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Everything posted by mikesmith648

  1. Some people should learn how to spell / and / or use spell check. Especially if you are going to criticize someone elses work.......Also, if it isn't constructive criticism, then you should keep it to yourself!!

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Cyberthrasher


      Here Here Mike!!! :)

      I've had the "fortune" of dealing with a few people who are supposed to be "experts" in their field, and yet they act like they're terrified of any competition whatsoever. I try to HELP people succeed, not hold back information in hopes that they won't take away my business!! If you have to worry about competition, then you better stop and take a good look at your work and practices to see why that is.

    3. mikesmith648


      I totally agree Cyber!!!

    4. TwinOaks


      The 'starp cutter' was a 'good and quite silly' type of bad.

  2. I would contact Jax on here..........she went to school for that.
  3. looks good.......watch Nigel's stitching tutorial and keep it consistant for a good looking stitch
  4. Nice rig...how do you like those welker stamps??
  5. in the banner ads at the top of the page
  6. it would depend on the size of the throat and how thick you want to go.........and the size thread you want to use.......I suggest calling Bob Kovar or Steve at the liknks above and discussing your needs with them to see what type of machine would best suit your needs. They also have used machines but mainly would steer you in the right direction
  7. if you are going to get a singer .... get a 15-91 as it is gear drive and will sew light weight leather.......a belt drive won't do very good
  8. it is going on a Telecaster in Austin, TX......this thing has already been literally "around the world"
  9. Just a pick guard that Chancey and I did............I tooled it and mailed it to Finland....and then the magic and final result occurred! Thanks to Chris for the opportunity to participate on this project.
  10. contact beaverslayer or Johanna direct with a PM
  11. List in for sale section. Include price. condition, pictures and location and whether you are willing to ship.
  12. Make that 3 of us...................the making of a trend???
  13. Springfield Leather is one...........best would be Ohio Travel Bag
  14. putting it in the sun will actually darken the leather.....think suntan.....A deglaser would take off the finish better and not scratch the leather and would also remove some of the finish.....if its not chrome tanned leather.JMHO
  15. Looks really cool....my only negative comment is on the hole for the buckle tang............all that work and you didn't finish that one hole.......just distracting to me But the belt itself is beautiful!!
  16. Really nice.....I am waiting on my patterns to come in and then I will be attempting a set also.
  17. I am no expert. But here goes my thoughts You realize the maximum thickness capability is 7/16"? For about the same money you can get a used 441 clone and increase your sewing capability. Other than that is seems like a reasonable machine. I am sure Wiz and Trox will chime in soon with other recommendations,
  18. I agree with Ken.......
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