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Anacott Steel

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Everything posted by Anacott Steel

  1. Think I've discovered my special leathcraft talent. Its a unique and without wishing to sound a bragard, exceptional talent of being able to take a small imperfection and through great effort turn it into a monumnetal stuff up

    1. kiwican


      You sir or Madam are not the only one who shares that super power, we need to form a league

    2. sos


      HA! The league of distinguished....

  2. sometimes waiting is the hardest part of leatherwork...but usually its the burnishing, tooling,dyeing...

    1. DoubleC


      LOL, measuring, cutting, sewing.....

    2. LNLeather


      Always enjoy a Short Wait for an order from Springfield Leather...

    3. Toolerlass
  3. I think this Tandy video is a good guide : http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com.au/en-aud/Setting-Snap-Fasteners-Line-24-S.aspx The only advice I would add is 1) tap gently at first. Don't belt the hell out of it and 2) file down the shaft/s if they are too long for the thickness of leather you are using. Around 3mm above the leather is enough. Lastly you could always buy a hand press, something like this : http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com.au/en-aud/search/site-search-results.aspx?sectionpath=3&processor=content&p_keyword=Hand+press ......but they are not cheap. Just my 2 cents worth anyway.
  4. Wifes taken bub out, ACDC's playing and I'm at the bench working on leather. Does life get any better.

  5. Many thanks for your help guys. Dwight - excellent idea about folding it over. Will give that a go. cheers
  6. Many thanks guys. Any advice on keeping the edged from fraying ?
  7. Hey all. Just after some advice on gluing fabric to leather - say as a lining in a book cover. 1. what glue are people using - and how are you applying it ? brush, spray can.... 2. how do you stop the edges from fraying ? I have had some success with clear nail polish, but suspect there is a better way. any help, always appreciated Don
  8. Feeling like a fraud because I am incapable...INCAPABLE ! of using a round knife...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. lightningad


      i love mine! but it does need to be ultra sharp, and it takes a little getting used to.

    3. Spinner


      might be you're using the wrong size. Some folks love the large ones like the Tandy size but there are many makers how make smaller ones like the Leather Wranglers "Mini Lui" and the Fields Hybrids that I find are easier to control.

    4. Spinner


      might be you're using the wrong size. Some folks love the large ones like the Tandy size but there are many makers how make smaller ones like the Leather Wranglers "Mini Lui" and the Fields Hybrids that I find are easier to control.

  9. Leatherwork is humbling. Just when you think you've come ahead in leaps and bounds..Bam !..disaster...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DoubleC


      Happens to the best of us, and I'm not one of those LOL

    3. Hillbilly tim

      Hillbilly tim

      It bit me in the behind today!!

    4. JLSleather


      The worst mistakes are made by those who think they don't make any.

  10. That would be going "straight to the pool room". It's way too nice to actually use ! Really first class work.
  11. Having just airbrushed a piece and feeling light headed as I stupidly was using a t-shirt as a respirator mask, your post reminded me of a great post in this forum about how just toxic dies can be - particularly the oil based ones if I recall. Guess health and safety is usually front of mind when we are using tools but not so when it comes to inhaling potentially damaging chemicals, so thanks or the heads up / reminder Oink.
  12. How a tambourine ended up on work bench....

  13. Hi Quinatt. I have C.S. Osborne hole punches and strap end punches. Very happy with them. https://www.osborneleathertools.com/index.php
  14. Nice work. Love the barbed wire. Can never get mine aligned properly !
  15. Wouldn't have picked the red as die. Would have guessed acrylic. It's a beautiful piece. Thanks for posting.
  16. I love how the antique looks. Did you apply that with a sponge or some other method ? It's little details like the groove in the closing strap that make the difference between what could have been ok to what has turned out be great. Thanks for posting
  17. Excellent video and much appreciated. For those like me who learn by seeing rather than reading videos like this are just awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  18. 2 days till summer and nothing but rain and dark clouds :(

  19. Amazing how a small change can make such a big difference. Love it - especially the colour.
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