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Everything posted by ArtS

  1. Boy Steve that is really excellent work! ArtS
  2. Awesome! I really like the shaping and the coloring. The gold on that one really looks good. ArtS
  3. ArtS

    Not Leather related

    Thanks John! ArtS
  4. Thanks. Thats not what I expected. ArtS
  5. Looks like you've taken good care of it. You did a good job! It looks like it would really hold you in the seat. ArtS
  6. ArtS

    Bosal tutorial

    Man, I could never do that! Thanks for the instructions. I have an even greater appreciation for braiding now. ArtS
  7. Wow, wow, wow! beautiful saddle and neat story to go with it. That makes it even more special. ArtS
  8. That is wicked looking! Cool design and practical. ArtS
  9. That is a great design. I also really like that cameo. Is the white at the top just a reflection? ArtS
  10. Improve on? Wow, there isn't anything to improve on. Great design. ArtS
  11. Great stuff! I like the horse too. ArtS
  12. ArtS

    For the wine bottle2 ...

    Awesome - absolutely awesome. You have been busy lately! I like everything you post! It's inspiring. It makes me want to go down to the workshop and get creative. ArtS
  13. As I'm only on my second saddle I have no structure advice but it looks great! ArtS
  14. Thank you for all the hard work to restore the site! I really appreciate it. ArtS
  15. Since I'm still learning I always love to have my problems pointed out to me. My goal it to improve and thats one reason I'm here. I also get great ideas and learn a lot by seeing other's work here. When I do see what appear to be errors and places to improve to be honest I usually don't say anything. I feel that since I'm still learning I'll let the really good folks respond. That may not be the best way but I'm timid in that respect. But to all those that have helped me THANK YOU SO MUCH! Please keep criticizing and giving me advice. This site has really opened up my eyes to so many different types of leather work. ArtS
  16. They're still working on the site and more info will be coming. What is there is all I know about so far. ArtS
  17. I always can use another friend! Belgian! We'd need two hides to make one for him! LOL Thanks. I own an Artisan 3000 and I love it. I used Wicket & Craig 2 1/2 oz leather but remember that doubled on most parts. Art
  18. I made a halter bridle for a birthday gift for my friend. Dang it, I forgot to take a picture of it until it was wrapped. So I took a couple of quick shots of it at their house after he opened it. Sorry for the quality of the pictures. It looks better then it does in the pictures. When I saw Pella's dressage bridle I got the idea for the raised nose band and brow band. Thanks Pella. It's not near as good as hers though but my first try at it. I really like the way it looks. He loved it. ArtS
  19. Looks great. I want to make one of these and a saddle lamp. I'm too busy making things for other people to make something for myself that would be fun to do. I was glad to get my knife sheath in. LOL You really did do a good job on it. ArtS
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