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Everything posted by Gezzer

  1. Braver than me , I won't hardly click on a link but I am old and untrusting
  2. Gezzer

    Flashlight holster

    Flashlight is like your pants .... don't leave home without it I use the pocket clip BUT yours is a great idea !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I looked at the link and read the same but I did see a contact number a person could call and maybe get info on where they are made . I am like you from just reading it was not clear to me .
  4. Not in the same ballpark but when I make these arrowheads , I glue the blanks up and then when dry work the edges like Chuck said . Cut, shape , sand, and burnish . I am betting the the edges up top sre done much the same . my $ 00.02
  5. Playing around some more . It's a different look .....
  6. Yes Sir , that covers it really well . I searched J D sewing machine tractor and then clicked on the image tab ...... unreal !
  7. Bullets ,feathers , and snake skin ................................................ my kinda hat band
  8. If only they had used " yellow " on the wheels That is 9.5 outa 10 on thinking outside of the box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Looks great , I bet retention is quite good also .
  10. What works for me is to tip the beveler back to me and move it about 1/2 of its width . By tipping it back you create a slope away from you and by just using 1/2 the width I can " walk " it pretty good . Hope that helps
  11. Nice design and execution !!!!! Like the Pastor I often lose money on work for friends but it will all even out down the road
  12. I can't speak for @YinTx or @spacedog if you were asking them . But what I have done here is cut with a swivel knife except for the shape of the coaster which is also cut by hand , just a different knife .
  13. Nice job !! Maybe put your makers mark on the back ..... just a thought .
  14. Absolutely stunning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. @Stewart Thank you . @Fraulein Thanks . No link but wife got them at amazon . Those starter stamps come in handy sometimes .
  16. Looks fine !! I can't get the nerve to try a wallet . I like the USMC stamp
  17. @chuck123wapati You got me , but in my defense I do have a hard time with the light stuff . I didn't even try once I determined it needed to be out of heavier stuff . Here is some 8/9 and it will work much better plus I can kinda shine the edges .
  18. Not at all sure where this belongs or what to call it . Wife buys these acrylic photo holders and we have several . They are 3/4 thick ( 2 x 3/8 ) and work on magnets . So I got to thinking ................... if double caps would stick well then I could put some leather on them . Also makes 2 holders out of 1 ( yep , I am border-line genius ) wife just says I'm tight !! Needs a little heavier weight , this is 4/5 oz , and would work better I think .
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