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Everything posted by SooperJake

  1. Wow that's nice! I love the scale pattern.
  2. Thanks to all for your responses. I forgot to ask what weight leather you are using for the keeper also, and whether you ever make a double keeper? I kind of like the look of the double myself.
  3. Orange is some mix of red and yellow. Brown is some mix of red and green. (Note there is yellow in both on account of green is yellow and blue. So, browns are some mixture of all 3 primary colors. Go to your local paint store or home improvement store or art supply store and buy a color wheel. I got mine at Lowes some years ago for a couple bucks. It may not have the color on it you are wanting but it will explain what to add to make the color you have change in the direction you want it to. You would add blue to orange to tilt it toward brown. Blue and yellow make green. Green and red make brown. The yellow is already in there when you have something orange. (Oddly the blue and red make violet also, so now you see why brown is such a muddy color, literally) Now I'll really throw you a loop. In the dye world, Black is actually REALLY dark blue. So you could add a touch of black to get a more brown color. One drop can be too much. I'd also suggest you contact the manufacturer of the dye you use for mixing advice. If they make the product themselves, they will have an expert on staff that will know how to alter the product.
  4. What's the prefered method of attaching the keeper on a gunbelt? The last plain belt I purchased a couple years or so ago was simply stapled...kinda cheesy. The most recent belt I made I used copper rivets but there was some slight discoloration of the leather around the rivet. Not terrible bad but... Also, is your keeper anchored or floating? Thanks
  5. I just made myself a belt recently ( about 2 months) following the basic advice that Lobo has given, above, with the exception of the way he cut his strips from the hide. I never thought of that. I am very happy with the results and have gotten several requests for belts when they saw mine. For a few weeks I carried a full size XDm .45 on it with a double mag to test the belt. That's 40 rounds of .45 and a pistol and 3 mags total. Heavy. It has been solid, with no sag,and the gun sits tight to my side. At first it felt odd, as it is like wrapping a barrel hoop around your waist compared to a typical department store belt, but you get used to it quick. I won't ever wear a store bought belt again. Also, I wouldn't go too light on the leather weight. A little extra thickness is a good thing.
  6. How well do the Kydex clips hold up? Seems like they would break fairly easy.
  7. I thought we might all put our heads together and come up with a belt clip we'd all like to have available. What would you like to see easily obtained on the market? I'd like something like this, for example, only cheaper- http://www.gsiintern..._4236_8629.html
  8. I am interested in hearing any and all thoughts and opinions on leather paddle holsters. Whether you like paddle holsters in general or not. If you currently build a style of them. All leather? Partly leather? Leather and Kydex? The general idea is simply an open forum conversation about this specific holster style. Pictures speak volumes, so please share if you can.
  9. SooperJake


    Lexol conditioner I assume, not the cleaner?
  10. I apply it with a damp piece of sheeps wool, trimmed short.. Work in a circular pattern and hurry up. I use small amounts and basically rub until the little bubbles disappear. ( a kind of thin foam develops at first) . Then, let it dry . That's been my best success with the product. As an aside, I think, looks-wise, that Tan Kote is my favorite finish. I wish it was more waterproof .
  11. What I find as interesting as the magnets in the pictures is the condition of the edges on that holster.
  12. Nice rig...not sure how I missed it back in October. Few questions: How secure is that type of belt clip if you had to yank the shooter out in despiration? Also, was the Pro Water Stain Tan straight out of the bottle or diluted, and how was it applied? Thanks.
  13. The illistration that Shooter posted makes more sense in relation the original disertation. IWB "hybrid" style holsters with a yard of leather. One brand even has its own tv show, more or less.
  14. Mike, why not SHOW us what you mean? Would sure help me out. Thanks
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