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Red Bear Haraldsson

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Everything posted by Red Bear Haraldsson

  1. Much appreciated! I can see this knot going on all kinds of places...
  2. https://www.itstactical.com/warcom/firearms/safety-warning-worn-leather-holsters-can-cause-accidental-discharges/ This is the 'story' if memory serves... it has made the rounds on the internet so many times that it is the first SIX pictures if you search for 'leather holster accidental discharge.' Glad to see familiar faces still here!
  3. Oh. My. Gosh!! This is my next holster to 'copy/mimic/pay homage to/plagiarize.' I never could get the skirt to lay as flat as I wanted, these may just be the pictures I needed to see!
  4. Putting a curve in the belt through casing... would never thought of that in a million years! Still just green with envy of your work. Very well done!!
  5. His patterns are top notch IMO. Very detailed, enough patterns included to do it for most any gun that fits the genre. My first CAS rig was set from the Johnny Ringo pattern pack.
  6. Pinewood Derby Shield - that's awesome! Well done, well done indeed. I'm already looking at the wife's extra 'closet space bags' wheels are turning, ideas ideas ideas...! Thanks for the tutorial, Dwight! And good tip, too, ChiefJason!
  7. Ooh, very nice! Good find, Sceaden
  8. I don't have a pattern, but I found a picture of the back of it, if it helps...
  9. http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/72217-tooled-45-lc-rig/ I'm about to start cutting my leather for this one and the bleed knot keeper is going on mine, too!
  10. Casual Fridays! That would be awesome!
  11. Ooh, thanks for the gypsy snaps. Hadn't seen those before!
  12. Oooh, I have interest in the .45 Shield! Thanks to Glockanator for the Laser/shield. I was hoping someone would do a version like that. Where is the shield 9/40 holster? I found the mag case, but not the holster
  13. My my my, those are right purdy. I like how the reinforcing piece on the pink holster is burnished to lie against the body of the holster, that's sharp! The question I have is how LONG is that piece of hose that you are using as a spacer? I've got all the pieces, but I am leery of guessing how long to make it should I get it wrong and have to disassemble it to get the right piece back in there (Rest assured, that would be the time my stitching comes out looking good!) That pink is spot on. Fabulous job, as always. Red Bear
  14. I grabbed up my nephew one day when he was still in diapers still and popped all the snaps on the legs of the overalls and he came right out the bottom. I had an empty sack and he ran off in just diapers and a shirt.
  15. My question is... How thick do you make the bushing? Give or take. I also like the idea of putting the tension at the 'bottom end.' I just think it looks better, but I would like to know any better reasons for doing it.
  16. Boots. Combat boots. The regulations used to say something to the effect of 'well blackened.' Fiebings USMC black fit that bill perfectly.
  17. Every punch will need sharpening at sooner or later. I do not know about the HF punches but I do have the maxi punch set and I have sharpened every tube that came with it at some point. I am prone to cheating and chucking them in a drill press and stoning them while it spins. Slow speed, goodly amount of oil, and I run my finger on the other side of the tube so I can stop when it starts to warm up. No idea if it is still bad to do, but it appears to work quite well.
  18. Do your search through Google and add "Site:leatherworker.net" to the search, like this: tapadero site:leatherworker.net Should give you better results than the internal search engine here on site.
  19. Outstanding work, thanks for supporting them!
  20. It /may/ is the best I can say. I've seen belts used everyday for years that never did. I've had straps that have turned fuzzy inside a month (most likely /my/ fault there!). From all that I have gathered, it all comes down to attention to detail and elbow grease. And the flesh side of the straps can be burnished as well... https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1EODB_enUS541US598&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=burnish flesh leather strap We also tell people to use google for the searching here, their search engine is much better, just put in what you want and add site:leatherworker.net to the search. You should come up with a goodly amount of pages from here.
  21. Go here, it is where we send everyone for doing edges: http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/18101-finishing-edges/
  22. Hmm, a set of patterns from Jim that I do not (yet) have... Either way, i like it, looks good! Excellent work on that toe plug!
  23. I'm still hand-stitching. I'd love to be your kind of tired, Dwight! All my work is for me, not to sell to others. So, at least, there's no hurry.
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