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    My babies, leathercraft, fishin'

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  1. Got a fella wantin' this for 92fs Compact If you are interested in making this rig (and capable, please -- let's not burn up this guy's time) just message me your contact info and I'll pass it on to him. Chicago area. Time frame, price, and payment will be between you and him entirely.
  2. Got a fella wrote about a pancake holster for a Charter Arms Bulldog 3" .44 revolver. The one he commented on was right handed and black with black stitching, so very likely that's what he wants. Guy is in Houston, so folks in TX given preference but not required. I'd like to recommend someone to get this done for him -- so let me know if you're making these and I'll put the two of you in touch so you can work out your own details and pricing.
  3. Got a former customer wanting a holster for the Sig 229 with rail, avenger style. Since i'm not currently making these, I'll throw it out there. Here's the idea: if you make these (he rather likes (W/C drum dyed leather) then let me know, including a picture of your work I can forward to him. I mean, picture of a holster for the 229 ... Short version: Give me a legitimate reason to recommend you, and i will! I'm going to tell him something TODAY.
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