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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. Hey Folks, I was just curious if any of you were thinking of attending the Extreme Leather Workshop in North Carolina on March 26-28. I went to the last one in April and it was great! Chan Geer was a great teacher and person. I learned a lot and really enjoyed it. It was the first time that there was a class so close to me (Georgia). I hope some of you can go so I can meet you. Heck I'm hoping I can go! LOL There are going to be 6 instructors, all Al Stohlman Award winners. Here is the link in case you're interested. http://www.hidestoart.com ArtS
  2. I'm a member of the International Internet Leathercrafter's Guild and they are a member if the IFoLG. http://www.iilg.net Their site has a bunch of info. ArtS
  3. Here are the patterns I made. Hope it helps. I'm not used to making patterns for others but they work for me. I put an inch scale on the patterns to help. The strap is about an inch wide. The part of the strap with the buckle is 23 inches long before it's curved under the d-ring and the buckle. The other side of the strap is 22 inches long before it's wrapped around the d-ring. The pocket is sewn onto the back part and I used rivets in the top corners. If you have any questions please contact me. ArtS
  4. You've been staying busy! You're doing good. ArtS
  5. There is a packet about the size of a shirt pocket. You can see it from the back (attached). I'd be glad to share the pattern. I'll see if I can scan it if not give me your address and I'll snail mail you a copy. ArtS
  6. Very nicely done. Did you buy the hair or cut it off your horse? Looks like someone is going to have some fun tonight! Great job. ArtS
  7. Wow! As close to perfect as you can get! Beautiful job. I'm working on a western Halter/Bridle for a friend but it won't be near as nice as your's turned out. ArtS
  8. A new purse I made on Saturday for a friend. ArtS
  9. These are really awesome! ArtS
  10. Thats really cool! I bet if you darken the eyes and the mouth it would really pop out. ArtS
  11. It goes to show it's not the tools that make the artist. Thanks Johanna, that was cool. ArtS
  12. ArtS

    Pirate Bottle

    Cool. Name your poison! LOL I like it. ArtS
  13. With only 5 to feed and lots of pasture I haven't had to give them any hay in about 3 years except when we go camping with them. I have a guy cutting hay right now rather than bush hog it has I have the last couple of years. I tried to find someone to cut it for hay before but no one was interested. Glad I found this guy. He bales it into round bales. If I need any hay I will get it from him for free. I just came in from using the weed wacker around the gates and the road. ArtS
  14. Good info. Thanks. Where do you get Montana Pitch Blend? ArtS
  15. Fantastic and THANK YOU so much! ArtS
  16. It looks really good! Great job. I like that pattern a lot. ArtS
  17. ArtS

    from Poland

    Beautiful work. It looks like you've been doing leather work much longer than a year! ArtS
  18. He is so cute. Reminds me of my eldest son when he was that age ( so many years ago). I just came back from a week long ride up in Baffalo River, TN. There was a little boy about that age riding with his grandpa on a buddy seat. he had his little six gun with him in case we ran into any bears. LOL He was a doll! I can't wait when I have grand kids and can take them riding with me. ArtS
  19. A beautiful job and a worthy cause. ArtS
  20. That is a great idea! I'll be looking for them when you start selling them. Be sure to let us all know when they're out there. ArtS
  21. Wow - great job! That is really cool. I like it. ArtS
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