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Everything posted by Tina

  1. Hi, and Thank you all:-) This piece is roughly 21x7.5 inch (so I had to scan it in 3 pieces and then put the picture together)
  2. Really nice work, I love all the details and such, I'll bet your customer will be happy:-)
  3. Yes and yes:-) It is carved and then I'm using a checkerd beveler (B802, 803, 836) and going over them twice at the opposite side too. I do this around every border too cuz I like the pattern it makes a specially when using antiquing. You get that "old rugged" look I like. Drac...Yeah, hear me roar:-) (more like a kitten than a lion) David - Tazman Thank you both, I do appriciate your comments loads, I just might keep this one (hmmm?)
  4. Tina

    evil dude

    Great work Roo, I just love the grin on the face:-)
  5. Hi all:-) I can't wait toooo. I know I have to do some wet forming to the side pieces...New territory for me and I have to get me some stuff to form it over. A question, do I tool the leather before or after the wet forming? The color on the "quilting" is actually more red in real life, a really warm color and I love it even if it was a boo boo to begin with I love zebra/wild animal patterns and you're probably going to se a few pieces here and there with it :-)
  6. Thanks all, I will post up more pictures as soon as the rest is made. Have a great evening//Tina
  7. Tina

    A Valentines Delight

    I Love'm bet wifie is going to very Happy with them:-) Johnny and Roo...If I not toally gone senile, I think there is a tutorial somewhere here in the forum (?)
  8. I finnally today got the colors I've been waiting for so I could finish of the coloring on this piece today. I have used: The zebra pattern is Angelius leather acryllic paint in black and white. The rest: Fiebing's antiquing brittish tan and mahogany on the lions medium brown mixed with 1/3 mahogany on all edges and over the zebra pattern. Medium brown and a blunder (I used a used wool thingie with red dye left on it) and I superlike the end resault. Sometimes Luck is just the beginning:-) This is eventually going to be a handbag/purse, but still have loads to do. I will post up more pictures as I finish the pieces of. Have a great evening all//Tina
  9. Really, really nice seat David. I guess it helps that I do like the japanese style tattoos as well, and they do work well on leather. Looking forward to see the seat all colored and done.
  10. I found this link a few days ago but put it up in the wrong area... Patterns, templates and descriptions of: Holsters (many different kinds) gun belst cuffs cartridge cases scabbards and more: http://eightbits.home.att.net/ Enjoy//Tina
  11. Tina

    A new resourse site?

    I'm glad you both liked it...I'm going to move this link over to the pattern area, I missed that one posting this up. Have a great day//Tina
  12. Hi Pete, I read your plea:-) Now, I have not read any of Peters books but I am a big fan of his work so the "dry brush" make no sense to me with dyes. What I can do for now is maybe giving you some hints of how to shade from one color to the next in a nice fashion. Now, you want to go from one green color up to yellow and that is the two colors to use, they meet in the middle and create a bunch of shades in between. I Always use a whole lot of reducer when I paint to delute them with the dyes (the acryllics is another story) I paint layer, ontop of layer and ad more layers to get to the color I'm happy with. I know that the dyes make the leather wet and darker, well I hope wife/girlfriend or so have a hair dryer...Very useful:-) I use the dryer between the layers (2 layers) to check where I am in the work. I don't have the experience in the dyes getting grey, maybe it has something to do with different btand? The ones I'm using I can mix and blend as I want to (Angelius) I send in a photo with some of my practise pieces I made of the shading, in some places there is 3-4 different colors in there. I hope this will help you a wee bit...The next time I'm doing something with the dyes I will make a photo tutorial about it. If you have any quetions and I can answer them, I will. Have a nice evening//Tina
  13. Work??? This is Art with a capital A...WOW! I agree with the others here, this is the most beautiful saddle I've ever seen, please have your daughter help you to put some more pictures on here, and Thanks for the ones you put in here:-) Welcome//Tina
  14. Hi Roo, I agree with the rest here...Somehow, somewhere, someway get a place for your self. A bench in a corner, even a closet will do if the lightning is OK. Just so you don't have to drag things away after every little moment. That can get anyone into a "I give up" mode. I had it like that before moving to this new (town-) house and still haven't made any corsets since then. I got fed up too and the "passion" for it just flew out the door. Be as creative in finding your own place as you are in your mask art and you'll do fine Wishing you a wonderful week end "Down Under"//Tina
  15. I did put this link in the resource area, this might be a better place. There is a pattern/template of cuffs here: http://eightbits.home.att.net/
  16. Love the way you made a space for the mallet, very clever:-)
  17. Hej Tom, Scroll down on the link and you'll find some, maybe getting some hints? http://www.turtlemoon.com/acord/
  18. Hi adamant-leather I did some tricky letters a few weeks ago. To me it was easier to work with a very pointy scalpel, just very lightly carving the leather. I enclose a picture, every letter is around an inch high. After I went over them carefully with the modeling tool until I got the finish I was happy with.
  19. Snowing now for about 14 hours and no end in sight *sigh* (mid Michigan)
  20. Really Really Happy for you Tom :-) I know how hard it is to start anything and doing it in a place where hand craft items is not that common or appriciated...Even harder. Build up you portfoilio, have patience (it will take you a few years) and be prepaird to sell for prices in the beginning that only allowes you to sell for getting the material costs back...Patience and presistens will finally get you there:-) Whishing you all the best of Luck Tom
  21. Thanks everyone. I'm just lacy and I do use the computer a lot to save time. This one took around 5-10 minutes to make. Examples: 1. When I draw something up by hand, I'm not to worried about making the size and such exact to what the idea is for, I just scan the picture and then use the computer to fit it exactly to the size I want. Then if needed I go back by hand and correct some details. 2. I have a picture of a detail I like, well I isolate that part, (maybe even several pictures of details). Then using either one of the photoprograms or my DTP program and make a totally new picture, anything goes to save time for carving/tooling or what ever:-) Of course there is certain stuff that has to be made by hand, but with the help of simple programs you can make life a whole lot easier:-) Have a great day//Tina
  22. Freak Keep it on...It's Cool, I love it:-) beezachoppa I just have to ask, on the photo it looks like you have the antiquing color I've looked for, what are you using? I seam to have all the wrong colors at home:-(
  23. Hi TJ, I think most studios will draw you up something to your specifications. However, I did make a go and tried to create something towards what you're looking for (?) I used one of my photo programs, some new creations and some copy and paste:-) Have a great day//Tina
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