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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i believe i did say that, so the new mallet i am making, i killed an elk drug it out of the mountains skinned, scraped, and dried the hide for the head cut the tree down for the handle drilled it with a drill press turned the whole thing on my lathe and assembled it, added some brass or steel washers. What do i have? a handmade mallet? or one just like you can buy from tandy? How would i advertise it for sale without being called a liar or cheat? l
  2. Really? then why even ask the question you have made it a moot point? the word Truth is as ambiguous and personal as handmade. i think it is also.
  3. So what say does your customer have in the end its really them who decide if your work is handmade isn't it? You as the maker can call it whatever you want but if you sell it then someone will decide if they got what they paid for.
  4. why not? because your customer might not agree maybe a good reason. After all its the consumer that really decides what they feel they are buying is handmade or not nowadays it turns into a review, or a comment on your work.
  5. if you sell on etsy it means this. https://whileshenaps.com/2013/09/what-does-handmade-mean.html Etsy’s expanded definition of handmade now includes “hand-assembled.” The policy states: “Handmade items must be created by the seller operating the Etsy shop (or a member of that shop). Selling commercial or mass-produced items on Etsy’s handmade categories is not permitted.” So the stuffed animal can be made by a member of my shop, but it can’t be mass-produced. If I have four employees sewing for me, my toys are handmade. If I hire 4,000 factory workers, though, they aren’t, even if the process is exactly the same.
  6. What the gubment says !!!! “23.3 Misuse of the terms “hand-made,” ‘hand-polished,”etc. (a) It is unfair or deceptive to represent, directly or by implication, that any industry product is hand-made or hand-wrought unless the entire shaping and forming of such product from raw materials and its finishing and decoration were accomplished by hand labor and manually-controlled methods which permit the maker to control and vary the construction, shape, design, and finish of each part of each individual product.”
  7. https://www.bigcommerce.com/ecommerce-answers/how-define-handmade-items/ Webster's Dictionary defines handmade as an item made by hand or by a hand process. It was first used in the early seventeenth century. The recurring issue with the term "handmade" is that some crafts incorporate both hands and machinery during crafting. For example, a garment made with store-bought fabric and sewn on a sewing machine might be considered handmade by some, but not others. Since consumers are more willing to pay top dollar for handcrafted goods, it might be tempting for an ecommerce retailer to toss that label onto items, especially if there is no one monitoring the actual production. This is unethical and can damage a retailer's reputation. Many business owners are trying to maintain an ethical relationship with both the online community and their customers.
  8. Whats you definition of hand process? running a clicker press or sewing machine? There are also rules concerning truthfulness in selling that would decide if you item was handmade, jewelry especially has those rules quite stringent. merriam Webster says handmade adjective Save Word To save this word, you'll need to log in. Log In hand·made | \ ˈhan(d)-ˈmād \ Definition of handmade: made by hand or by a hand process dictionary .com SAYS handmade[ hand-meyd ]SHOW IPA adjective made by hand, rather than by machine:the luxury of handmade shoes.
  9. i chisel the top piece and the bottom piece together, then glue the welt on the top piece chisel through it then useing brass brads along the stitches about every inch or inch and a half line up and glue the bottom to the welt. After that i clean up the holes as i stitch with my awl.
  10. yw if you holster does loosen up you can still add the stitching or even a rivet at the corner of the trigger housing and barrel. I've never seen any century old holsters that used the formed holster as the method of keeping the gun in the holster which is what you are attempting its a modern design feature because it s a modern design that holds the gun secure in a different way. i could very well be wrong and would certainly like to see one if so.
  11. lol yea i would have have missed everything after about 9pm.
  12. sure, define your meaning of pollutes because plastic to some doesn't pollute "its recyclable" yet the world is drowning in it while both leathers return back to nature.
  13. your very welcome, that was a good buy indeed i buy many knives from our local thrift store and yard sales etc. You have to know what your looking at however.
  14. about a year or so ago this very subject was discussed. I believe it top be more of a open phrase, hand tooled , hand stitched, hand cut etc would be more appropriate terms but then again do you write all that down or say all of it if you do all those steps by hand or do you simply say handmade? I know of many knifemakers who source out all their parts then assemble the knives and put a final edge on them and still call themselves knifemakers isn't that the same thing?
  15. about a year or so ago this very subject was discussed.
  16. That is cool indeed yea shoot a few pics our way if you would.
  17. it keeps their guts from falling out. or you can make knife handles out of em.
  18. your friend is right. You could have been done days ago. But thats how we learn i've done the same. I agree too.
  19. Mine are really long very slender knives with a blunt tip and straight cutting edge other than that really nothing, they work awesome for cutting tomatoes paper thin also ham or roasts. Mine are pretty old, probably made in the 50s, before they mostly went to serrated blades, i have the complete set of Maxam kitchen knives they were made in Japan and are really nice tools. they have to be kept razor sharp to get through the crust but when they are you can cut very straight with them X50crmov15 is stainless steel made in Germany. It's somewhere between mid- and high-range quality-wise. This is the go-to option for people who want a great knife they can rely on for the right price. This steel has little to no flaws and great reviews all around.X50CrMoV15 Steel is synonymous with kitchen knives. If you're shopping for a new kitchen or chef knife today, chances are high you'll get a knife from a popular brand with the X50CrMoV15 Steel blade
  20. great job for sure. You may try taping a strip of leather in between the sights along the top so you get a good front sight channel and then sew around the trigger guard and barrel closer i think that may loosen up with use. I don't always line my holsters either.
  21. oh heck yea that looks like a great time was had.
  22. beautiful job an welcome to the club half the fun is makin the tools lol.
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