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Everything posted by Rbarleatherworks

  1. Looks Good
  2. Simply Beautiful ... Thanks for sharing with us
  3. Absolutely Beautiful May I ask how you did the Letters? R-
  4. Wow that is beautiful and genius... are those bleed knots for the petals? How the heck did you do that? R-
  5. Beautiful work and colors
  6. I just finished up an ATV seat, I think it turned out quite well
  7. Ok... thanks again for the information... I think I will try the Gorilla (I prefer to buy locally) but will definitely practice on a few pieces before I commit. If it doesn't work I guess Amazon it is Thanks again for the knowledge shared ... Love this page
  8. hmmmmmm .... actually it looks like I'm not able to get the 3M90 but I did find 3M77 or Gorilla Spray .... any ideas which would be the better option? TIA R-
  9. Thanks so much guys, I am not sure I can find Copydex locally but will try the 3M90 .... Thanks again R-
  10. Hi all, Does anyone have any experience in gluing Foam together and what adhesive would be the best? I'm working on a motorcycle seat and some of the foam needs to be replaced. TIA Regan
  11. Beautiful job Randy ... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours
  12. Thank you kgg ... I will have a look there R-
  13. Hi all, Does anyone know where I might be able to find these Needles? Thank you
  14. Beautiful job Randy I hope all is well Regan
  15. Good thinking @Handstitched, Thanks for that tip
  16. Thank you guys for sharing your experiences I really appreciate that. I did watch a YouTube Video on recovering and learned tons so I think I might have enough info now to move forward and feel confident. Ive learned that an Electric Knife is your best friend for cutting the foam and an angle grinder for shaping The fellow I watched used a spray on adhesive but I don't have that set up so I hope Contact Cement will do the trick. Here is a pick of the seat ... and yes ATV seat would be the proper term for it .. sorry for any confusion.
  17. Hi all I have had a project come to me that I am looking forward to tackling but I have a few questions. I have recovered a few Dirt Bike Seats in the past but the seat and foam itself was all intact so they were fairly simple.. but now I have a Seat from a Quad and the cover and Foam are quite damaged. So I am looking for some tips on replacing the foam... (ie. Type of Foam, how to Cut and Shape it to the seat & how to attach it, and any other considerations.) I have already bought some Marine Vinyl for the top. I realize this is not a leather related question but I thought the repair process is similar to many leather seats that it would be ok to post ... if it is not OK please free to remove. Thanks, Regan
  18. Good Morning Beautiful work I have a question ... does anyone know the reason that the clamp comes out of the seat on that angle? I have one but it comes up straight. I don't use it much but when I do I think it works just fine so curious as to why this one is on an angle. Thanks for sharing
  19. Love it, great idea ... I made a bag for treats for myself and I have to say it comes in very handy but I am always feeling like I need more bags or places to put things.!!
  20. This is their Website LatigoAmigo http://www.beaconhillbraidedleatherleads.com/ give that a try
  21. I cant help you with your question but have you tried looking up some posts in the Shoe & Boot section? ... Maybe direct message someone who has posted there that has knowledge on this subject. I hope you find your answers
  22. Rbarleatherworks


    Wowwww ! beautiful work What did you use to stitch all that?
  23. Wowzers ... Beautiful work and now what will you do with it?
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