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Everything posted by tnawrot2

  1. Look on ebay for pin vise, pin vise collets, or pin vise chucks. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pin-Vise-Chuck-for-Watch-Clock-Jewelry-Repair-/230990093148?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35c8151b5c
  2. I found one. http://chicago.craigslist.org/chc/bfs/3789603803.html
  3. Your profile lacks where you live, it could be Australia, Japan, UK, or the US. Until I know where you live, I can't help.
  4. The leather you are stamping your logo on, how big is it? I would suggest getting a foot press or an electric 5 ton punch press. You will have to have your logo stamp attached to to a rod the size that would fit your press. Then make a fixture that would hold and center your piece. Attach the fixture to the press table.
  5. You could use a 441clone , Cobra 4 or a Cowboy 4500, with a stirrup plate for small radius.
  6. I would say you don't have it threaded correctly. Either you don't have the thread set into the upper tension disc deep enough, or it's a problem with the take up lever.
  7. That is a very misleading question without stating what thickness of leather you intend to sew. I could say yes to your question, without you knowing that I only sew thin wallets and you want to sew harness leather. So it would be better telling us what you intend to sew, and what size thread you want to use. The Juki 555 is basically a high speed tailors machine, it doesn't have a walking foot.
  8. I don't have a Cobra or a Cowboy, but I do have HD sewing machines, and it look like you don' have enough down pressure on your foot. You have to have enough pressure so the foot doesn't raise when the needle is pulled out of the leather. Too much pressure will leave marks on the leather, too little pressure will lift the foot.
  9. Thanks Bob, that's the information I was looking for.
  10. I just bought a Singer 7 class, it doesn't have a tag but I think it is a 7-31. The foot lift is 9/16", I have seen some converted to 1" lift, does anyone know how this is done, and if so where would I get the parts required.
  11. If you want to get better snaps,find a marine textile supply house near you, You will have to buy the individual snap parts in boxes of 100. I found the size you are looking for at Dot Fasteners. http://dotfasteners.thomasnet.com/item/durable-8482--2/durable-8482-caps/item-1013?
  12. If I was near Idaho I would buy that machine as fast as I can. The Landis #16 is a needle and awl machine, the awl pierces the leather from the top and the needle follows it from the bottom. It is widely used by the Amish, and there is a person in Arthur, Illinois that makes parts for them.It is not good for sewing fabric or nylon, the open eye needle catches the filaments. It will sew about 3/4" or more. Attachments are hard to find, needles and awls are available. I use 415 nylon in my Landis #3, predecessor to the #16. Take some leather with you and try it out. $2,000.00 is a good price, keep in mind that it is a very heavy machine in mass weight.
  13. His patent reads "Band having spaced bullet cartridge elements", he is using actual bullet casings cut down, not conchos. As a concho is not a bullet cartridge element, just a piece of pressed metal. His collars look like S--t, the quality of leather and the ridiculous looking bullet cartridge elements.
  14. $300.00 In order to sew leather 1" thick you will have to add another zero to the left of the decimal point.
  15. I have a 4 lb rawhide maul and a 7 lb urethane maul, the secret is to either stamp on a concrete floor, or if you use your workbench, stamp over a leg that goes to the floor.
  16. What make is your 1700 RPM bench buffer? I looked at mine and it is 3450 RPM.
  17. She is selling them on Amazon for about $16.00 .http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Leatherworking-Handbook-Illustrated-Sourcebook/dp/1844034747/ref=aag_m_pw_dp?ie=UTF8&m=A65HKFB2Q1YTT
  18. I don't know the legality of this , but the patent is for bullet cartridge element. A cartridge is the casing in which primer, powder and a bullet is used. A 12 gauge is a SHELL in which primer, powder and SHOT is used. He doesn't have a picture of the "bullet cartridge elements". Maybe you should get a patent for "shotgun shell conchos"
  19. Options A. Learn how to feather the foot pedal B. Put something under the foot pedal so it would not travel into high speed. example piece of dense foam C. Put on the smallest pulley available on the motor shaft, you would also have to buy a shorter belt D. This is the best option available and it will change the speed of the machine drastically. Invest in a servo motor, cost around $100.00, it will mount in the same holes as the original motor. You could adjust the speed to a crawl. I hope other members will respond as to what servo motors they have found to be best.
  20. Here is the link for corner stitching http://www.campbell-bosworth.com/articles/Corner-Stitching.pdf
  21. Prestige saddles are expensive, if is a dark color or a light color, some of the oil/conditioners we use darken the leather which might upset the owner. People that own English saddles have a lot of different cleaners and conditioners form England and Germany. I did a Google search on "how to clean a Prestige saddle" and an array of sites came up. This one mentioned the cleaner and conditioner to maintain the saddles. http://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-311528.html
  22. I looked into latex tubing for another project. I found out they make a thick wall tubing. When you order you will need to know the ID (inside dimension) and the OD (outside dimension. Here is a website that offers different sizes and different lengths. http://www.latex-tubing.com/lrt10ro.html
  23. I use cheap 16" hoof nippers, they are about $14.00 at Harbor Freight, Jeffers or kv supply.
  24. Could that spring thing attached to the foot be a thread cutter, you would pull the thread up through the spring and a blade would cut the thread and hold it tight.
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