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in the pale machine photo, ( which you posted a further up ) the thread did not pass under the spring, it went straight up to the thread guide after if passed behind the little hook..: ) Edit... Ooops !!..Mes excuses Paloma ..I didn't see the photo that you posted later..yes the way that you are now threading is correct :)
Ok see attached close up..machine is Singer 211, thread is black ( sorry about that but it is loaded with Black 69 )..image is of the thread correctly positioned as it exits the Take Up Spring assembly..You'll need to "zoom" the photo to see my notes written on it..Sorry about the writing, "trying out a different graphics tablet" on this machine, getting used to it..I normally use them for drawing , not for writing..to "zoom" right click on the photo, choose open in new tab..when it opens in new tab, you can zoom..or you can click on the little magnifying glass ( loupe) if it shows one..HTH :)
In your second image ( the one that shows the take up spring control on the pale machine ) the take up spring is doing nothing and the stitches will not form correctly, because the thread path is incorrect.. I had to split this into 2 comments as the system is freezing ( click "save" nothing happens ) on me if I make more than one edit per post.. :((
What either sex learned to use , depends where you grew up Sheilajeanne ..I learned* to knit and sew ( by hand at age 6 ) at a school in the UK 5 Yorkshire ) ..IME it was ( and still is in very many systems and countries ) harder for girls to be offered , classes / teaching in mechanics, welding, woodwork etc at school than for boys to be given the chance to learn to sew, ( machine or hand ) knit etc .. *actually I knew already, but it was taught to all, boys and girls alike..My mother had a sewing machine, so did grandmothers and aunts..any boy who wanted to learn did, with supervision ( in case we broke what was used to make the family's clothes )..Art schools in the UK used to teach how to go from designing /drawing and item ( clothing, luggage, masks, whatever ), to making the patterns, sewing, them ( ( on industrial clutch driven machines ) , plus all the tricky stuff like designing pleating systems etc..They also taught cabinet making, sculpture ( plaster molding , concrete, wood working, welding , plastics, resins ) ..life drawing, painting, photography, printmaking ( silkscreen, lithography on stones and metal plate machines, letterpress, etching, engraving ) sketching, watercolour and oils, acrylics..everything..I do know from talking to friends in France that here one does not learn all the aspects of the fashion business..many designers don't actually know how to work the machines..and many machinists do not know how to repair or set up their machines..The couturiers that I know , call in a repair guy* / machine mechanic ( nearest one to here is 250kms away ) for anything more than changing the bobbin or needle..They were never taught how, many were not inclined to learn.. *Always is a guy..never a girl..unfortunately..France has along way to go one certain things.. Paloma..the second photo that you show ( the one on the pale coloured machine ) is threaded incorrectly..the thread must go behind the small "hook", but..it must pass through the take up tension spring.. If we refer to your 1st image ( the darker machine ) the thread must pass under the spring you have marked #1..then you pull the thread ( holding it taut above the spring, so that it "clicks" in behind the little hook that you have marked with #2 ..this sets it behind the take up spring.. then continue threading up through the thread guide nearest to ( and slightly to the left of ) the take up spring , to the eye hole in the take up arm..and down again to the thread guide, onwards to the needle thread guide and down to the needle eye..
Measure the stamp you want to use across it's base ( the part that you want sitting on the oval line ) that is "x" ..the just draw an oval which has any multiple of that figure as it's circumference = "x"n..n being the number of stamp impressions that you want to be "around" the oval..Then if you stamp carefully the stamp will fit exactly..whether you want 7 stamps around 11 stamps around etc..if you want to mix stamps..say two of them...just measure both of them "x" and "y"..add the two to get your figure, "x+y", then make an oval that has a circumference that is any multiple of that "x+y"n ...but ( and this is crucial ) subtract either 1x or 1y from the final "x+y"n..So "x+y"n -x or "x=y"n -y...if you don't do that, you'll get two x stamps or two y stamps side by side..You don't want that.. More than two different stamps, same process.. Most software that can draw circles, can draw ovals, and you can usually set a radius or the circumference in the dialogue boxes.. if you are using a template ( like the ones with lots of ovals) pick the nearest circumference to the above formula..always ( if there is not an exact match ) pick the next "bigger" and adjust, not the next "smaller".. HTH :)
Are you a Cobra dealer ? Giving "lifetime guarantee" ?
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
just noticed..it is nearly 04.30 am here..I have to be up and 25kms from here later in my morning, so I'll look in when I wake to see if the thread has drifted further or back on topic..either way..who needs chat tried to edit my post just above..and for the second time tonight ( despite being signed in and allowing scripts from here ) the system would not save the edited post..just froze..ah well..tomorrow / later today what the French call a heatwave will continue..it is currently 25°c ( and I'm within sight sound and smell of the sea )..and we are expected to have around 28 later, some parts got 46)C today..which is small beer to some parts of drought stricken OZ..Usually in this part of France, we have Irish weather.. -
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
She was probably not exaggerating about the no TV..Place I grew up in had 5 actual houses/ cottages..lime washed white stone walls etc ..2 sort of houses"..3 "holy crosses ( great ones for the crosses at the crossroads are the Irish..and the occasional statue of a greyhound) 4 "stills"..our house had no electricity, nor running water..the electric arrived when I'd be around 8 or 9..By the time I was spending more time in Britain, the water was still not in the house, we used to go about half a mile ( Irish mile ) down the lane and fetch the water in two galvanised buckets from the spring, the cows would be drinking from the other side of the spring which was covered by an ould stone hut open on two sides ) in Dublin they have more ornate statues...a floozy in a jacuzzi..and..a trollope with a scallope..My cousins place..about two miles from us was like the Waltons 19 children..big farm house, run down, a bit of livestock, some of the kids slept in the barns with the animals..so did I when I visited..I and they, went to school "over the fields" bareback on poneys..you can get 3 or 4 kids on a poney .. In the South of Ireland ( Eire ) before we joined the EU..if you lived in the countryside..it was like 50 years or so compared to most of the UK , most of rural France was the same according to my wife's mother ( now died ) ..her house was like ours, beaten earth floor, cooking over an open fire in the chimney with a "witches pot" ( Irish Stew only needs one pot..and you can boil a ham in it and cook the potatoes at the side in a bucket ) ..I still have the "hook" system ( to hang the pot on ) that was in the fireplace in this house before I built a new efficient closed in wood burning fireplace.. -
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
Sorry to hear that you too are affected by the drought in OZ..I've seen pictures and video of it..and heard about the feed situation , must be heartbreaking..fair prices for what farmers produce, everywhere, wouldn't fix it, but are desperately needed..and some logic in supply.. I live in the major onion producing region of France..( pigs , and dairy and and poultry too here, ) I know a few farmers here, ( lived in wine country in the South of France..vineyards right upto my land down there..we all "mucked in " voluntarily there just to get the grapes in for our mate / neighbours ) ..right now all the local supermarkets here are selling onions ( yellow and red ) from New Zealand..at 60 cents ( Euro centimes ) per lb..So farmers in New Zealand are getting almost nothing for their exports ( lot of Middle men in France, plus the transport to here ) and local farmers are told to keep what they produce or sell it cheaper than the importers can get from New Zealand..only the importers and the middle men are making any money..Porc production is ultra intensive ..porc prices only rose a little due to the porc problems in China..Milk leaves the farms at 22cts per litre..and 5kms down the road in the supermarkets is 78cts per litre..with bio ( organic ) 20cts on top of that again..No fairness there at all..Just middlemen's greed.. -
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
Gene material..was from France..denim..de Nimes..Nimes being the place where they dyed thick woven cotton the new dark chemical blue.. and here in France denim is sold as "fait en jean"..made in jean..cracks me up every time I see it..especially "blouson en jean"..or "chemise en jean"..which is jacket in denim..or shirt in denim.. The study of jeans ( also known as girl watching ) ..jeanetics..or jeanetic research..in French would be jeanetiques :) -
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
Come from "farming stock" Irish ( Eire ) you have to deal with the weather, and all the usual small farm stuff..make anyone pragmatic, no sense shouting at the rain when you are lambing outside in winter..I was even military for a while ( RAF ) like my Dad before me ( but he signed up as a youth and stayed in 'til he retired ).."back in the day" the RAF ( and maybe the Army and Navy did it too ) would pay for your university courses, or pay you some "pocket money" while you studied ( still had to do a lot of jobs to pay my way in studies, but any little helps ) if you signed on for a short time with them..Visit foreign parts, jump out of perfectly good aircraft with assorted weaponry, even did marching in lines and what later became known as "yomping" around various bits of Wales and the wilder bits of the UK..Farmers kids ( grew up either on the farm in Eire or RAF bases around the world, "RAF brat" ) make good military, we can ( most of us ) shoot more accurately than the average recruit, and put up with the weather and the dirt and crap, even put up with Drill sergeants and occasionally idiot chinless pointy head senior officers..plus , it used to pay well..I would not be in favour of any draft or compulsoryness* ( France is introducing compulsory "national service again at 16, IMO huge mistake..any military do not need kids who do not want to be there ) ..Even a short time in the military IME makes you look at life differently..makes you look at civilians differently too..friends in various police services say the same.. What the civilians think are really important "life and death" things..are not..funny, my wife says I'm "pragmatic " too, until, like all Irish, someone steps on my toes, or threatens my family..or does something that I think is really unjust or plain wrong.. *compulsoryness..may not be an actual word.. :) topic drift..how did we get here from handbags..ah yeah..rich people and making things that they want, and people's priorities. -
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
Indeed, agreed Bill :) but..I'm very happy that the "luxury market " exists..keeps me in groceries and beer etc..means I don't have to tend to sheep and cows ( although I have, and like them ) and be a hand to mouth existence farmer like my ancestors..Same applies to the fetish or fashion, or art, music etc businesses..without people with varying degrees of "spare money" and their "wants" / "desires" and us supplying them with what we make or sell or design or create or all of those things put together..many of us would not have the lives that we do..I'd much rather design , create, make, for the rich, than dig ditches.. -
Dyes have more pigment than paint, red dye contains red pigment ground very very fine, plus a "liant" ( binder ) and a "vehicle"( solvent )..red paint will have red pigment , plus a liant, plus a solvent, and some kind of "bulker" which may well be transparent to "stretch out the paint , and something to give it some texture, etc etc ..formulations vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.. It is like,the difference between artist's "watercolour paint" ( very pure pigments in a binder) and artist's oil or acrylic paints, both of which can have pigment plus a load of different things added to make them spread evenly, be matt, or glossy, or have a"sheen" or stick to the brush etc etc..dry fast or slow etc..
If the head on a bolt would get in the way..use a piece of threaded bar..cut it "flush" to depth before fitting..then cut a screw slot across the diameter of the bar..to make a "grub screw"..I'd make it from a piece of "stainless" IIWY, cutting the slot will be a bit awkward, but if you use a Dremel with a disc to cut it, life will be easier..there are some dome head bolts in stainless with a hex or torx inset in the dome..those would be ideal..but to get just one or a few, try a custom motor cycle shop..they use a lot of "aeronautic grade" bolts and screws..But you do want stainless steel not aluminium, and brass would be too soft to get it back out easily after a while..
Whatever you choose ..make sure that the dotcom is available.. G Wing leather= gwingleather.com K Wing leather= kwingleather.com don't bother about the dotnet, dotorg etc..If you are also targeting customers in another language..get the country code for that language if you can, some CC TLDs ( country code top level domains ) require residency address or proof of business presence in their jurisdictions..dotUS , dotEU , DotCN are examples of CC TLDs that require such. The "works" is not required, names need to be short if possible, people have better memories if the word or name is short..The reason I put a "k" variant is that the "k" sound sticks in peoples' minds..it is an "attention sound"..The first and second g in gwingleather are also "attention sounds".. Either of those will work with a logo based upon a letter surrounded by two wings, one to either side..Put the letter ( G or K ) in a "hide cut out shape" rather than an oval or a circle, then add the wings to each side..You could just use a single wing..( letter to the left, wing "root" to the side of the letter , wing opened to the right..but..that is close to "red and white"..and may cause some "confusion"..Most would think that your market was "biker".. HTH Whichever name you pick, register the dotcom immediately, even if you don't think that you'll have a website ready for a year or more.. If not, you risk it being gone and having to buy it from some one else for much more than the £10.00 or so that you'd pay for your first year if you registered it now..Both those names may already be gone..I have not looked.
Looks like it might be an M3 or M4 thread there..if so, any M3 or M4 threaded bolt will do..try one that is too long, cut ( and file the cut end clean ) to required length..
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
Worse than the price of a Kelly bag..( which are apparently just the thing for going "on the town" ) ..is the price of a Birkin bag..and Gene could sing and dance and act..whereas Jane, can do none of those things... https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/nita-ambanis-crocodile-skin-handbag-with-240-studded-diamonds-cost-rs-2-6-cr/articleshow/69985372.cms rs 2.6 crore to usd = $377.000.00.. Yes.Three hundred and seventy seven thousand USA dollars..and some small change.. -
Agree with kgg ..you also get "back up" from someone who knows what they are talking about when it comes to sewing machines..
You could also try sewing around it using a "zipper" foot, ( put the leather with the magnet under it where the zipper would be, up against the foot that the needle passes through ) that would let you get in closest.
Try these people.. Max Metal s.r.l via Gola, 8 - 20143 Milan - Italy phone +39 02.89402601 maxmetal@maxmetal.it As you are in Menton..it may well be worth you while to take a few days ( weekdays ) in Milan and surrounding area to look for suppliers..There may even be some in Gênes . I think you'll have a much better chance of finding a wholesaler ( or a manufacturer willing to do small runs of solid brass ware ) in Italy. ps..In English what you have drawn is a variant of a "D Ring"..a buckle is what you would call "une boucle" :)
Help with very dirty Singer 111w155
mikesc replied to PMCREATIONS's topic in Leather Sewing Machines
What trash said..Use the right protective gear..and a mask that flows clean outside air down over your face and away from your eyes , nose and mouth.. I used to use large amounts of two pack polyurethanes and expoxies, acrylics, polyesters*..You can die from exposure to some of the catalisers and the vapours that they give off when curing..Poisoned myself twice..You breath, but your blood cells are not taking up the oxygen, so you suffocate..it is like being up a mountain with no oxygen, or skydiving from alooooong way up and trying to breath at the top when you jump out. Your reaction looks like you get some kind of histamine "shock"..keep strong anti-histamines around you in case it happens again..if your throat reacts like that, and you have no way to stop the reaction very fast..you'll not be around to tell anyone about it.. The respirator cartridges in the full face masks are OK, but..when they are no longer working ( they get saturated, and they do not protect against all vapours ) they give no warning..so you can continue to use them without realising that they are doing nothing, until it is too late.. *I had a Custom painting and Trompe l'oeil business for years, cars, bikes, boats, Circus trailers, Fairground attractions etc..sometimes was spraying two pack clear for 8 hours without even a "go pee" break.. -
Handbag for the Wife
mikesc replied to Reegesc's topic in Purses, Wallets, Belts and Miscellaneous Pocket Items
Nice bag..great post :) You might find this link handy.. https://tineye.com/ you upload an image to it..and it goes away and looks for what resembles it..so you could use a picture of a Kelly bag..crop it until you had just the lock part..upload that..and maybe..it doesn't work every time, but can save some time when it does. Those parts ( or very much like them ) are not peculiar to Hermes..I have some here that came from French "sacs" ranging in age from the early 1900s to the 1970s..even see them still on the Chinese "sacs" ( textile covered in plastic to look like leather to a credulous person, that the supermarkets sell here ) ..Kelly bags..you think they would have sold as many at those prices if she had been called Grace Murphy ? -
I wouldn't slice the area..the magnets are strong enough to work through that thickness of leather with no problem.. re sewing accuracy ? ..If you don't feel confident about "free-handing it",-maybe try a-foot with a built in spring guide for edges..a 1/8 th spring edge guide foot would work if you were consistent..after that depends on if you want left or right handed..
I know I was kind of "grasping at straws" and posting whilst trying to get the thread to go under the bottom tension spring under a very recalcitrant 211 )..Mental image of old steam railway locomotive wheels ..Balance is far more likely, ( like the add on weights on car wheels..changed my tyres last week ) but why would they balance by "casting" an additional weight area, rather than take care of what was out of balance during manufacturing..One other thought does come to mind, one some domestic handwheels, there are additional parts fitted for allowing for disengaging the needle when winding bobbins..Maybe they batch made handwheels, even though that additional parts are not on that one ? As you say, without being able to see the other side, could be for any reason.. Afterthought..maybe that area was intended to be "pierced" and "threaded" to accept a handle on some machines..I know that normally the handle mounting hole is on the rim, but ...?