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Everything posted by Roq

  1. Roq

    Assorted D-rings

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  4. Roq

    Assorted D-rings

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  5. Roq

    Assorted D-rings

    Assorted d-rings, mostly welded $35 shipped cont US. Tray not included.
  6. Assorted mostly Brass & Nickel hardware, approx 7lbs worth. $165 Shipped cont US.
  7. Solar Guard 2 new spools, 1lb each $35 shipped cont US
  8. I like your End of Trail arrow! If you're open to suggestions: Place the center of your snap 3/4" from the edge of the flap. Smaller stitch holes would improve the finished look. Better yet, get or make a stitching awl. A stitch groove will help protect the thread.
  9. The last Christmas show I did, $15 items were the sweet spot for the vendors around me. The only thing I had at that price point were a few card wallets. Your area may be different.
  10. Lot of 38 as shown for 1 1/2" belts. $$ maker at shows. $110 shipped in con USA
  11. Lightly used Cowboy 0797 with servo motor runs happily along sewing up to 3/8" thick leather, canvas, webbing etc. using up to 138 thread and can run 210 top with 138 bottom. I have used it for bags, wallets, belts, holsters, knife sheaths and other items. I will include thread shown in 92 138 & 210, needles, edge guide & approx 20 bobbins. I prefer local pickup in north east PA as shipping for the head and motor sans table to Long Island NY is $120 and the left coast is around $170. $970 plus shipping
  12. http://springfieldleather.com/hermann-oak-b-back-78
  13. weaver makes this punch
  14. I've done some awnings with Sunbrella, never 8 layers. Lots of marine info here
  15. Roq


    I use trimmer cord for the brim. You can use wire.
  16. A cowboy 0797 or equiv will handle 138 thread, do wallets and your journals + most bags. I have run 207 top and 138 bottom but it is a bit of a stretch to say it will work well everyday. Call Ryan at Neel's saddlery (330) 549-9044 , he will be able to guide you and provide excellent service. If you want to use heavy thread you will need a different machine.
  17. Started with fluorescent pink acrylic, mixed in some dark red, a drop of black and finished it off by adding some white. Watered it down to absorb and voila.
  18. For 1/8" lace use a size 0 punch if you want round holes. I do it both ways, slits give a slightly cleaner appearance with round holes being slightly easier to work with.
  19. I can't help you with Riri. I use YKK and have not had a failure. Rub the zipper with paraffin wax to lubricate it. YKK by the yard, sliders, stops etc are available from http://supremezipperindustries.goodbarry.com/
  20. The site is listed in his profile. This is the one he is referring to
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