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Everything posted by tnawrot2

  1. You can try taking some of the pressure off the roller foot, I believe there is a long flat piece of steel on top of the machine with a knurled knob that you would unscrew to lessen the pressure. The Adler 169 also uses feet, a smooth set would not leave marks.
  2. Ferdco closed and has some tables on their close-out page, they are about $100.00 plus S&H http://ferdco.com/content.php?page_id=30
  3. I don't know how far this is from you, but this is a hell of a deal. This type of machine is almost bombproof. http://vancouver.en.craigslist.ca/rch/bfs/3336910683.html
  4. The only way this saddle compares to a Monte Foreman Balanced Ride Saddle is the rigging, The Balanced Ride saddle has a two point system for the stirrup leather, and has a flat seat. The original maker of the saddle was Fallis. TexTan sold a version in the late 60's.
  5. I just sent you a message, go the the page where you log in, and next to your name is a number, click on it to read the message.
  6. I would as the place/person that I bought the conchos from.
  7. According to the Ferdco site the Pro 440 is being crossed referenced to the Tech-Sew GA5-1, you could contact them for a manual. http://shop.raphaelsewing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=274
  8. What size thread are you using, and what is the size of the needle?
  9. I thought I had too many until I read all the stories. I have six machines that cover light, medium, heavy and extra heavy sewing. Starting with a Singer 29k4, Singer 31-15, Singer 111w155, Juki 563, Singer 97-10, and a Landis #3. I will finish my collection when I find either a 441 clone or an Adler 205-370, and I might through in an Adler 30-7.
  10. Is a 28 needle available for the machine. If someone told me that my 31-15 could use a 415 thread, I would first doubt it and then I would find out if a size 27 or 28 needle is available. If it is available then that tells me that i could use 415, if the largest size is in the low 20's then the tops would be 92 or 138.
  11. I agree. It is super sloooooooooooow today.
  12. With my experience on a Landis #3 I would say you don't have it threaded right. Try revolving the wheel and pull the top thread, if it pulls without tension it is threaded wrong or your thread grabbers are worn or not adjusted properly. Hope this helps.
  13. LIKE I wish there was a 'LIKE" button on this new format!
  14. The "Follow this topic" finally works. I now get an email when there are replies to a checked topic. If there wasn't change we would be driving stick cars, watching a small black and white TV, our phone would be the black candlestick, and there wouldn't be any smart phones, lap tops or internet. Instead of bringing out your negatives about the new format, we should embrace it like we all have with the 441 clone. As the 441 clone was drastcally new to first time sewing machine owners, they learned to overcome, and now their machine is the best thing since sliced bread. I for one would like to thank the owners of this fabulous site for keeping it updated with new features. Terry Nawrot
  15. When in doubt....youtube is your friend
  16. Try this http://www.goligerleather.com/saddlery.html
  17. Glad I could help. I had a 31-15 years ago and just bought another one last month. I just got done working on another Singer that I haven't used for years. Everything was stiff, it took me 2 days and now it runs like a top. The hardest part was moving it to fix it, it weighs 600 pounds. I forgot to mention it is a Singer 97-10.
  18. Is the long groove of the needle to the left? If I remember correctly the needle is round and there is no flat spot like some needles. The round needle could be installed 180 degrees off, causing problems
  19. The first one, harness horse, the useable depth of the jaws is about 8", which is perfect for mostly straps. The saddlers horse has a useable jaw depth of 24", perfect for sewing saddle skirts.
  20. I heard about these military books on sewing machine, but I can't locate any. I googled us marine sewing machine and I could not find the book you are talking about, any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Terry
  21. Can you explain, possibly with pictures, what "turn back stitches" and "skip-a-dee" stitches look like? Thanks, Terry
  22. If looks like cloth/vinyl covered foam to me.
  23. What is the pricce for the Landis #3 needles and awls?
  24. You have a PM
  25. You are so right, it wasn't a 205-370, I could not blow up the picture enough to see it wasn't a walking foot. After a 325 trip down to St Clair, Mo, I see it and it wasn't a walking foot and the pressure foot lift was only 1/2". I found some needles for my 97-10, so I won't be looking for another machine.
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