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Everything posted by Gump

  1. Was in Tandy's today, and they had a pile of Brazilian vegtan sides. It was the softest temper vegtan I have ever seen. It was almost as soft as milled vegtan. Anyway ,from what I have seen, Tandy buys from whoever has the cheapest leather. Some from Brazil, Mexico and Eastern Europe. If you can get to a store, you can find decent hides at Tandy by times, but it is not HO quality. Gump.
  2. Check Miami Sewing for a price. They normally have 1 or 2 for sale on their site. This will give you a baseline to go by. I have a 145 w 103, which is the 2 needle version of yours, and I can't get a bite at $1000 cdn. Gump.
  3. That explains why my needle clamp falls off on my 132 k 6. But one clamp will hold all the sizes I have as it is a band style clamp. Gump.
  4. I had a similar problem with my 153 w 103. It turned out that it was 1 tooth off on its timing belt. I took the belt off the bottom and jumped it one tooth, then I retarded the hook back to where it should have been and readjusted the tensions and it runs much smoother now. Gump.
  5. I found it odd that 328's have different shank sizes, so I checked mine, and they get bigger with the size of the needle. This is weird as all other systems I have checked have the same size shank, regardless of size. I guess that is why my 132 k 6 has a band type needle clamp, so it can use any needle that is the right length. Gump.
  6. Sometimes vegtan leather that has been surface sanded will be referred to as Top Grain. Full grain is the top layer, split or not. Gump.
  7. Doug; Sorry ,but its not in the chart , but the description labeled "points" in the text above the chart. And yes a round point forces open a hole instead of cutting one, therefor it closes up tighter and can be spaced closer without perforating the leather. Gump.
  8. Round point needles are described in Campbell's chart under " point". 135 x 17 is a round point and will not have any designation unless it is a special point. Gump.
  9. For softer chrome tan garment leathers, a round point needle will give you tighter holes and more spi are possible. For vegtan, I prefer chisel or diamond points and longer stitches. The size of needle depends a lot on the firmness of the leather, ie; softer leather can be sewn with a smaller needle because the thread pulls through soft leather easier and the hole doesn't need to be as large. Denser leather may need a larger hole to allow the knot to pull up. Gump.
  10. Gump

    Draw Gauge

    Hate to say it but you can't go wrong with the Original and a sharp injector blade. Gump.
  11. I think the problem lies in the description. A needle can have an LL or LR point, and 332's have LL as part of the system designation. You can have 332LL needles in either LL or LR point. If the 332's are to short, you may need 332LL's. My guess is that you need 332LL needles with an LR or LL point, so 332LL LR would be the designation. Confused yet?, hope this helps explain it. Gump. 332,s are shorter than 332LL,s, they are different systems.
  12. Evo: The needles you received have 29 x 4 on the package, that's the needles for a Singer 29 k patcher. They will also fit an Adler 30-10, which calls for 135 x 17 needles that are the same length from eye to the top of shank as the 29 x 4 needles. 29 x 4 needles are 45mm total length. Gump ps Constabularys chart shows 332 as the same as 29 x 4. The needles you received are mislabeled as 332 LL and are probably just 332's.
  13. The cheap Tandy punches work fine, after taking the time to reshape and sharpen the edges. I bought an Osbourne 1 1/4" that was twice as much as the Tandy ones because Tandy didn't make a cheap one at the time, and it needed to be reground and sharpened to work properly. Basically boils down to if you are willing to work on a cheaper punch or just bite the bullet and get ones ready to work. Gump
  14. My local plastics supplier suggested I use "ultra high molecular weight" poly, as it is preferred by stone masons for their mallets because it doesn't mushroom their chisels. It is quite dead and doesn't bounce much at all. I bought 2' of 2" dia. for $12cdn.,enough for 6 heads 4" long. Gump.
  15. Sounds like a Chicago screw to me. One half is slotted for a screw driver and the other is domed like a rivet for looks. Gump
  16. There is a Canadian company called Harness Hardware, and they have a large selection of high quality hardware. Gump
  17. There is only one machine that will do what you want, a 441 clone. I have flat bed machines that will handle #346, but to do what you want a cylinder arm is what you need. The only cyl. machine capable of #346 would be a 441 or clone thereof. A 133 Singer would handle that thread but is not triple feed. Gump.
  18. To sew light weight leather on that machine, you should try a #16 needle for #69 thread and at least 8 spi. You will have to back the top tension off, and possibly use a little less bobbin tension. Top thread shredding is usually caused by to much top tension. It can also be caused by the needle not being quite close enough to the hook, causing the hook to split the thread. Also, on light garment leather a round point needle will give you a tighter, neater stitch than a LR/LL leather needle. For the vegtan, I prefer a diamond point needle as it penetrates easier and produces a straight stitch line. Gump
  19. That indentation is caused by the center presser foot. It has a lump behind the needle hole that is supposed to push the stitches down into the leather. My Toro 3200 came with that foot, and after 3 projects, I decided that it had to go. It left those big marks you see on the bottom tip of the sheath, on every turn I made on my work. I ground the foot flat and polished it up and no longer get those ugly marks. The lump was rounded and it ran off one side or the other of the stitch line, leaving those marks. Gump
  20. Looks to be a tubular rivet setting machine. The rivets are pushed into the feed slot by the brushes, where they slide down to the setting dies. Those rivets are usually used on rough items like nail bags and tool pouches. Holes are not usually pre -punched as the rivet cuts its own hole. They are normally used in high production applications where looks aren't that important. Gump ps good score.
  21. Yes it is still here. Asking $1200 cdn. I mostly used it with only the inside needle in place, but it sews well with both needles in. It can also have the needle bar raised and use 794 system needles, which come in a larger selection of sizes and points. Gump
  22. This problem can also be caused by the feed dog not being high enough when the needle begins to penetrate the leather, allowing the leather to be pushed down by the upper foot , thus bending the edge of the leather down. It can also be caused by too large of a hole in the feed dog, allowing the leather to be pushed down into the slot in the feed dog. The slots in the feed dog can get worn to the point that it is too wide to support the edge of the leather. Check to see if the feed dog is pushing up on your work just as the needle/upper foot start to push down. Both feet and the needle should touch the leather at the same time, holding the work even and flat. Gump
  23. I am amazed that this machine could sew with twine of this size. Most patchers don't like anything over 92 bonded nylon. I have an Adler 30-10 that will use 138 on top, but its not happy about it. Gump.
  24. While you are looking, check out Artisan and Nick o sew as they also offer the same type of 441 clone. My Artisan Toro 3200 came with right and left toe zipper feet, double toe foot and edge guide. Landed cost was just under $3200, including shipping and brokerage. Gump
  25. It is a Vaper hvlp touch up gun with 0.8mm nozzle. The listed spray pattern is 7.1- 9.8". I purchased it at Princess Auto. It lists for $34.99 cdn. Gump
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