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Everything posted by Rbarleatherworks

  1. Thanks for sharing How did you make the marks between the rivets? They look like they are cut in in some spots and maybe stamped in in others?
  2. Thank you for sharing this.... just joined I live in Kamloops which is just 40 minutes from Cache Creek where they lived for many years but sadly I was not interested in leather at that time.
  3. That is a Beautiful Job, Love it Any chance we could see a side pic? And some info on how you made it? Thanks for sharing R-
  4. Check out Bob Blea's last post I just came across it and it has hair on hide inserts for a wallet.... that might give you some idea's. hth ... Regan
  5. Looks great to me Randy, although I am still struggling with my own carvings so maybe someone with more experience may have some feedback for ya. Take Care
  6. Send a note to RolandRanch I believe he is from the Tuscon area.
  7. Oh wow... thank you Arashikage, those are exactly what I'm looking for. I am just waiting to hear back from Landis and will compare.
  8. Thank you Ken for your reply. I will look into that if I cant find something a bit closer
  9. Hi all, I am wondering if anyone could tell me where I can get a new cutting wheel for my Landis 5 in 1? Its missing a few teeth... lol! Not use is this is something I can just get a hardware store of do I need to go to the company itself? Thanks, Regan ps... I'm in Canada
  10. Love that collar, I am just about to make one and have been looking for inspiration .... Thanks
  11. Thank you very much for your reply. That really helps. I have had two border collie crosses and they fit my life perfectly, they could turn it on when needed and shut it down when asked. I don't think I would ever have a purebred, they seem to intense for me. My last girl was crossed with a Retriever and she was just the best. I saw a batch of pups for sale that were Border Collie x Kelpie but wasn't sure of their temperament. I horseback ride and hike some and think about trying agility. But mostly they would be my best bud
  12. I'm sorry but I cant help, although I am interested in what you find out so will follow. :-)
  13. I have been looking for another best little friend, i had to say good-bye to mine in January . Can you tell me what Kelpie's are like? I see some mixes with Kelpie in them but don't know the breed at all.
  14. I googled "old Japanese Saddle" and similar looking saddles come up
  15. Looks great.... I knew exactly what it was gonna be .... lol
  16. Yes ... Thanks GDH ... You are right, that is exactly what it was and a hair dryer with medium heat fixed it right up
  17. That is very nice It looks lightweight with that rounded skirt, I usually ride in a barrel saddle which are quite light, I have a hard time lifting some of those heavy roping saddles waaaay up there!
  18. I went to the Prescott Trade Show this spring and met a lady there named Linda Brown AKA 'Knotty Linda' and she sells Lace. Try www.knottylinda.com
  19. Amazing... absolutely beautiful ... Love the Blue one :-) Curious how do you attach the leather to the Silver?
  20. Wow ... Thank you RockyAussie I sure appreciate your input. Did you make all those sheaths in the last pic? Those other two are beautiful.... Is that Crocodile? I think that is a bit too fancy for this application but its sure nice to see what can be made ... beautiful, thanks for sharing
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