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Everything posted by mikesc

  1. Uwe is probably your best bet for Pfaff advice ( or Eric "gottaknow", highly experienced sewing machine mechanic, head mechanic in factories with hundreds of machines of all types ) who hasn't posted in a long while now ) ..but apparently ( according to a comment from someone else in another thread in the past couple of days ) Uwe is travelling / on Holiday ATM..
  2. You are welcome :) Maybe one of the dealers who are also members here has something that would suit your needs..Are you looking for lockstitch or embroidery machines, or both types .
  3. It is not a blog,( on a blog only the owner can start topics, others can then reply to them ) it is a forum, where anyone can start a topic , such as you did :) Good luck.. I don't recall ever having seen a programmable pattern sewing machine for sale here on the forum, but..one never knows maybe someone here has one that they are not using, and that they are willing to sell..It would help if you added your location to your profile as if anyone has such a machine, they might want to know where it would be being shipped to ..I seem to recall that Chris ( in the UK ) had an embroidery business before, maybe he has some machines still..
  4. You want to buy one from someone here ? or you just want to buy one ? A search on any search engine for programmable pattern sewing machine gives loads of results. For example, both Juki and Brother have a wide range, as do some other manufacturers, but they are not cheap...There a currently 341 programmable pattern sewing machines available on Alibaba alone..although a few of those are embroidery machines.
  5. I said in a thread recently that here there are some who stand out as the perfect combination of artist and artisan, that you are one of them.. So as I can't remember if I've said it in one of your threads..Ryan, your work , artistry, talent, and technique is magnificent :)
  6. There are not that many people here who know Pfaffs really well..give it time..it is the weekend , they are probably not around ATM..
  7. Those kind of bends can only be caused by fairly major pressure on the ends of those channels..I'm guessing..but..that looks like the entire thing may have been dropped on the back of the table..or far more likely ( considering the crushing ) hit from the front ( by say a fork lift badly driven ) while the back was blocked up against something which thus crumpled the frame and footrest area..and put a lot of other frame elements out of alignment and twisted. I'd have refused the entire thing..the frame is now "shot"...adjusting a foot isn't going get that back in line..the frame has been crushed..and if the machine head was in the footwell, then it may also have damage..that table is a write off.. Hopefully Ron from Techsew will pick up on the "flag" that Tom posted above and join and get in touch with you..That is shipping damage..no way could you have done that yourself, it needs a forklift badly driven,and an immovable object ( like a wall ) to crush a frame like that.. I have to say..The frames on all my machines ( older ) are all made of far more solid metal ( thicker guage ) than that.. If that is "standard" frame metal thickness nowadays , I'm glad I bought older and used .. If it were me selling it ( and my shippers had done that I'd issue a full refund and insist that the shipper picked it up and let the insurance deal with it..TOS notwithstanding..I'd also never use those shippers again..No way that they could not know what they had done.. I should add..I know how to drive all kinds of fork lifts..I have all the licences / permits..all the bike , car and truck , digger etc ones too..got them all decades ago, I keep them all up to date..medicals and all..next medical is in this coming September.. No way could a fork lift driver not know that they had "speared " and "crushed" an item on a pallet with damage like that.. That is a major forklift driver screw up..followed by an attempted cover up..by the shipper.. No wonder the driver didn't want to let you have the time to inspect it before you signed off on it..
  8. Yes..that is what I said close to 6 hours ago..in the post above yours ;) I'm not going to join another forum ( create an email address just to do so, I run my own mail server so I can make unlimited email "addys", but still takes 5 minutes..only to "kill" the "addy" afterwards ) just to see some photos that could have been posted / uploaded directly here. If they had been posted here..by now...someone would / could have told the Op what the photos were about.
  9. A suggestion..IME sewing "frame" ( K leg, H leg etc ) all tables have at least one adjustable foot, this is for adjusting* ( raising or lowering, usually lowering ) when they "rock" in case your floor is not level where you have the machine..Doesn't solve the damaged part..But might also be why your machine is rocking..I fit wheels on all of mine, one of which I always make "height" adjustable( at the front )..two of them ( at the front ) are always "lockable". * for some reason manufacturers usually fit the adjustable one at the back at the right hand side..right where it is the most awkward to adjust.
  10. Instead of uploading those photos to here..where we could see them.you have linked to them as attachments at another forum, where in order the see them, one has to become a member there.
  11. The full size ones I've played on are nearly 12 feet by nearly 6 feet, playing area..and around 12 and half feet by a little over 6 feet over all size.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_billiards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snooker Snooker tables are also used for playing billiards..you can play many games on Snooker / Billiard tables. It isn't a return system ( like in Pool ) but somewhere to keep the balls, if you put many of them down the same pocket in snooker you can fill up the storage below the pockets and have to move some of the balls to another. There is a lot of skill in both Snooker and Billiards..and Pool...I won quite a bit of money playing all three of them.."angles" and rebounds are easy to see if your "day job" is artist / designer..Spent a lot of my final year in school, not actually in school, but, about a 2kms away, winning money from guys who thought that they could beat a teenager at snooker and billiards at the local snooker hall. The "beds" of the best tables are / were made from slate..making the tables is an Art, some of them , and the rooms they are in , are beautifully carved ..
  12. Ya know, there are those who think that Cow and Chicken was duckumentry, many of them in governments, don't go all Snopes on 'em or instead of watchin' TV, they'll have enough free time to legislate...and we all know where that leads.. ;) Btw..congrats on the weight loss..not too much more ..or that neat hyden holster could become uncomfortable..and visible.. You know you can hide far more and much larger things under a kilt :)
  13. Unfortunately Getty are also very aggressive about images that they do not own the rights to..But they send "nastygrams" anyway.. I know a few people who have had Getty contact them telling them that they must pay Getty for using their own images..when they asked Getty to show them where they as the original creator ( artist or photographer ) had signed over their IP rights to Getty.. Crickets.. Not even an apology. Of course suing Getty for false representation of being the holder of the IP rights in question, was not going to be an option as they have a legal team on retainer that would wage a war of attrition in the courts , so before you ever got a judgement in your favour, you and your great grandchildren would be broke and indebted to your lawyers. I have had to take a few people to court ( in various countries ) over the years for using my designs or artwork or photos without prior written permission from me, I have always won..I represent myself. We Irish are a very determined people..even more so when we have moral and legal right on our side.
  14. Absolutely Gorgeous ..Love it..love it..love it !!! the tiny tiny defect is there because perfection is reserved for the gods, so they added the tiny crease when you were not looking.. Did I say.. I love it.. love it.. love it ..!!! ( bow down smiley )
  15. Careful, that first image up there is a gif..and once you have begun using gifs, it leads onto videos. :)
  16. Shirley you could make a chisel ? ;)
  17. I love the name and the logo :)..Hi to you Becca, and the supervisory staff :)
  18. ah..as my mum would say when she was alive..someone appears to have rattled your cage there cd..grumpy day ? stepped on a rivet in your bare feet ? I don't think I'll bite either way..you'll just have to argue / try to pick a fight, with yourself.. Ps..Johanna is the only one here who "gets to decide"..I just gave my opinion "I'm perfectly happy" about it.. You apparently are not..you could always ask Johanna what she thinks, if it really disturbs you that much..
  19. If I could get to my 29K ( for all the junk I put in front of it thinking I wouldn't need to use it for a year or so ) I might well find that my parts are not as good condition as those you are selling, in other words, I might be in need of just these parts, but then again, mine may be fine, so I wouldn't..But..I can't get to it for another week or so to see..I bought it and then, after having it hanging around in the living room ( where my wife kept walking into it ) for 6 months, moved it out and into the very back of my atelier without checking the condition of the parts..Then ( isn't it always the way ) piled more and more stuff in front of it, now it would take me 4 or 5 days of fine weather ( to move the things that are in front of it out into the open air, nowhere else to put them temporarily ) to be able to check it over.. So..don't hold them..because I just do not know..I might not need them at all, I might not get the time ( or the weather, will "break" ) to be able to look. Meanwhile, "bump" away..I actually thought of "bumping" for you earlier today..and then I thought.."I must be suffering from the heat, I might need these..or not " :)..Well everyone else in France is whining about "la canicule" ( heatwave ) all over the media..and panicking..as if the low 40s°c were anything unusual to half the planet in summertime..How is Spain ? Malta was hotter than this..So were a lot of other places I have lived.. You could give us a daily Spanish weather report..in this thread.. ;) the "bump" would be purely incidental ;)
  20. All that takes time..space ..and any "explaining" is "teaching pigs to sing"..allowing customers to "take part" is allowing unskilled unimaginative people to direct ( or try to ) what you make.. Offering to make a pattern that they come up with ? ..Are they designers ? Whose fault will it be when their pattern idea turns out to be ugly crap..it will ..or it will take hours, for which they will want to pay peanuts..are they going to pay up front for your time ?..if they do ? They will think that as they are paying for the time, that they'll own you.. Nope..not the way to go.. Make what others do not make ( as I said previously ) ..bring it ready made..that is what you are "selling".. At the "event" do something really simple "live" to get their attention, draw a crowd...stamping names is not something that can be done accurately "live"..you'll be too busy watching that no-one walks off with a stamp, lets their kids touch anything, cuts themselves while they are "just looking" ( which for some reason people don't do with their eyes, but with their hands..looking is looking..touching is something else..etc etc.. btw..if you have anything at all that they can injure themselves with..make sure that you are insured..do not trust the venue to cover you..
  21. The skin came from a living animal, the tension in a tanned skin is not the same all over..varies all over it. You first ;) ..and as my maths teachers used to say waaaaaay back .."don't forget to show your working out" :)
  22. Nope..not a problem at all ..absolutely no need to lubricate the thread you'll be sewing with.. I have a Singer 211U 166A..and some other sewing machines..They ( sewing machines ) sort of "follow you home"..they prefer to live in family groups, or tribes :)
  23. Given the huge amount of help and advice that Jimi gives here, and has given, to anyone who needs it with old machines, I'm perfectly happy for him to "bump" daily.. :)
  24. That would be the case in the EU Alexander, and would be my personal view, but, in the USA, it seems , or has seemed in the past, that a personal copy can be passed on with the machine if the machine is sold..But such a copy cannot be given a monetary value of it's own, and not sold ( or given away ) separately from the machine ? Agree totally with you re trademarks also. Copyright in the USA always seems to be a case of the deeper the pockets one has, the more expensive lawyers that you have on retainer, the more copyright abuse you can get away with or encourage..hence Pinterest which is built entirely encouraging and actively helping on crowd sourcing copyright abuse to be uploaded to make Pinterest's site content.. Interestingly..if one blocks the ability of anyone to "pin" one's website image(s) content ( it is possible) I have a few sites that I have blocked them ( with self developed code / scripts ) from "pinning" , then Google ( who the Pinterest people used to work for, and who Google invested in ) will "crawl" one's website ( every page ) with no problem, one can see them in the site logs , but will not put any page of the site into Google's "index"..Basically if you don't allow Pinterest to steal from you, Google pretends that your site does not exist.."No results" even if you search for the site by name.. But..Bing ( way less market share than Google in all countries of the world ) do not do this..They crawl and index..As do DDG, Startpage, Qwant etc..even if you stand up for your rights and the copyright law and block Pinterest users from pinning your images. I did this firstly with a site of cartoons, if someone pins them, no-one needs to visit the site, they already saw the image(s) and laughed while they were on Pinterest.. Funny how Pinterest never encourage / help people to use Images that belong to Getty Images..Could it be because Getty Images have bigger, better lawyers than Pinterest ;) and Pinterest know that what they encourage and help is illegal..as is their site..
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