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Everything posted by rleather

  1. Toby is now one dapper fur friend. Really nice work and great way of showing your appreciation.
  2. I would have to eenie meenie miney mo, to make a choice of which of the two to use.
  3. When I saw your post , I was hoping to see one of your awesome antler knives. But I am not disappointed, very nice, top drawer as always.
  4. First or not, you did a very nice job. I like the color choice .
  5. I also love that lining. You did a great job tooling, That butterfly spine is awesome!
  6. from across the pond!
  7. That is wonderful, Dwight. Wait til her friends see it. You may be busy mass producing that project lol.
  8. to the forum, we are glad to have you here. We all share that passion for leather and are here to help on another.
  9. rleather


    Love them all,but really like the one with the bear print.
  10. There is a You tube video by Felicity & Allen Handmade. It shows a leather one being made, with a link to an AU company with patterns. I hope this helps.
  11. rleather

    underwater Scene

    Awesome, as always Stewart!
  12. Both are pretty amazing! Really detailed, and nice tooling. What color is that on your son"s? Very rich looking tone. Thanks for sharing.
  13. Nice tooling, and design.
  14. Belated, welcome to the forum. Nice clean straight forward design. Good work.
  15. Good idea , on the concho! The tie looks great!
  16. Beautiful colors,as usual, I really like the "torn" edge look.
  17. Both are very nicely done, and I like the contrasting thread.
  18. Really nice "out of the box" inlay work. Awesome as usual!
  19. rleather

    Lilac handbag.

    Absolutely love your color choice, and you did a wonderful job ! I know how much work goes into making a project like that, it's not easy until you make a few, and even then it is challenging. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  20. You sir, are a true artist. Just magnificent!
  21. That is almost too nice too even use. Almost, LOL .
  22. I need much more practice doing the basket weave arrow head design, but boy, YOU NAILED IT! Very very nice work.
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