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Everything posted by mikesmith648

  1. I want the harness like that...........and you can send the dog with it too.....Looks nice
  2. the stain is a liquid that you would put on by either dipping, sponge, dauber, etc....I imagine if you thinned it enough you might be able to spray it.....I don't use it so I am not sure... the finish is a paste...........I use this one exclusively..........but not the black. The paste is less messy and easier to get a uniform color with it. JMHO Mike
  3. Mike2 always does what he is told............ROFLMAO!!! Especially if Sylvia tells him to!!
  4. I would try acetone on a cloth and see if it will remove the contact cement.......should work and try not to get any on the finish or it will remove that too. JMHO and FYI..........I was born in Amarillo!!
  5. Tanner's Bond works well and dries fairly clear.........and it will not need so heavy a coat
  6. Dang it...........I am working the whole time!
  7. The spider looks good. I would be concerned with a dark color that would make the legs harder to see. Just about any color would work as long as it is lighter than the legs..JMHO
  8. maybe it is "corazone" meaning heart in spanish??
  9. I recieved the pattern....I am trying to redraw it , but like Sylvia said, there is no "flow". Give me some time and I will see what I can do to change it so that there is a visible flow. The way it is now it is just looking pieced together. I will try to keep a similar layout and also add "flow"
  10. the stuff you are looking for particle..............is liquid latex
  11. try looking for a foil embosser like those used on Books
  12. Nice work....Ugly model....LOL
  13. I would be interested in something like that
  14. white dye will work over vinagroon......as it will not bleed.....being that it is a light color over a dark color it may take several coats to cover .... but it will work...................................ask me how I know!! Vinegroon is a treatment that changes the leather chemically.....................it is not a dye!!! If you were going to use dye instead of vinegroon.....................disregard what I said and listen to the other guys because that is correct for dyed work
  15. I have the book.....which page is this design on?
  16. You should make a tutorial on how to do the lacing on that belt..........I for one would be grateful
  17. dang it Mike2............I was gonna say that!! Nigel .... could you use 2 kids...lol
  18. contact Ken Nelson on here.......he always has a machine or 2........and he checks them out and in good working order before he sells them I bought my Toro 3000 from him
  19. Nice looking...how is it holding up? Horizontal looks nice but I would personally worry about the knife falling out if the leather stretched. Just a thought. Been thru Lubbock many times....next time maybe we can meet and have lunch!
  20. we like pictures Brinven..........and welcome
  21. I do like the idea of a makers mark type business card/ tag to use to promote my business. But if and when I do decide to get one it will be of my own volition and design. And I agree that the forum is for everyone and "constructive" criticism is usually welcome and even encouraged. But it should be constructive and not attacking or demeaning in nature. It is of my opinion that Joyce is not attacking or demeaning in any way, rather she was stating her opinion about the making of a stamp in HER shop and that she prefers not to make them "unless they insist". We are all here to learn and grow and it is a blessing for all the help that others and myself have reaped from this forum. I thank all of you for the fellowship and friendship that I have had brought upon me in the time on here, and I will continue to share any knowledge I have and hope to learn even more as time goes on. Thanks for this forum.........and God bless you all!! ok....off MY soapbox
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