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Everything posted by sbrownn

  1. Yes, I agree. I was talking about cutting narrow straps. I cut the wider straps in the traditional manner by pulling but still use my off hand to guide and hold the the leather against the back flat behind the blade. If I'm going to cut straps off of a whole side I start by using a 4' straight edge go get one good edge on the side and then work from there. I assume that's probably how a lot of others do it as well?
  2. That is odd but it sounds like others have had the same problem. I have had two of the tools and in both cases the disc was not attached to the adjusting screw at all and I don't know why anyone would want it to be attached...unless its to keep the disc from falling out?
  3. The problem I have with drawing the tool along the edge is that my pulling hand has a natural tendency to pull the backside of the tool away from the leather. I find if I use my other hand to guide the leather from the back holding it against the flat back face of the tool I get better results. The pushing technique I use developed from using my off hand at the back of the tool; since I don't fasten the other end of the leather down I don't have anything to pull against...hence the need to push.
  4. I haven't had any trouble with mine wandering that wasn't due to "operator error". Sometimes though and especially for narrow strips, I push the leather through from the back side instead of pulling it through.
  5. Seems like lapping compound will make it a looser fit than it already is. Thanks for the tip about ceramic blades.
  6. sbrownn

    Guitar Sling

    Now that makes sense. I use a combination of a punched hole and a short slit. The hole is smaller than the button but the slit allows it to expand to fit over the wide part of the button.
  7. sbrownn

    Guitar Sling

    I've never heard of a guitar strap being called a sling but maybe I don't know any thing either.
  8. Ohio Travel Bag has a large selection of stuff. I use them and Buckleguy.
  9. sbrownn

    Guitar Sling

    You mean like the fringe in the last picture where the two laces are going through the heavier looped leather?
  10. sbrownn

    Guitar Sling

    Okay, I didn't see that.
  11. sbrownn

    Guitar Sling

    Is that strap meant to attach to the headstock of the guitar? Most guitar players, especially the electrics, attach the neck end of the strap to a button on either the guitar body (electric) or the neck (acoustic). You would considerably expand your market by adding that option to your strap.
  12. I guess at least you now have a nice handle to put a "real" awl in?
  13. Doesn't make sense to me. Hand stitching is slow enough as it is, I'm not going to poke the hole twice.
  14. Tanning is an environmentally nasty business so it's no wonder they are outsourcing the processes to Mexico.
  15. Isn't there a special section for political commentary? If so, why don't you guys take your political views there?
  16. +1
  17. You mean you couldn't find a women's broach in the shape of a detailed acoustic guitar? I'm an acoustic guitar player and a guitar strap maker myself so if you send me a picture of an acoustic guitar you like I would give a go to making you a 3D printed stamp. Here is a picture of a couple of straps I have made using 3D printed stamps.
  18. Have you considered 3D printing? A 3D printer with a small nozzle can probably print something with significant detail. The stamp certainly won't last as long as a metal one but the beauty is that you can just print another. Any decent 3D printer company should be able to make a stamp from a picture you send them so all you need to do is find a picture of an acoustic guitar that you think would make a good stamp.
  19. I understand.
  20. Yup Moscow, Idaho
  21. If I were going to try to remove the set screws, before drilling them out, I would first drill them for the appropriate sized easy out and then I would take my torch and heat up the handwheel around the screw holes before I tried to turn the easy out. If that didn't do it I would heat the handwheel red hot around the screw holes and then after it cooled use some sort of anti-seize penetrant and try it again. Drilling them out might be my last resort.
  22. Did you ask if it works? If it works you might get it pretty cheap.
  23. That's pretty close to the price of almost new, hardly used skiving machines that come up for sale on this site.
  24. I like American Leather Direct.
  25. Nothing like taking on a job you end up not wanting to do. I'm sure almost all of us have been there, I know I have.
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