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Everything posted by Eaglestroker

  1. Your organization is pretty awesome. If I had a room I could dedicate to just leather I would do something pretty similar, maybe someday!
  2. I love tuckers design and have seen it before. I'm sorry for the poor picture but it's the only one I had saved on my computer! Thank you both for your replies. Guess I'm going to have to learn to use a swivel knife
  3. And how can I accomplish similar results?
  4. Best thing to do is suck it up and offer to fix it. As particle said I always whipe mine with oil before starting but that looks like a rattle can or bake on finish on the barrel. Sometimes we learn through experience, my first handgun was a new Kimber 1911 and I screwed up the finish learning to make holsters. Better mine than a customers right? I've also had one instance where I had to foot the bill on a slide refinish. Couldn't prove it was my fault but it wasn't worth the hassle. That customer has paid for that repair ten times by now.
  5. I love the first one, the lacing is really awesome!
  6. Practice, practice, practice. I've only been messing with this leather hobby since January of this year and am just now getting consistent dye jobs. I'm not saying I do it 'properly,' but I use 3 large sealed cake pans. Light brown, dark brown, and black. Dip until even, buff off the excess and allow to dry - I do all of this outside with a mask on. This is one I'm most pleased with as I didn't think it was possible to get light colors with the dip dying before. Note that I've used an airbrush successfully as well. My beef was that it didn't have any penetration. Once it got scratched up the color was gone - I can groove a stitch line after dip dying and maintain the same color. Not so much of an issue with an IWB or concealed holster but I wear several of mine on the farm and wasn't happy with how they aged. It's a shame because I think the brush gives the best LOOKING results bar none. I hope this helps some but as with anything your results may vary.
  7. That is unbelievable, absolutely beautiful work.
  8. Got to thank you Adam. I have been hitting a brick wall lately with a few issues and it never occurred to me that the machine itself had enough tension I didn't need to groove for it. Just save me after a lot of heart ache!
  9. I was trying to figure it out. If you click the 'forum' tab it only appears on the main forums page. I'm using Firefox as well.
  10. Both are very nice rigs - I REALLY like that clipped corner buckle.
  11. I think all of them look very nice, good job!
  12. I have not used Hermann Oak, I liked that I could buy direct from W&C and they got my business. I would still like to try HO but it's just been a "ain't broke don't fix it" mentality for me thus far.
  13. I have the Blackhawk Shooter mentioned, and I know for a fact that it will fit a Wilson Combat. Know this doesn't help you Particle but for future reference and searches on the forums.
  14. The whole rig looks really nice and you should be proud of it. I can't tell if it's the picture or not, but the tooling doesn't look like it has much depth to it. I'd recommend your wife read a little bit on casing leather on here - it made my stamping a hundred times better over night.
  15. I started with W&C, I worked in a machine shop and raw materials are a big factor in end result. The holster looks very nice and stitching superb, I'm glad to hear your happy with it!
  16. I'll suck up a little more on this one Max, your slings from earlier posts had inspired me to try my first a while back. I really like the half basketweave style, keep up the nice work.
  17. The fit and finish on that is really second to none, very nice work and excellent edges. I still can't seem to get to that level on edges.
  18. I think that looks excellent, nice work!
  19. That's a really great looking rig Frank, simple and classy.
  20. Mark, I really like the design and execution. Keep up the nice work!
  21. Ray, I understand why you stay so busy with work like that. Really excellent all around.
  22. If you watch Particles videos, he uses gum tragacanth to buff it flat. I dye the inside of my holsters but feel and undyed interior with no bleeding really shows you know what your doing and looks very nice. My dye jobs aren't so consistent. To me its aesthetics more than anything.
  23. I tried both. My opinion is buy once cry once, get a decent airbrush. You can get a 50%+ off coupon for local craft stores and get a very nice brush for little money. I've moved to mostly dip dye but the brush is the only way to get a light even color that I've found.
  24. Dwight, Any chance we could get a picture of the finished project so I can wrap my head around the finished concept? -Robert
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