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Everything posted by Pip

  1. Pip

    New bosal

    Nice i bet that took ages!
  2. Believe it or not the dependence on nicotine only stays for approx 48 hours (of pure hell) then its the habit, the hardest bit is making sure you continue to take breaks from work, i used lollipops for this you look like a fool and it rots your teeth but it works don't suck, breath around them. Say I don't smoke in stead of i gave up when someone offers you a fag, they'll get the hint and it reinforces your willpower. Distraction works, the key is find a distraction which you focus on to beat the craving, two minute is usually ample, get a puzzle or something that you really want to do and enjoy doing it. next craving have another go etc etc etc. i felt fine after 3 weeks, then felt bad after 3 months and gave up for three years before seccumbing again .... My thought go with you, and support it is hell, but worth it to get your taste and smell back.
  3. I gave up out of spite, my boss gave me a real hard time for about four years and admitted to her friend she was trying to break me outta my job, we both smoked like troupers. To show i wasn't going to be bullied, or affected by bullying I gave up smoking! Knowing she couldn't and had tried for years, so overnight no smoking. Passive resistance I called it, i really enjoyed being nice to her for the next four months....... now I think back maybe I have a cruel streak! She broke before me, then I transfered somewhere nicer. Hiowever every christmas i allow myself a ciggy, bad time for me .... so did i succeed hmmmmm!
  4. Pip

    Gabriel's Fallen Mask

    Love that, golfers cheeks lol, great tip, i intend to try it soon. ThanksSorry ;love the mask its grusomely cool, keep p[osting spider don't stop, no rest for you!!! lol
  5. Hui there welcome welcome, to the best forum on the net. Feel free to share all your secrets lol, lovely work.
  6. "........................................................................... ......" (stunned silence)
  7. Pip

    from under the sea

    very lovecraftian, Dagon, Dagon! that is not dead that can eternal lie and after strange eons even death may die. H.P Lovecraft (i may have got it a bit wrong, but the gist is there) Nice peice, i love it!
  8. Pip

    Another New Guy

    e veryone is real nice here, post your work without worry, people are very supportive of the beginner,I know cause a year ago i was just starting out. and pictures can help when you have a problem, if you feel up to it join the PIF and send your work to someone else around the world, make someone smile and get some first hand feedback. Welcome
  9. Nice work, lovely colour and great tooling.
  10. i have been told by someone who suffers from swollen joints that edible linseed oil, (from health food shops) is the bees nees for easing the symptoms. 1. He also told me that when you buy some, make sure it is in a black/opaque bottle cause sunlight deteriates it. 2. To take it effectively and for the body to use it it must be taken with a milky fat, like cottage chreese or yogurt (not probiotic, I don't know why I didn't ask) 3. Different manufacturers have different tastes but down to personal preference so can't advise on taste, it isn't all that pleasant. He aldso swears by nettle tea, to drink and as a coolant. but most importantly... cool and elevate regularly.... another friend says that he switches between warm and cold cloths on an elevated hand apparently the heat stimulates repair and the cold reduces swelling. hope this helps. pip
  11. Thanks guys, I am blushing...... thanks to all of you who gave me support when I had my little mishap with the beak. Tina you can go and look at the unpainted bird now, i will let you. lol i am glad you all like it, especially tina. Pip
  12. Pip

    new masks

    wow your work is great, thats really really nice work, keep posting
  13. I am wanting in again, but just posted the last round. This time I will have to keep it small when posting abroad. lol I am willing to post abroad. Pip
  14. class man, absolutely brilliant
  15. Pip

    Oh what FUN!!!

    Don't forget cd's can degrade over time, I lost a whole bunch of pics cause the cd messed up.. only five years old. So take care and update your cd's every now and again.
  16. Sneaky! black in the bobbin, simple, easy and effective,I like it.
  17. The only thing Ive managed to cut so far with mine is me!!!!! I am definately doing it wrong.
  18. You are right pigeon shit is hard to get right . Thanks guys, I appreciate the help, I took a little from each, I used acryllic dyes, light tan with an antiquing wax fr the beak a black background overbrushed/drybrushed with metallics, had two orders for more today on its outing to work to get finished in my lunch hour I can't believe it I knew I should've made a pattern d'oh. Thanks
  19. Whilst, i don't need a logo I am writing to congratulate you on restoring yet more of my faith in humanity. This site, its people, people like you have al most completely changed my view on humanity. It needed changin'. Keep it up and I might start admitting to being human again.... Joking aside a really nice gesture.... I applaud you.
  20. lovely camera case I love the dragons and knotwork!
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