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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. I went onto Youtube. You do beautiful work man! ArtS
  2. WoW! Why would you hesitate posting these. Beautiful work! I love it. ArtS
  3. ArtS


    Careful - she has guns and knows how to use them. ArtS
  4. ArtS


    Luke, I hope thats not your hat! LOL ArtS
  5. Absolutely beautiful saddle. Great job! ArtS
  6. They're great for slicking edges. ArtS
  7. Great job. I like the design. ArtS
  8. Beautiful and quality work! Great job. ArtS
  9. Great job! How long have you been doing this as a "newbie"? ArtS
  10. Thanks for the info. I've seen those used in wood before. Why do you use the screw instead of just using a rivet or sewing it down the middle? Thanks, Art
  11. What are T-nuts and what are they used for? ArtS
  12. ArtS

    Makers stamp

    I use the 3lb hammer and it works great. ArtS
  13. Looks cool! Good job. That will turn some heads. ArtS
  14. Here are some pictures at my try at this a couple of years ago. I made this for a friend. I also bought a plastic shot glass and incorporated it into the design. ArtS
  15. Great job! Glad you've decided to join in. ArtS
  16. I love my Artisan. If I ever need another sewing machine it will be another Artisan. Not only are the machines good but their staff is excellent! ArtS
  17. I see the dark. It gives the shadows to the drops and makes them look 3D. Really cool idea! Art
  18. Beautiful job! I really like the round, laced, throat latch. Get ready for your friends to start asking for their's. LOL ArtS
  19. WOW! that is really beautiful! A wonderful job. He's gonna love it. ArtS
  20. ArtS

    Makers stamp

    Thanks. Yes that is my own design. I cam up with it many years ago. ArtS
  21. ArtS

    Makers stamp

    I just got mine from Grey Ghost (Jeff Mosby) on Saturday. It's great. At the last class I attended someone had a great idea for a makers stamp hammer. They bought a dead blow hammer. I tried it and liked it. No bounce so you don't accidentally get a double stamp. ArtS
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