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Everything posted by mikesmith648

  1. Springfields HO ones are not bad..the "low grade" ones are from Tandy....Cut your own is another option
  2. nice................now I know what I want to do with all them rattlesnakes around me.......gotta catch em first though
  3. might try wetting the fringe and placing it in between something to hold it flat while it dries....that should help fix the problem. I have a friend that does that to make the curl stay in place. should work both ways
  4. also as far as work area.......If it is too big....move to the floor Moving the piece around to get it to work is going to cause problems.....JMHO
  5. I am building one too when I get back home...will post pics as they develop
  6. mikesmith648

    My stuff

    Just starting this, so this will have a little of everything for now!!
  7. Dang........I am only off Monday thru Wednesday
  8. when will you be in Elko?? I am in Winnemucca thru next week
  9. My suggestion would be to contact the King museum directly or possibly even Barry King.....they would know for sure.....
  10. that appears to be just an antique. Looks to be mahogany or a dark brown. Make sure to get it into the impressions and then buff lightly to remove from the raised areas and let it set in the low areas and it will look very similar. Mike
  11. definitly trim the sheeps wool... several coats usually work better and thin it some.
  12. Only thing I would suggest is working on beveling technique....try to walk the tool and keep from getting "chatter" marks. Other than that it looks really good. Welcome to my addiction...lol
  13. I think the knife is terrible and you should send to me for disposal.....and send the sheath too!! LOL....looks great and they will be really nice together. Mike
  14. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CFAQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.siruba.co.uk%2FSinger%252029K%2520Instructions.pdf&ei=_OL6UK_tBayr2AX-2YDQCA&usg=AFQjCNFFLvYB7jeB_jvpk1-rT0NmZodkyg&bvm=bv.41248874,d.b2I above is a link to the manual...HTH
  15. that is cast pewter and will shatter if you try to peen it...it needs a copper washer (so it is soft enough to bend without a lot of pressure) and put it on similar to doing a copper rivet.......BUT DON"T PEEN IT!!! Either that or if you have patience and a very small drill bit. you can cross drill it and pit a cotter pin and washer on it.............but that might cause injury so not recommended
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