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Everything posted by carr52

  1. Thanks guys. Your comments mean alot to me. I had alot of fun making this one so I'm gonna do it again. I think the belt loop needs to be double stitched on the back. Also I just ordered the Glock 22 replica so I can try my hand at those too. Thanks again. Tom
  2. I joined the wholesale club and have saved 50 times what it cost me. Tom
  3. Thanks Randy, All the credit goes to the folks here at leatherworker without whos help I'd still be wandering around in the dark. I hope that one day I might be able to pass it along. Tom
  4. Here's one I made using the tutorial. I made plenty of mistakes but thats what the learning process is all about, I guess. I goofed up trying to post this so if it shows somewhere else, OOPS. Tom
  5. Yep, your hooked. There's no hope for you now. Your every waking moment will be cosumed by thoughts of leather. I plan to hit the sale also. Tom
  6. The pictures arn't very good but I think you can see how I mounted the coin with the eagle head conchos. Tom
  7. This is the sale they are having at my local Tandy.Tom
  8. They are having a turky day sale. The 28th and 29th. Looks like some good bargains. Tom
  9. I'm wondering the same thing Rose. I know the peice I'm working with right now will have spots show up if I dont do something. Tom
  10. Nice horse. Well, nice everything. I like the way you cut the figure out. I'm still trying to improve my horse work before I try it on a project. Tom
  11. carr52

    Little dog

    Well I'm still practicing with the animals. Here's my dog. I dont really have a dog but if I did he would look like this. OK maybe not. I'd just have a mutt from the pound. Tom
  12. Thanks Troy, I need all the help I can get when it comes to drawing. youtube has some "really" strange stuff. Tom
  13. I agree, great looking bag very clean lines. My kind of bag. I really like the stitching. is there another peice of leather on the inside of the seam? Tom
  14. Thanks Windy. When you say match the jaw line it does give him a more sinister look. Thanks again. Tom
  15. I've made so may of these Dragons that I just had to try and use one of them on something so I made a cigar case. Tom
  16. OK, I gave it a little rounder jaw/mouth line. I even had one that looked like Jay Leno's chin. Tom
  17. Thank you Tasha. Yep it needed more chin. Here it is with a little more. I kept the same eyes cause I wanted him to have an angry look. The first drawing with the new chin came out looking like Peter Fonda so I redid it and heres what I have now. Tom
  18. The only dumb question is the one not asked. I heard that somewhere. Tom
  19. It's suppose to be a pirate with a rag wrapped around his head. It just doesn't look right to me. Maybe the lower jaw needs to be bigger. It's the first time I've ever tried to draw one. I opened the mouth up a little on the second one to make the teeth easier to work. Any and all comments welcomed. Or should I say needed. Tom OOPS. Stuck the wrong one in. Here's number 2TomBoy did I screw that post up or what?Tom
  20. Thanks Mike, Thats what I love about this site, everyone is so willing to help out. I have learned more from leatherworker than I can ever say thanks for. Tom
  21. I just ordered the Blue gun for the Gov. 1911 so it looks like we're both going to try this for the first time. I'm not sure how I'll go about it but I just like trying new projects. Tom
  22. The thanks go to you. With out your tutorial I'd still be hacking away at it. Now I have a great place to start from. I'm hoping my next one will be better. Thanks again Mattsh.
  23. Here's my first attempt at it. It's a 9mm Keltec P-11. Your right about the learning curve part. I had to cut several paper patterns before i got one i was happy with. On the next one I'll make the belt loop bigger. I had to do alot of streching on this one to get it right but it fits an inch and a half belt kinda snug. Tom
  24. I agree. It's just toooo cool. Love it. Beautiful work. Tom
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