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Everything posted by WinterBear

  1. Maybe they forgot to pay for their domain name when it came up for renewal.
  2. I'd like to buy one of the 2170, and the 4110, 6527, 2500, 2181, 2811, 2681, and 72073, please.
  3. A KiposArt leather stamp? I've bought the wolf track from them from ebay before they started their etsy shop. I have had no issues at all, and I've used it quite a bit. Brass is softer than tool steel, but plenty hard enough to stamp leather as long as I'm careful enough not to hammer too hard.
  4. Good luck at the next one!
  5. Nice tools. I think the one on the bottom left is a creaser of some sort.
  6. Beaverslayer, you could market them as multiuse jewelry in with your son's shop, right? When they get bored with the cuff, they can pop the clasps out and put them in their ears. Thanks also for the link footrat. It has given me a really neat idea on how to address a clasp for a small bag. And there are a lot of neat gauges in differing styles in steel, bone and horn out there that I might fool around with now and see what I can come up with.
  7. Looks like body jewelry, like an ear gauge? These look pretty close anyway. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Black-Silver-Stainless-Steel-Spiral-Ear-Taper-Talon-Stretcher-Expander-Plug-/320815377664?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&var=&hash=item4ab2162d00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Morbid-Metals-2-Gauge-Stainless-Steel-Spirals-/230896136257?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&hash=item35c27b7041 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stainless-Steel-Spiral-0-Gauge-/150863913072?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&hash=item232030a070 Here's a patterned one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1PC-2G-2ga-7mm-Stainless-Steel-Casting-Talon-Spiral-Hook-Taper-Ear-Plug-/130762532713?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&hash=item1e720de769
  8. Well, you say you don't have an industrial machine, right? Do you have a non-industrial machine? It may or may not be able to pierce the leather with an awl or a needle, it depends on the machine. What about taking the ideas in here, and chucking the awl into a stationary drill press or a small arbor press? Small presses are generally pretty affordable, and you wouldn't need something with a lot of power or a ratchet. I've been thinking of something similar myself for making these thick welts on some axe covers I'm making, but wasn't sure if it would work. I'm reading through these posts, and beginning to think it should. The leather I'm trying to sew is thick and hard enough that as even as sharp as my awl is, I'm having a hard time punching through. I just can't hold my hands steady enough. If I find and outfit a press with an awl, I think I'll plan on backing the leather I'm punching with a thick piece of cork topped with a piece of skirting to give the awl something to "bite" into that won't damage the awl once it punches through the leather.
  9. A work of art, as always. That is definitely a screaming green. So, what happens when someone likes that one so much they offer cash on the barrel-head for it? It seems I've seen a post or a comment about another wallet that you were considering keeping and wound up selling it?
  10. You need to find a graphic arts and design person. They should be able to shift it to grayscale or to true B&W and set it to a format that you can resize at need (vector is what you need, I think). I know of graphic artist that has done some similar work--he's in Seattle now, but I can see if he's doing commission/freelance work.
  11. Hi yuliya. You might enjoy checking out these topics started by TreeReaper and Willbury. They might give you some ideas. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=43661 http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=41365
  12. I like it Stewart. Can't wait to see the New Year one too.
  13. There is also a wholesale place in Florida: http://www.atlanticcoralenterprise.com/productcart/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=437 They sell reindeer hides on ebay, and they usually have several as "Buy it now" rather than just auctions. I've purchased a few things from them via ebay, and have never had an issue and have been favorably impressed by what I've gotten.
  14. USB drives are supposed to be impervious to magnetic fields, so I don't think you'll have an issue. Chief, your moneyclips look great. I especially like the oak leaf.
  15. I've seen hairdryer holsters that resemble fat gun holsters, so I think wandering through the Holsters subforum should give you some good ideas. For the pockets for the scissors, razor, brush, and comb, you might want to consider lining them, perhaps with a heavy mil clear vinyl, on the inside. While the vinyl wouldn't be visible, it would allow the pockets to be wiped with a disinfecting solution, such as barbacide. A local hairstylist was asking me about having a "leg apron" made, and wanted to make sure that he complied with our state cosmetology regulations by having the surface that touched the comb, scissors, and clippers able to be sanitized.
  16. Me! Me me me! I have been trying to get these forever. Sending a PM.
  17. You might try looking for a jewelry finding used for fabric chokers and bracelets sherlockian. It is commonly called a "ribbon crimp end". They are sold by most places that sell beads and stringing supplies, as well as online (I use Fire Mountain Gems for much of my beading supplies), and materials range from plated metal to platinum, with corresponding prices. Anyway, once you've attached a ribbon crimp end to each of the ends of your braid, a regular bracelet clasp (lobsterclaw, toggle, magnetic clasp, etc.) can be attached to the crimp end for the actual clasp.
  18. I still get asked if we have electricity, how long I have to ride a horse to get to work, and other stupid things. "Gee, we run a generator on methane from horse manure so I can get the power to run the computer, and our internet service runs on telegraph wires". And they believe it. Oy.
  19. Not terribly surprised. I was a TA for a comparative anatomy class, and had students that thought the newts and salamanders were seriously ill lizards and the tree frog had genetic deformities. And these were students who had to have had at least 2 semesters of biology to even be eligible for this class.
  20. Nope, not a turtleskin. You are probably right that these are ring lizard skins. If you are curious, a turtle does not have skin under its shell. The underside of the dome of the shell is made of plates of bone. If you were to look at the inner surface of the turtle shell, you would see its spine and ribs fused with the bony plates that make his shell. The turtle's skin lies over his bones, so on top of his shell, and is mostly visible on the shell as thin plates of a material similar to fingernails.
  21. How very odd. Bill, the only ads I get here are the 4 in the banners at the top of the screen, since I allow ads for LW. But I'm running Firefox, since IE kept allowing popups through and was hugely slow when attempting to show pictures.
  22. What browser are you running? Most of them have an option that when selected, it prevents nearly all popups and new tabs from being opened.
  23. Take a look at the videos Chief has made using these templates. They really show how nice they are. http://www.youtube.com/user/Chief31794/videos?flow=grid&view=0
  24. Yes, it is a shop based out of Ohio. Here is the link to Joyce's home page, and the ebay store. I do believe the templates can be shipped internationally. Joyce has 3 different guitar strap templates: 2 consisting of different widths of the guitar straps with a leather adustment strap, and 1 with a sliding buckle and Chicago-screw adjustment arrangement. http://www.blackrive...mplates-gauges/ http://www.ebay.com/...=p2047675.l2562
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