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Everything posted by Horrrk

  1. The site wouldn't open, Gorec..
  2. Love this, Bob!! The hammered effect reminds me of the copper table tops in my local pub, when I was a youth.. Ha! If you don't mind me asking, what tools did you use to achieve it.? Regards Phil
  3. NIce work, Paul.. I can't imagine how many hours you have in them, but they're quite stunning.. Regards Phil
  4. I agree.. The worst that can happen is that you're down a few Krona.. You never know, it might be a nice little money spinner for you.. Don't forget to post pics of the end result.!! Regards Phil
  5. Hi Jon.. Here's a link to a good thread on this.. Near the bottom of page 1, Twin Oaks's post gives you the idea.. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=23254 Hope that helps.. Phil
  6. Looking good.. Is that a list of guests, hand carved on the back of the album, Billy? There's no wonder it took you a while, if it is!! I like how you've done the strap with the barbed wire..nice detail.. Regards Phil
  7. Very nice work Legion.. I like this.. That spray can is doing well isn't it..LOL Love the effect.. Regards Phil
  8. Nice wallet there Legion..I like the design and the colours too The stencil is a great way of keeping things consistant..great idea to be able to use the single piece of acrylic.. Regards Phil
  9. Hi Deb, could you please email a copy over to me.. tbd-hawk AT hotmail DOT co DOT uk Many thanks for the share.. Phil
  10. In that case, I'll embellish that statement a little k47, as it didn't quite say what I meant.. I have worked with computers and know there's a level of competence required for using any software or hardware. What I meant was with regards to leatherwork competence when creating a design using the printing method. If you're stamping by hand, then credit to you..its nowhere near the same as hitting the Enter key.. IMHO Regards Phil
  11. So the stamping is done by hand and the picture is printed onto the leather.? Perhaps a level of hand tooling will satisfy folks that there is some craft going into the products.. I agree that there's probably a market for it, k47.. Personally, I also see belts for sale that are obviously produced with a rolling stamp and I just skirt past them, but there is a market for them, or else they wouldn't be there. As far as I'm concerned, I think the printing sits somewhere along the same lines as the products that have lasered designs on them. What lasered work I've seen, is intricate, but doesn't interest me as far as any level of competence.. The skill level required to make an item goes down with every machine used and is instantly reproducible, therefore not really a custom piece. I can see why you ran into some hostility with the printed part of your business, but to me its not much different to these methods I've mentioned. Some people will buy the printed, rolled and lasered products, but not me.. Just my honest opinion Regards Phil
  12. Haha!! I was thinking the same thing Mike.!! Your niece definitely needs the protection, Bill, but I think the elks will have to wait in line..lmao!! :rofl: Nice work anyway, Bill.. I'm sure she's proud to wear it.. Regards Phil
  13. Looks good, Eric..should keep you nice and warm now winter is back upon the northern hemisphere.!! Nice that its a reminder of good times with your dad too..can't beat things like that in life.. Regards Phil
  14. What a great idea, Newbee.!! Simple, but so personal at the same time.. Can I ask how are the pictures done.? I have a link to Kingsmere Crafts, which may help you with your lacing.. http://www.kingsmerecrafts.com/page96.html I hope it helps you, or that Bill finds something for you on youtube.. Regards Phil
  15. Yeah, I've not really thought about looking towards Europe..I'll have a good look around, cheers Mike..it seems that we have a void in this country for some top quality leather store.. Tandy came here, but I think they've gone again, going by their website. We have to root around a little sometimes and the prices aren't cheap for leather, going by US prices.. I'll see what I come across.. Thanks again.. Regards Phil
  16. Yeah James..I got some striping brushes a year or two ago and finally tried them this year, before I came across leatherwork, but I found the tip of the brush too remote from my fingers, if you know what I mean.. Woodcarving is direct, leatherwork is direct too..you're linked to the end of the tool more.. I think practice is what was lacking and I may come back to it eventually..its just not as intuitive for me..LOL Regards Phil
  17. Well done on getting there and making the most of your first show, Cheryl.!! Next one should be better if you're in the main, heated building with more folks lingering perhaps.. Thing is with this weekend..you sold a bracelet and handed a couple of cards out to prospective guitar strap customers..plus a future strap order from the other crafter.. But what you did MORE than that, is to get yourself in front of people. They get to see what you sell or can make and you get known to them and then their friends, as the leather stall in the fair. You're on the map now..more so than you were on Friday and that can't be a bad thing.. You've also learnt a lot from being there..what to expect from people, what may sell and also how to present your wares. All good stuff.. Glad you enjoyed.. Regards Phil
  18. Thanks Bri.. Its good to know.. I'm getting an order list for Le Prevo at the mo, but mainly cos they're competetive on tool prices and one or two other bits..I'll have to suffer the delivery times, for the cost I'll save.. I've seen these people on my eBay searches for leather and tools, but not used them as of yet.. Now bookmarked to my fave sellers for a look, later.. Cheers Celtic.. Funnily enough I put one or two of their hides on my watch list the other day, to keep them on my radar. They're not too bad on prices from what I can see, but we really need a Springfield over here I reckon..LOL Thanks again for the info..it helps to know that people have had good service or goods from these. Take it easy.. Regards Phil
  19. It is indeed worth the effort, Billy..it had folk wondering what they were looking at.!! Welcome to the site by the way..there's lots of friendly people on here and loads upon loads of advice, stacked up, ready for the learning.. Nice work with what you've shown so far, anyway.. Keep 'em coming Regards Phil
  20. Mike, I think you'll find that Cheryl can sleep AND produce pieces for the show at the same time.. Girls can multi task like that..LOL I realise you'll be at the craft fair right now, so I hope its all going well for you, Cheryl!! Regards Phil
  21. Stunning piece there, Double U.. Your carving is top notch.. Regards Phil
  22. Lovely work, Particle.. Very elegant design..its good to see something quite original and unique looking. I bet your customer will be real happy when she gets hold of it.. Regards Phil
  23. Looking at your work. Billy.. I agree the barbed wire looks quite realistic..is it formed leather which has been overlaid onto the belt? The only critique I can really give is on the stitching, as David mentioned..but there are plenty of pointers on the site on that side of things, in order for you too tidy it up.. Good work.. Regards Phil
  24. The carving is looking great.. amazing clarity on the basket weave.. I don't know what stamps you use, but that's turned out real crisp. Keep up the good work.. Regards Phil
  25. Just a thought, but did you wipe the leather down with some type of alcohol first? It may help it stay on..worth a try perhaps.. Regards Phil
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