone a Happy Valentine's Day.

  7. One person suggested needle felting, but thought the fibers would be too short. You could go with the felting idea, but flat felting rather than needle felting. (Soapy hot water, Agitate the wool in the water, pat the wool flat, allow to dry. ) If you have enough you could end up with nice thick wool felt that could make nice cozy warm insoles for your shoes or moccasins.
  8. Thanks Ray: I'm also a marketing person. I'd like to point out one thing you didn't include. "word of mouth" Be good to your customers and they will be good to you and tell everyone they know about your service, products,etc. Alternatively... they can give you bad press as well. Anyway, thanks for sharing. While I don't fully agree with everything you've listed, I think you have provided some great information.
  9. I guess it would depend on if I'm going to be cutting the shape of the item I'm making or if I am preparing a pattern for the design on the piece. If I am making a cutting pattern, I would use something sturdy that lasts. I've used aluminum flashing shaped with tin snips, and I've used Cereal box cardboard. If I am preparing a design, I like SEE Through material. The reason is it makes it easier to place and trace the design correctly. For this I use transparencies like Teachers used to use, as well as sheet protectors that can be opened out to make a bigger piece. I just print the design, lay my clear over the top and trace with a permanent marker. Then I lay that over the leather and trace again with a stylus or with a dulled pencil or empty ball point pen. I can tape it down and not tear the paper when it's removed. I can pin through it, if placement is critical. I also have some vinyl, but my vinyl is clear and a few mils thick. I get mine from my local True Value, for about $5-$6 a linear yard. (it's 48" wide I think)
  10. Sylvia


    i like this a lot
  11. Checking mine. abcdefghi Nope fine on Chrome
  12. Maybe you aren't seeing it, but when I clicked start new topic I got an editor. I can change font colors, put in a smilie, link, and attach photos in the write area, via a little picture in the middle of the second row sort of below the smilie button. I've found that the page your picture in the gallery is not going to work, you have to click the picture, right click it in the new view, and click copy picture location. Then come back here and click the add photo icon and paste the url. Like this. nice wallet btw.
  13. Thanks Redtail: Good idea. I can get them printed at the next town over for $5 each. I don't know many people here and none who work for an engineering office.
  14. Sylvia

    Palanske unfolded.jpg

    Neat little bit of history. Thanks for sharing!
  15. Bob Park has a book out. "Creating Western Floral Designs" that is something you should look at. BTW... I've been chastised for calling all western florals "sheridan" lol Maybe the books you seek are not entitled Sheridan? If you contact him here and ask for particulars I'm sure he would be happy to sell you a copy. Here's a link to the "Bob Likewise book" http://www.oregonleatherco.com/books/sheridan-style-carving-6013-01
  16. The only advantage to Stamp.com is they give you a free postal scale ... (at least they used to) I mostly use Paypal for shipping... because it allows first class as well as parcel post and priority. It's just more convenient for me.
  17. I have a number of Leathercraft Library files that I would like printed in large format. I am no where near a kinkos and I would rather have them printed by someone I know. one particular file I need printed says the full size is 28"x 44".
  18. I was wondering if anyone has or uses a plotter. I would like to print some of my LCL patterns on a large format machine. My city doesn't have a service that can do that...
  19. bug bites and or range marks... yep yep. Embrace them and make them part of your design.
  20. I agree with Itch. To further protect the machine, go to home depot or lowes and get some of that polystyrene sheathing in the 1.5 inch thickness. Cut pieces to wedge under the harp and around the entire head in your plywood box. It's light weight, about $30 a sheet and is easily cut with a kitchen knife or saws-all.
  21. A teacher pointed at me with a ruler and said "At the end of this ruler is an idiot." I got detention when I asked "Which end?"

    1. ReneeCanady


      LOL! I must facebook to much because I just looked for the "like" button.

    2. Sylvia
    3. Billie Jo Brause

      Billie Jo Brause

      LOL, I'm a teacher, I love that one....but I think I would have given them the mop and said go ahead and clean the shop floor;)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  22. Biggest I've ever seen online is 3". However, if you have a blacksmith near you it might be worth your time to go talk to him. He may be able to make one for you.... just a thought.
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