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Everything posted by fredk

  1. I use MDF and varnish it. A lot of varnish to waterproof it. MDF is very easily cut with minor hand or power tools. Even a medium duty knife will shape it easily. MDF has no grain so it doesn't leave any grain imprint in the leather
  2. Bestest I can do for you; http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2pcs-Brass-D-Shackle-DIY-Clasps-Ring-for-Keyring-Pouch-Belt-Loop-Fastener-Clip-/371839178764?var=640825166987&hash=item569357980c:m:mvpFrnNL6-GzXppqq4_f2JQ But if you go to a quality DiY store which carries decorative brass chain you may find them there cheaper. They are similar to Gyves* for attaching chain to chain or to hardpoints * aka D shackles, a similar but more O shaped version is a Bow shackle. Available in stainless steel, painted steel and brass
  3. In the UK Italian made items have a very poor reputation for their electrics. I've not had a single item made in Italy which I've not had to re-wire up - from new. Thus I'd advise you to check the electricals over very carefully
  4. Try checking out a supplier for Auto restorers. They sometimes have need of heavy duty elastic in various widths.
  5. You can make one yourself. Get a length of doweling from a DiY outlet [about 1.5 Euro] Get some Wet & Dry paper from a car accessory shop or the DiY shop [about 0.75 E per sheet] Glue the W&D paper around a piece of the dowel Job done; and ready for you to de-burr the blade I use 600 grade W&D to de-burr my cutting blades. 1200 or 2000 if I want a really polished edge. Two alternatives are a pipe de-burrer which plumbers use after they've cut through copper pipe. A good hardware store will have that; they'll cost from about 10 E upwards, but they can be a bit coarse for the job or a 'rat-tail' round file, costs about 3 E upwards for a quality one. I use one for sharpening my individual round and oval hole punches.
  6. Worked with mine too. I could grab one and swing him up off his feet when he was about to start mischief. I wish there was a 'Like' button I could hit for some of the funny comments on here
  7. Extra; I found another photo. Here's a part of it. Craftool 3-D stamp; Fleur de Lys # 8613-00 used, lined with silver gel-ink
  8. I've been looking for some but so far I can't find anything much. The only thing I have to hand is this gaming board. The pattern was drawn on with a pointed scriber; effectively pressing the pattern into the leather, almost as deep as a stamping would do. Even with 'antique-ing' it didn't stand out, so I went along the scribed line with a gold gel-ink pen. When it was well and truly dry I went over it with the Pledge, then it got Fiebling's clear Resolene on top of that then buffed up a bit with a bee'swax polish mixture I make. You have to be careful with the gel-ink tho; its water soluble so until its lacquered over to seal it it can 'run' if it gets too wet, and when you put the sealer over it don't wet it too much or drag the brush/sponge as that'll smear it too [don't ask me how I know..... ] I've done a knife scabbard for a friend with a stamped pattern all over it, then used a silver gel-ink pen in the low groves of the pattern to make the pattern stand out [or 'pop' as some US speakers would say] I've done single letters, small patterns...... But I rarely keep photos of these things and the items are all with their owners or passed on. Gel-ink pens are available just about anywhere. The metallic ones are just a bit harder to get but not much harder. And I believe you can get 'glitter' gel-ink pens in many colours as well.
  9. All dyeing is done before. Stamping - dyeing - sealing - colouring in - more sealing - polish if necessary
  10. I use gel-ink pens. Available in many colours as well as gold and silver. Tips are fine enough to go along the groove made by some stamps. Only takes a few seconds to colour in an area. After they dry for at least 24 hours I give the area a quick coat of 'Pledge with Future shine' acrylic floor varnish to seal the ink
  11. Tandy has this one in their pattern library; Its very similar https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/p-1816-ladies-concealment-handbag-pattern.aspx?
  12. Is there any way I can arrange just to see active topics rather than every single posting? On the old forum I could see a list of active topics and then decide if I wanted to read or reply in them On this new one I can only list 'unread' and it shows every single posting
  13. I don't use facebook or other sites like that. I prefer to be anonymous so I can continue my under cover work as a spy with the CIA whoops.............should na have told you that last bit.
  14. If I am an Easter Egg, then I am a Faberge one
  15. I'm 430mm long, weigh about 165 grams, and I'm very cute ~~ What did you expect? I'm a chameleon.
  16. You're both like chalk and cheese. Does she live in the Aldershot/Farnham area too? Its been a long time since I spent time at Aldershot.
  17. Only when kept in captivity. In their natural environment they are self sufficient I see you've changed your profile picture so everyone can see just how pretty you are. Aika is on the left everybody.
  18. I'm a chameleon trying hard to be a wild stallion,
  19. Of course. Everyone is unique in their own way. Some are like sheep, some are like chameleons and some are like wild stallions.
  20. You'll never find another Al Stohlman; he was totally unique. But you may find someone who aspires to be as good as him.
  21. That is the only way for Earls Grey Another way is an abomination And never to be taken after 11am. One dry biscuit allowed, no dunking, no scones, no toast. Well, men are men, because if they weren't they'd be women.
  22. Fine. I'm a trained swords master - fenced for N.I. I'm also a good shot - also represented N.I.armed forces in competition I also make tea - which ever sort you'd like, from light, thru Earls Grey, to good 'aul Belfast Shipyard Brew Next? Just kidding. I never fight over wimmin. I let others do that, then step in afterwards.
  23. I've never had the problem. I'm logged on 24/7, or very nearly.
  24. Use pure brass rivets, or is sewing the joint an option?
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