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Everything posted by Horrrk

  1. Hi Claire.. I just did a quick search on Google and came up with this place, here in the UK.. May be of some use to ya.. Looks like you can order them by the 10g or 100g pack.. http://www.alwayshobbies.com/Tools-$4-Materials/Fixings-and-Hinges/Fret-Pins/Brass-Fret-Pins.ice Regards Phil
  2. Yeah, liking that Wombatant.. I was a bit bored last week and having come across some old guy lines whilst clearing my camping gear..I found that braiding them into a square weave was most satisfying for my head..lol Not as good as yours, especially when on a leatherwork forum, of course.. lol Regards Phil I've got it as an adornment on my keychain..
  3. That made me laugh, good n proper.. I have no intentions, (beside perhaps admiring their grace and beauty from a distance), towards the wife, or horse, of any ropers out there and certainly wouldn't fiddle with their ropes.. lol Regards Phil
  4. You did really well, Cheryl and although, yes, its commission based, at least you got out there and presented both yourself and your work. I know, it is a hard task putting yourself in the limelight and I'm sure, just as hard letting your work out to the public gaze, but it can be rewarding too. I know from friends who own an art gallery / shop, that they sometimes have a 'Meet the Artist' evening, because people like to see the artist and be able to chat with you, plus that in itself, could either lead to new orders or to new ideas for future projects..so you getting out there and meeting the potential customers for your work is always a good thing.. If your jewelry is a little more on the country and western side of things for that small shop, there are other places, or maybe even have one or two pieces to sell, alongside your guitar straps? Perhaps if you consider the western side of things, some place that sells to tourists, would love to sell work by a local artist? One thing to remember, is that not all jewelry shops will have that woman's...err...taste.. or her client base.. A different place could quite welcome your work with open arms and sell it too. And you're right.. Spooky IS good..lol Glad you had a good day anyways.. Take care Phil
  5. Hi Tom and thanks ever so much for those links.. There's certainly some work gone into them. Visually stunning work by both Bobby and John, on their respective rope cans.. It's sorta mind boggling how they can just throw ropes into them, though...lol Regards Phil
  6. Thankyou Mike.. That's why I've not heard of it..lol I've learnt something today.. Phil
  7. Hi Sherlockian, I like the look of the wallet, very much indeed.. I've got a couple of quick questions, if you don't mind.. I'm just wondering what dyes you used.? Also, did you black the whole wallet, seal it and then use the high lite colour stains, or do you use the high lite colours straight on top of the black, before sealing? They've come out very well.. I've been looking into the use of straight acrylics to colour features, although I've heard that they're prone to wearing through and I've not really looked into high lite stains at all.. It looks like I may have to Regards Phil
  8. Haha! You got away with that one Sandman..good job she's the forgiving type.. I take it you didn't tell her about your other wife..lol Regards Phil ps. I forgot to say..nice work on it, by the way..I was too busy laughing..
  9. Real nice work there, Jayjay..that should last' em years.. Here's a link to the Bifrosts post which has the pocket tip, for those folks who missed it.. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=42694&hl= Hope it helps.. Regards Phil
  10. Ingenious setup Bigfoot and I reckon that Ben Hur would've been proud of the end of that spindle..lol Regards Phil
  11. Cats and women train you up, subtley sometimes, but there's no doubt that you bend to their will, even if it's just that you're somewhere to rest their tired bones.. lol Love the write up and really love the pic too, Mike.. Please tell Ma Kat she's right..it is a cute pic..lol Regards Phil
  12. lol.. I'm not buying one, but let me know if you try it out..haha! I could always go to a salon and rent a sunbed for an hour or two, just for the leather.. I tried to tan a small offcut test piece the other week, but the sun is so low in the sky already and of course intermittent, that it hardly did anything..I blame the economy.. lol
  13. Mornin all.. Excuse my ignorance, but what is a can or goat rope can? It's not something I've heard of at all.. Regards Phil
  14. Hi John.. It may be worth contacting UKRay.. I think I remember reading that he was devising courses in leatherwork. I gather he's been busy with show for the (ahem..) summer, but maybe he's got some planned for the winter? Worth an ask as I believe he's from the Welsh borders area, so may not be too far away from you.. Regards Phil ps. I can breathe now..finally found the thread where he mentioned setting up a course.. lol http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=41165&hl= There ya go..
  15. I wouldn't worry about it Chevvy The info could always help someone with more sunshine than they know what to do with..lol I'm thinking of either getting a sunbed or a SAD light to try the leather tanning option, now winter is almost upon us.. St8Line, it's okay..I've heard that coating the leather with an Aftersun type product, lessens the redness and the peeling.. lmao! Regards Phil
  16. Beautiful seat and outstanding work David..I love the design and also the lacing on it.. I saved some pages yesterday on the subject of lacing, so I'll be adding them to my 'Must Study' list, for future reference Regards Phil
  17. Not sure, Itch..you could be right on the figure of eight route..pass the next one through and start again, except for the fact that its several strips alongside each other, so what's holding them parallel.? Hopefully someone will come up with an idea for you.. Sorry I've not been able to help.. Regards Phil
  18. Good morning Cheryl, or is it rather late for you.?? Yeah , give us time and we'll find the bits and bobs that tweak things..lol My hours counter freaked me temporarily, til I thought how little I actually sign out.. It's all good and I think the forum is great.. It's the first leatherwork one I found and it seemed such a friendly place, the coffee is good and the company too, so I stayed.. Whilst doing Google searches on different topics, I've come across other sites with leatherwork areas, but they don't hold a candle up to this one for helpfulness and variety of expertise covering such a wide array of topics.. The people are amazing.. I feel another coffee coming on..lol Regards Phil
  19. Neither can I, Cheryl.. I rarely actually click on the sign out button..I just close the browser on my pc and I'm also logged in on my phone, so I've clocked up some impressive hours already..lol Regards Phil
  20. Hi Electrathon.. I hope you don't think I'm criticising, as I certainly don't intend that, but I think there's some crossed wires somewhere along the line.. The links you've posted in the original thread and also these, above, lead to a completely different tool.. What you've linked to, looks like a curved wood plane, but what the original post by hunio showed on his first picture and link, http://handon.co.kr/...display_group=1 was a corner cutter for internal and external corners. This is the tool that Bulletproof was asking for, in order to create neat corners.. I hope this clears things a little.. Bulletproof.. I've had a look on Google and so far I can't find an alternative site, selling those cutters.. I personally, would either try and message hunio for some extra details, or go with Bill's suggestion of using wood lathe gouges or having a couple of tools made up and selling one of them to help pay for the work.. Again..none of this is meant to offend..just to help.. Regards Phil
  21. Yeah the flags were one of the things I missed when we first got the new site.. Don't get me wrong. I love some of the new features we have and I appreciate the work that's gone into making it run smoothly, but some people don't leave a clue as to where they're at in the world on their profile..and it does help, when you're holding a conversation, IMHO.. I found that it was always a good reminder, that the site is globe spanning, that not everyone on the site was in the USA and that some were indeed, a lot closer to home.. Regards, not whining..lol Phil
  22. Beat me to it Northmount.. I was going to point him towards the same thread, after we saw those corner cutters..they look to do a great job.. I totally agree with Mike on this, as from what I understand, a fid is used primarily for lacing, not stitching and it will also leave a long slot instead of a diamond shaped hole, which is more desireable. The slot itself, could possibly lead to the holes ripping as you tighten on the thread. There's always plenty of advice on the forums, with plenty of sticky threads for the most handy or important topics.. Regards Phil
  23. Hi Mike.. I get to see Sons of Guns, which is a program on Sky tv that my mate records for me to watch. They made a one off special program, titled 'The Gun that Killed Osama' and the same skull is also used as a symbol by a security firm they had on the program, called Craft International.. Anyway, it's a great design and different to the run of the mill skulls which are used, it seems, all over the place nowadays.. It has a menacing edge to it.!! lol Regards Phil
  24. WOW.! Mike, that's a beast of a holster to stitch!! I love seeing the quality of your stitching and this is very tidy, as always, but WOW.! lol.. Regards Phil
  25. No..don't ever let it stop you.. lol.. I'm afraid of it all, when it comes down to it.. I've only done a bit of tooling so far and dyeing is my next big milestone, followed by hand stitching.. The forum helps, big time tho.. If there's a way, not to do something, you can be sure, someone, somewhere, will have done it and will be willing to help you avoid the same mistakes.. The rest is down to your own hand at the end of the day, which is helped along by practice..and possibly a large scrap bin.. Take care.. Regards Phil
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