Tooling probably is what they are mostly used for.
I use mine for tooling,
setting rivets,
punching stitching holes. With think leather between of course.
crushing ice…
you name it they come in handy.
Paying for an online pattern.
but it has no printable instruction,,,only a youtube video.
A video that leaves out some of the steps in critical stitching instructions.
Thank you everyone.
they aren’t perfect, but it keeps me active.
I only have four more to go until my herd is complete.
Yesterday, some found new homes already.
Very nice!
I'm terrible at carving. Even after all these years of leather working.
I really like the backpack. It looks very girly classy.
ya got more pictures of it?
It looks pretty nice to me. I always like bead work belts.
Your friend will love it, I’ll bet.
my brother was good at beading.. I don’t have the dexterity for it.
nor the patience .
Pretty nice job on the sheath.
not being a knife person, will you explain what the design of the knife is for? I have not seen one like that before.