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King's X

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Everything posted by King's X

  1. GoJohn: Sorry to hear about your lost. Welcome to our site and hopefully you can get a list of people that is interested.
  2. You can check on Robert Beard's website. I saw that he had a "sheridan" set. I know that Hide Crafter's had a Sheridan set of tools. They also carry the BK tools. Talk with Ron (specifically) and let him know what you are trying to accomplish and get some suggestions. I am building my set, but I am getting some guidance from a sheridan belt maker who comes to our guild meetings. I try to gain as much knowledge from those willing to share.....which is not often. Good luck.
  3. Bruce: Got a question. The book on the left....what color did you use and where do you get your fonts? appreciate it.
  4. I made mine out of 6oz for the windshield/fairing placement. I also have one below the headlight that is up there close to 8-9oz with 7oz straps. I have never place one behind the front tire on the frame, but hell if there is room then i might do it. I hope this helps.
  5. King's X


    Welcome to the forum!!
  6. Hell, George Hurst uses a cuticle cutter for his edges sometimes, so anything is bound to work? Give it a try and let us know.
  7. Nope, I was talking about Rancid, but I believe it was a Tandy manager in California that told me the Olive Oil would turn that way, but in reading the threads here, it appears that this would be wrong. So, correction for myself and other reading, the NFO has a possibility of turning Rancid and not OLO. Good to know. That is why I am still a member, much to learn! Thanks.
  8. King's X

    Hi there

    Welcome to the forum. Best of luck on your new endeavor!!
  9. King's X

    Hi all..

    Welcome to the forum and thank you for your service.
  10. King's X

    Pattern Needed

    I was wondering if ANYONE had a nice old floral pattern for a basic rifle scabbard. I am looking at constructing one and I cannot draw worth stuff, so I place myself on the mercy of the masters out there. I do not mind paying for copying and mailing. If you have more than one even better so I can compare pick the best one. This is for a recently turned 12 year old. Appreciate you!
  11. Super shene or neat lac sprayed on. It worked for me the second time around. I did it with sheep wool the first time and the came right off. The also have acrylic sealer at hobby lobby, joanns, etc. Good luck
  12. Thanks for the comments. The purse adorned a really nice pattern from Ron Ross. I am finishing the straps now. The portfolio as corner flowers from Chan Geer's collection. The basketweave and corner designs are my idea. I developed a cattle brand kinda of design using the customer's initials. The floral pattern on the money clip is just the Tandy design that comes with the kit. I hope to put a little "hidepounder" inside the portfolio pocket, but I doubt it will turn out as nice. I just have to try it. Anyways......
  13. Yea, but I like my pace right now. How's the holster cell holder? I hope it worked out. Thanks for the kind words.
  14. I just finished tooling this portfolio last night at 1am. It has been in the design phase for the last month. It is a commission from a co-worker. I figure I would show it off before I put the finish on. Second, is a money spring wallet that I made for myself. I have finished it or sewn it, but the tooling is done. The third one is my first attempt at my favorite "Bruce J" bag. Yea, I know I have to work on it. I have some changes that I will make on the next one, but this one is done. And finally, a floral wallet back I completed a while back. The finish was two coats of brushed on satin sheet and tan antique gel. Tell me what you think? Thanks. Sorry, too large of photographs. Here is the floral wallet.
  15. I must have gotten the other side of that hide. I took the piece and placed it in my bathtub with cold water and left it there until all of the bubble stopped coming up. I think most toolers will tell you about 5 minutes, but this piece actually took almost 16 minutes before all the bubbles stop. I then set it aside and allow it to return to a natural color. It was still hard to cut, so I stopped and recased it using a forumla I got from the members(here) using Listerine (Thanks Marlon), a teaspoon of neatsfoot oil, several drops of dish detergent (thanks Joanna) and cold water. I cased it good until it stopped sucking the water. I placed it it a plastic trash bag, but I didn't tie it off, I just folded over the end and placed it on my granite piece over night. The next day, I took the leather piece out of the bag and let the leather sit until it turned back to the natural color. I also turned the trash bag inside out to allow it to dry for fear that mold would begin to grow. I could tell that the leather cut better and tooled nice with good burnish. Unfortunately, if you search here, I ended up having some major problems with the finishing. I just threw it away and chucked it as an experience. I ended up taking the leather hide back since I paid more that I thought it was worth and the Tandy Manager was nice enough to give me a credit and allow for an upgrade piece. I think you are right, it is just the process of the tanning. No offense to Tandy because I buy other things there, but I am moving on Herman Oak at $99 a side fo 6-7 oz.
  16. I have used both. What I found is that Olive Oil (IMO) makes every leather piece I have done it on is softer and more pilable. You have to let it sit for a day or so to let it even out. With neatsfoot oil, I have not been too happy with lately, but I really think it is the crappy leather I get at Tandy personally. I can definately see a different in the feel for me. I have heard that Ricin (sp) is definately a problem with olive oil, but I am still here even though it will kill? I recently read something where Bill Gromer talked about using olive oil and he applies it on both side of the tooled leather. Extra Virgin, of course. Good luck.
  17. That's pretty, JBird. really nice.
  18. King's X Cuz, when I tool something and make a mistake, I can invoke King's X and do it over with no penalty or ridicule from the spousal unit and/or children. Nice thread.....
  19. check the resource area. if not, you will get enough information here. Zack & White Siegal of California Hide Crafter Springfield Leather Thoroughbred Leather Wichett & Craig Herman Oak Best of luck and welcome to the forum.
  20. Man (no pund intended), I hope you are okay. I got a few questions for you. My brother scissormedic has been kind enough to offer to make me a larger handle maul. What are you using for the top plate? Is there any weight inside the poly portion? Thanks. Get well fast!
  21. I got my awl from Hide Crafters, which was very affordable. I have the cuts on my fingers still healing from its use this weekend. Bruce you came through again! I will flatten one side of my shaft, I like that. As for the thread, I was going to suggest you contact Rawhide for the number to his supplier of the thread, but it looks like you have been given it already. Good luck.
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