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Everything posted by kevinhopkins

  1. Hi...Damon's got it...more than likely, it's time for a new dremel shopping experience! Kevin Hopkins
  2. Nice Job on the money belt! For a moment there, I thought I was looking at one that I used to produce many years ago... But your's is nicer. (our's was quicker tho....sewing machine, y'know...) Hope you got paid for all the handstitching! Kevin Hopkins
  3. Hi... We provide custom stamps like the old Tandy ones. You can use them like an 8300 series stamp with a handle. They run 39.95, and really come out pretty well. We've done about a zillion maker stamps. Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  4. If that's your first one, You are going to really do well! Kevin Hopkins
  5. If you do the inverted style, which is nice, make sure you have a few pointed bevelers, such as 941,902, 976, etc. They'll be a tremendous help. If you're beveling around the outside, I think I'd find myself using either a 935, or a 936, depending on whether or not you want texture. It'll be a tad bit tedious.... Kevin Hopkins
  6. Hermann Oak Leather, and good tools....kind of addictive, ain't it??? Kevin Hopkins
  7. I'll tell you a secret... Push bevelers do work... they're a bit of a pain in the butt... Tandy used to make a little plastic "bevel blade" that fit in a swivel knife. I'll bet I've beveled about 40 miles of lines with that dumb little thing. And for what it's worth, I think I've got close to 500 of them left. I bought tandy out when they closed their store chain. I think I must have had 10000 of them! They work great, and I think it's about the best 2 bucks you can spend! Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  8. Hi Redbeard.... How did you get that nickname??? Lots of knowledge floating around here...and lots of friendly folks. Glad you're able to be around. Kevin Hopkins
  9. Hi...I've never heard of doing that...there must be some advantage I'm not aware of... but I'd think you could get it at a decent sporting goods store? Kevin Hopkins
  10. Another thing you might want to consider is really good glue. If you have things glued in place well, you won't have the twist issue. Your typical barge and masters will do well if you use them correctly. Kevin Hopkins
  11. Hi...No matter who you buy a machine from, always try to talk with a few folks that are knowledgeable about what you want to sew... the worst you'll get is advice that you don't want to hear, or can't afford, but you'll be smarter, and you'll probably save a ton of money and grief in the long run! Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  12. Hi... For what it's worth, you might want to get on the phone to someone with a toll free number, and just chat about sewing. You'll probably find the time well spent, and you'll more than likely be smarter. I'm always available (pretty much), and so is steve tayrien, and I'm sure there are others. Don't get discouraged...once you get thru the learning curve, it gets better! Kevin Hopkins/Springfield leather.
  13. kevinhopkins


    I'm kinda old fashioned, and a bit on the simple side, if you ask my wife... I use an Olfa snap off utility cutter, and a metal straight edge when I need it. When I need something different I normally switch to an exacto knife w/#11 blade. I don't do all that bad... the head knife, round knife... all are great. I've used them for years. For some reason I just gravitate to the others. kevin hopkins.
  14. Hello... SX industries can make them, RIBCO (Rhode Island Buckle Co.) Patriot products. Just keep in mind you'll probably have to meet minimum order requirements. Kevin Hopkins
  15. Hey Rawhide, George stopped in my store the other day, and we had a nice visit... if you see this, tell him Kevin Hopkins said it looked like his Carving was slipping a bit.... I'd give anything to see and hear what he says about that!!! (After he cusses me, make sure you tell him that I'm pulling his leg) Kevin
  16. Hello... If you're in the states, I sell leather in any size you want. For something that size, I'd probably give it to you if you pay the postage! Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  17. Looks like Artisans 797 and Cobras 17 class, and several others.... Price seems ok.... Clutch motor would be good if you're doing upholstery, but I'm not sure I'd want the clutch for leather work. Can it come with a speed reducer and Servo? Kevin
  18. Hi... If you have a machinist friend, I think he could solve your problem. Kevin
  19. Hi, Midwest CHemical in St. Louis also manufactures an edge dye that we've had quite good success with. Kevin Hopkins
  20. Hello Crystal, I'm not quite sure what you're looking for.... a picture would help a bit.... If you can get one too me, I might be able to help. Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  21. Henry is a good source, and you might try Alex Trachter, at Magna Leather in El Paso. I don't have his number here at home, but if you email me at the store, I'll pass it on to you. Kevin@springfieldleather.com
  22. Hi... Depending on the level of production that you're wanting to achieve, all the small sanders of various types work pretty well. If you're wanting to put out a significant amount of work, I'd recommend trying to find an old shoe finishing machine that has a Naumkeg on it. Depending on how old it is, and what condition it is, you can pick one up from 3-400 bucks, up to maybe 1000 to 1500 for a relatively newer model. the newer ones are nice, because they only take up about 4 ft of space, and give you just about everything you need to put a super edge on almost anything. The one we use has 2 round sanding drums on it. (one coarse, and the other not so coarse) and a horse hair wheel for buffing on one end, and 2 leather wheels on the other end (about 1 1/2" wide) for applying wax, and burnishing belt edges. There is a Naumkeg on the top. A naumkeg is a vertical motor mounted with the shaft pointing downward. There's a small rounded, but pretty flat sanding attachment on it that will allow you to sand in very tight curves. We turn the sandpaper on that inside out when we want to buff rather than sand, and you can even apply wax quite handily with it. I know it sounds like it might be overkill to some folks, and maybe it would be, but if you're trying to cut your time down in edging, a finishing machine is almost man's best friend. Kevin Hopkins
  23. Basements are not good for leather in my opinion. Dry airflow is good... I tell my wife to go talk to the leather rack every now and then.... Usually I regret that.... Kevin
  24. Hi... There's a million different finishes out there, and most of them are fairly good. Tan kote, however, is extremely mild. It's really not much of a protector at all. Tan kote is used extensively in reducing various fiebings stains, and it helps in evening out the way that the leather takes the stain. But as a final finish, it's just weak. If that doesn't matter to you, then you're fine. But if you need protection, then you might consider some of the more common finishes such as the various oils, acrylics such as pro clear, super shene, resolene, leather balm, to name a few. I like pro clear or saddle lac for collars. Hope this helps! Kevin Hopkins
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