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Everything posted by JMcC

  1. Something else that you may want to try which was suggested to me by someone here on the forums...get some of that elastic bandage wrap like they use in a doctor's office to wrap you after they stick you with a needle. Get it in a 1 inch width and use it to wrap your tool handle to make the stem of the tool fatter and easier to grip. It is also less tiring on the fingers. I am here to tell you that it works great for me. You can find that elastic wrap at any pharmacy chain store. Good luck
  2. Leather Wranglers makes swivel knives and blades as well. Check them out https://leatherwranglers.com/shop?olsPage=products
  3. How about laser cutting the letters out and then filling them with a dark wax?
  4. Wow! Very nice work Jeannie! I am Impressed. I'll bet my daughter would LOVE that bag.
  5. Al Stohlman's book on making holsters is very helpful for learning how to make your own patterns https://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=how+to+make+holsters+al+stohlman&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=241925047876&hvpos=1t2&hvnetw=s&hvrand=11225605738372491397&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028613&hvtargid=kwd-125179749206&ref=pd_sl_8bprjiugft_b
  6. Acrylic circle templates from an art supply store work well for me
  7. Looks great! Hmmm, I wonder...use a thinner leather and cover it with rattlesnake skin...maybe an oval cutout in the middle for the rattle?
  8. If I were going to do something like that, I would just cover an existing case with leather. With a soft case you could actually sew the leather to the case itself...just an idea which you may have already thought about
  9. SOLD! Thanks all for the interest.
  10. That looks great! Welcome to the fray.
  11. Good job sir! I like it. Did you buy the snake skin or harvest it yourself? I am thinking about some diamond back skin for a project myself. I like the way the rattle is incorporated into the bottom of the sheath. The Sweetwater Rattlesnake roundup is coming up soon so I may mosey over and see about buying some snake skins if they aren't too pricey.
  12. Price reduced to $30 including shipping in the US only.
  13. Hi Shelia, I use alcohol exclusively and have never had any issues with smell or fumes. Hope that helps Ditto
  14. They look way better than some of the stuff I've seen on Etsy! Good job!
  15. Offering this swivel knife for sale. I do not use this anymore since getting my current swivel knife two years ago. No point in keeping a tool that isn't getting used. It is in excellent condition, made of stainless steel, has a 1/2" barrel and two blades along with allen wrench to change the blades. I am asking $40 including shipping. If you are interested, send me an email through the message tool on this website. Thanks for looking. James
  16. They both look great Mr Brown! Good job...I love the scripture as well with the two hands.
  17. You're welcome and let us know how it turns out with the croc leather. Bet it will be nice!
  18. Hi Moto, Not sure if it's the correct method or not but I have made a couple of purses for my daughter and I have completely glued the lining to the inside. Seemed to work out fine for me. James
  19. Very nice work! Did you make the pattern yourself or is it one that can be purchased? I didn't realize that Fiebing's made an antique black. It looks really good on that rig. I must get some to try out! They will be proud to wear that rig! The gun will be secondary in comparison
  20. Sheee doggies! That is a great lookin hatband! Love the turquoise looking accents. Good work
  21. It all looks pretty good Leatherman, with a couple of pointers. 1) the seeder work on the flower looks like you could have made them more symmetrical. they look like a shotgun pattern right now. 2) the scroll next to your makers mark looks like it's naked. I would have put some decorative cuts into it extending all the way to the ends. Or maybe some camouflage stamps. Did you draw that pattern or use an existing pattern? If it is from a pattern, did it have a picture for reference? If so, study the picture and see how they did the tooling. That's all I can offer Leatherman and keep practicing. Oh, by the way...yes I still use a PC with a mouse pad LOL but I am old school and still play COD using my PC! The only way to fly IMO James
  22. Thanks guys for the reply...will have to read up on that interesting subject! After reading all of that, I think I will just stick with traditional black dye using Fiebing's. It was interesting, but it sounds like a pain in the posterior to me and too much work.
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