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Everything posted by club49

  1. I got it from Ohio Travel Bag Co. It was $ 6.95 called a swivel clip #L-3401-NP I believe Springfield Leather also has them. They are about the same price.
  2. I put it together yesterday. I used the same clip you have above. Thank you for your help. I purchased the clip for $ 6 it works great. I put a strap on the front of the holster, I am not sure if you can see it. You can clip the pinpointer holster to the digger holster or if you like, put it on your belt separately. Please forgive my stiching , got sloppy. Thank you all. Jim
  3. Hi Johanna,

    I need an outlet to sell my belts and small cases. I was only selling my belts to the two clubs that I belong to. I ran out of people. Can you tell me the best way to sell ? I don't know how to go about setting up a web site.


  4. club49


    Hi RaySouth, What do you have left?
  5. Hi Bikermutt07, That is what the D-ring on front of the pinpointer is for, you hook the lanyard to the D-Ring then to your belt, so you don't lose it. He wants the pinpointer holster mounted to the digging tool holster. He told me to put it on an angle, so you can draw it out without hitting the digging tool. I can do that, but it looks bad. I figured if I had a fastener that could swivel it would look better and could clear the digging tool. I for one don't feel it necessary to do that because most of the time, you use the digger before you use the pinpointer. That is what he wants. Thank you for the feedback. Jimmy
  6. Hi All, A friend of mine wants me to make him a holster for his metal detecting digging tool and his pin pointer. I inserted a picture of a pin point holster. The problem that I have is, He wants me to mount the pinpoint holster on top of the digging tool holster. If I do that, he wouldn't be able to remove the pinpointer without hitting the crossbar of the digging tool. I figured the best way to do it is with some hardware that would allow the pinpoint holster to swivel so he can pull it out with out hitting the digging tool. The only hardware I saw that swivels has a belt clip on it. Can someone give me some feedback on how I might go about doing this? Thank you all. Jim
  7. Thank you all. I did phone Bob, I have a stamp on order. The wait is a year. I must say, that the phone conversation is one that I will never forget. He is a very nice gentleman. He gave me the whole rundown of what he was going to make for me. He is doing a design that I described to him over the phone. I have no idea what it will look like LOL. I loved talking to that man, he is a character I will not likley forget soon. If I lived in the area where he has shows ,I would go. Jim
  8. club49


    Nice, who makes them?
  9. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your work. You give me the courage to attempt my firat wallet. I have different templates, not sure how to go about it. I will give it a try. Jim
  10. I used the Angelus white acrylic paint with an air brush. It took 2 coats, it came out good. I don't have a picture of the white one, this is the beige one . It is the same paint from Agelius.
  11. I agree with you Bariqua. I really like the colors that I tried from Angelus. I tried the Army Tan and Brandy dyes. I also tryed their acrylic paint, white and beige. I use an air brush with all their colors. The one thing that I really like is that you don't have to rub off the pigment for an hour. I had very little dye come off when I rubbed . I also like the fact that you can see the grain of the leather. The acrylic paint is great, I had no problem with the air brush clogging. The coverage with the white was great with 2 coats. Sorry I don't have any photos. Clean up with soap and water. I want to try more colors, really nice product. Jim
  12. Give them a call, I forgot the name of the person who I spoke to on the phone. He was very informative. I never asked about pro dye sorry.
  13. I am looking to purchase a few pieces of Diamond Back Rattler, can someone help
  14. I purchased a plastic 2 inch X 12 container from home depot used for joint compound. It will be in the painting section. It works great for belts, being it is very narrow on the bottom 2" and top is about 4" you don't have to put a lot of dye in it. Jim
  15. Thank you supercub, for the photos and information. A friend of mine wants a case for his phone. I hope you don't mind, I think I am going to copy your's. Where a good place to get some snake skin scraps? Jim
  16. I am sure you wouldn't make that move just to be near Tandy. LOL They don't have that store there any more. I didn't know WC had one in Allentown. I would have taken the ride. I live in NJ, a little over an hour drive. I have to look into it. Jim
  17. I am still waiting, thank you JL for the information. I just hope I get a good side. David, you are lucky to be able to pick your own side. Do you still have to buy a min. amount of sides or could you buy one? Jim
  18. I purchased my first side of Hermann Oak from Panhandle Leather yesterday. I have purchased from Weaver before. Panhandle had the best price $215 a side. I asked what grade is it? He told me they don't do things like that. They get their leather from Hermann Oak, stack it up and when they get an order for a side, they pull one from the stack. I like that, just hope I get a good one. I take it Hermann Oak doesn't grade their leather if Panhandle doesn't. So how do the other companies get away with charging us more for a better grade? I am fairly new to this and I only purchase one side at a time. Can someone explain this grading business? Jim
  19. Hi Bondo, Same thing happened to me, They told me the order was shipped already and had to ship separate. I called back the same day a few hours after I placed the first order.
  20. That is a nice looking cell phone case and buckle, great job. Jim
  21. Hi Bruce,

    I am looking for a Dixon edger #2 for belts and small cases. Do you have one?

    Jim McLaughlin

  22. Hi Johanna,

       I am not sure if I am sending you a PM. I don't want to post his phone #, Can you please let me know if this is a PM  LOL


  23. How do you go about buying Robert Beard Stamps? I know it is a years wait. Jim
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