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Everything posted by Horrrk

  1. The clamp lwm used is this one.. http://www.rockler.com/product.cfm?page=10602 Hope that helps.. Regards Phil
  2. Ran.. I don't own a gun, cos we're not allowed to play with them much, but wow.. :jawdropper: those grips are pretty.. Regards Phil
  3. Nice work Cyber..saw some of the progress pics on your Faceyboook a few days ago,, It's come out well.. I bet he's well happy.!! Regards Phil
  4. LOL.. Yeah St8..we could probably have a new section on the forum for stitching horses, ponies and clamps.. Nice work on the new Swiss Army version of the pony, Rainspirit.!! Like the magnets idea for holding you needles.. Just don't fit a coffe cup holder..eh St8.. Elven Safety n all that.. LOL Regards Phil
  5. Horrrk


    Wow..I certainly couldn't do that..such patience and skill.. I agree with the suggestion for inlays. They could only highlight any piece.. Regards Phil
  6. Hi Rory.. That's a pretty decent set of saddlebags you've ended up with there.. the leather looks sturdy enough and I wouldn't worry about the quality..as Cheryl said, cowboys of old wouldn't have been bothered and to be honest I think it adds to the rugged look. Sometimes people flock to the pretty things in life, but some things look better a bit gnarly..like old cowboys perhaps..LOL Regards Phil
  7. LOL..phew..!! You were certainly risking it, but glad it paid off in the end.. Good work.. Regards Phil
  8. Hi Dave.. I absolutely love this seat, from the design to the colours and onto the braiding..beautiful work as always.. Can I ask, what beveller do you use for this? It's so tight to the lines..unlike my hefty Craftool one..lol Regards Phil
  9. Can't wait to see it St8..looks sturdy enough and should give you a bit more to stitch before shuffling everything along.. Regards Phil
  10. Horrrk

    Looking For A Head

    Hi there Jack.. I've had a little trawl around and found a couple of links for you to look at. Both heads I've found are around 22" circumference, which by my reckoning takes them to just around a medium size in motorcycle helmets, but I guess it depends on what size head your target audience may have. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Unisex-Glass-Display-Vintage-Head-EuroShopfittings-/270810991696?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3f0d97cc50 http://www.equipashop.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=373&gclid=CJbAwvjMj7MCFe7MtAodE28AWA I realise that they're on UK sites, but hopefully they'll help or perhaps give you ideas.. There are other ways around this, depending on your skills with molds and plaster, you could perhaps build up the head you've been using with clay or plasticine and then take a mold for casting? Strange tho..I've always thought that there's nothing wrong with having a little head.. :rofl: Regards Phil
  11. I've had problems when quoting and also multi quoting..sometimes it hasn't picked up the quote(s) when I scroll down to start my reply.. I have to click again on the quote buttons and it usually comes up ok..not sure if that's what you mean St8.?? Regards Phil
  12. Nice work Busted.. I agree with Cyberthrasher the border is great and there's nothing wrong with some Ratfink on a bike seat either.. I like the design on the underneath too..adds to the overall effect.. Regards Phil
  13. Ahh, no worries St8, my friend.. I was giving you advice on building a stitching pony the other day, when I've not even built one yet.!! I've just read lots..Haha! In fact come to think of it, I do it quite a lot on here..burnish your edges more, watch those stitches, etc.. Have I done any of that?!? Have I ekker's like..but I will soon..and when I do, I'll be the one visually ripping my own work to pieces..LOL Thing is..knowing what something should look like and being able to do it yourself can be two completely seperate things..if you get my drift.? Follow Mike's tips and with plenty of practise, we should see you cycling along happily, real soon.. LOLOL Regards Phil
  14. WOW.. I can't wait to see updates to these.!! Should be so cool..there's no wonder you can't sleep Chancey!! Regards Phil
  15. One thing St8.. Make sure you type it P-A-W-N in your Google search for shops.. Dont make MY mistake.. (so embarrassed..) LOL AND we won't go into the leather tools they DID have.!! :rofl: Regards Phil
  16. Haha! Nice.. Wonder if it'll work.. Jake..I like your signature too mate..just noticed when I scrolled back up.. Regards Phil
  17. Thanks for that Mike.. I'll get my hands on some dyes first and one day I'll get to see what all the fuss is with the airbrush too.. lol I will say, it looks real sweet on the fading.. Regards Phil
  18. Yeah..that IS loads better.. A lot more style and it looks more finished with those couple of extra touches. Really..if those don't empty your scrap bin in 5 minutes flat, I'll eat my non-existant hat.!! Regards Phil
  19. Beautiful work, Mike..I'm sure your customer will be very happy with it.. I'd only just sussed out yesterday, how a paddle works on a holster..it a real simple way of holding it.. I'm thinking that it could be a good way of holding a knife case too. perhaps, though I've not seen one done that way yet.. I understand the pancake, but still can't grasp the other ones that have what appears to be snap on loops..lol I have a quick question with regards to the dyeing process..do you dye with the British tan and then run round the edge with the Fiebing's dark brown afterwards, or vice versa? Regards Phil
  20. All I can say is, WOW, what a haul.!! Was the bag marked SWAG and did you wear a striped top and a mask?? lol Haha! Very nice try Mike..I like it.. Regards Phil
  21. In that case, it was well worth me posting, Cheryl.. Possibly a future project will be made easier with it, you never know.. I'd read about it, around the same time I found the forum, whilst searching through the how to's on making a bike seat.. I remember it just confused me at the time, by adding another step before dyeing, when others don't mention it..lol The whole dyeing process still confuses me, with the resists, antiques, etc..but I'll get to that in due time.. Regards Phil
  22. Beautiful work there Marlon..you did this over a weekend?!? Wow!! I agree with Rudi..really well laid out on the basket weave.. The knife looks sweet..I bet it's real easy to turn with such a narrow blade.. Regards Phil
  23. Very flash indeed Tommy! I'm sure you'll find a new owner for it quickly.. Regards Phil
  24. Hi George.. Good advice from Cheryl there.. One other thing I've read about, is that some folk like to oil the leather before dyeing.. Here's a thread I've come across, which may or may not help..but perhaps worth a try too.. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=19868 Let us know how it goes.. Regards Phil
  25. Both good calls, guys..can't beat good value.. Phil
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