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Everything posted by mikesc

  1. That is all fine and dandy ..If..you ( Sheilajeanne ) can access the Tandy website..some countries ( and members here ) are blocked from doing so.. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/85167-problems-with-access-to-tandyleathercom/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-578046 And it takes but a single click ( by the webmaster ) to transform a website into a downloadable .pdf.. So that ( for example ) I could "download" the .pdf and send it to Andrey ( or whoever )..so that they could then order via email.. Hopefully Tandy will do so..very soon....or I'll have to phone "Jeff" ( again ) ..and explain to him ( so he can explain to Tandy's webmasters.. ) how to do it..and maybe some other things about "how to secure websites, and be "compliant" and how intrusion / hacking reporting obligations work , in USA law"* etc etc .. *One of my "other hats".. Leatherwork is ( for me, and many others ) what you might call a "side / supplementary business" You ( Sheilajeanne ..and maybe others ) have changed your password ?..and moved house ( and thus changed your actual street address, since you moved recently, s you posted about here** ) and changed your email addy ?..because the only thing that the "intruders" ( Into Tandy ) do not have ( maybe ) is your credit card number).. and if / when "one" has an "inkling" about what "anyone" uses as passwords, addys etc , one can extrapolate ( and confirm via research along other avenues ) a great deal from it, usually more than one needs.. ** posting too many personal details..like pictures of the inside of one's house, etc ..is a basic "no-no"..on the internet..There are entire businesses ( the biggest are called facebook and Google ) that are set up just to exploit the fact that people do "tell all"..and "others" , those whose business is "identity theft"..know how to collate what they can from everywhere else that you post details on line..
  2. I have to admit..I thought that..but did not say it..mainly because my contact with Jeff from Tandy ( see recent thread .. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/85167-problems-with-access-to-tandyleathercom/?page=2&tab=comments#comment-578046 made me think, " well if one lives elsewhere"..) Any catalogue ( and any associated "coupons" ) should always be downloadable..it ain't rocket surgery.. BTW.. "To Whom it may concern" "Online Marketing" ( ie: If you have a website ) 101.."tracking"( who downloaded it .."whatever" ) is in the opinion of some involved in marketing "optional"..( unfortunately they usually take that to mean , the person "opted in to being tracked " , no they did not "opt in" unless they specifically said so, and unless they had the choice to continue without opting in, and to download anyway it is not..if one wishes to be complaint with the law ) and the act of downloading, or the access to the page or the site, should not require any "authorisation" of any 3rd party scripts whatsoever, "3rd party scripts" ..which includes all the Google, facebook, instagram, twitter, pinterest, linked in etc crap..
  3. They didn't make it available as a downloadable .pdf ?
  4. My advice..get a cylinder machine ( with an attachable table )..Cobra I don't know..but I think that the 3200 would do what you need.. Those who own one will be along to offer their advice / reviews of the actual machine..
  5. Nice catch Wiz :) It has been so long since I "popped a safety clutch"..I forgot that reason entirely ..
  6. I'm guessing though that you tell your clients what is in the tin.. Most..do not.. Example ..Resolene..presumably contains "reso" and "lene" ;)..or..they could say..contains clear acrylic resin..= "plastic" ( one of a "gazillion different sorts of plastic ) "in solution".."the other part(s) of the "solution" being" ....
  7. Why not use just plain pure ( strictly speaking "bees wax" isn't pure, lot of trace things in there, but "paraffin wax is ) wax ( like in "the old days" )..at least you know what is in it, whereas the term "balms" can cover a multiturde of sins.. typo left in deliberately I never trust "stuff out of a tin", unless it was I who put the ingredients in the tin.."brand names"* are similar..it is what is actually in "it" that counts ( and in what proportions ) , not what they call it.. *resolene being a good instance of a "brand name", that exists instead of them just saying what is in it, and in what proportions..But of course that would allow people to realise how much they are paying for some very basic chemical ingredients..SDS / MSDS sheets shed some light on what is actually ( usually at very high "mark ups" in "brand" name formulations..
  8. Yes there is probably thread caught around the base of the hook ( where you cannot see it )..you can take the bobbin out, but do not try to take the hook out, because you'll likely damage it or lose some tiny parts..It is always better not to cut off thread when it is caught around the base of the hook, because when you "cut" you probably didn't get all the threads and now you have nothing to "pull" the remaining thread parts by.. You can try "rotating the hook backwards and forwards very very slightly" ( with no needle in the machine ) by hand( not with the motor, switch the motor off and pull out the plug from the wall ) usually ( if the bobbin is removed you will see that there are some openings in the base of the Hook ) with a wooden toothpick or a fine "crotchet hook" ( a sort of needle shaped tool , with a tiny hooked end, for making things with crotchet) you can see if you can tease out any ends of threads so as to get enough of the thread end and be able to pull on it with tweezers.. If you go carefully, you'll not break anything.. Or..you can take the machine to a sewing machine mechanic..or get one to come to you.. Thread caught around the hook base is an easy "fix" , if one has a bit of experience with sewing machines..for a beginner..not so much..
  9. That is exactly the problem..do not go around that little post..
  10. When you buy certain models of Louis Vuitton Handbags in some Louis Vuitton shops ( like the ones my wife bought hers from In Cannes )..they give you a free Louis Vuitton ladies wallet..Which on its own ( the wallet was on sale separately in the shop window ) at the time they'd normally have charged around $800.oo for the wallet.. This was nearly 30 years ago..They still do this AFAIK..depends how much of a good customer one is ( she was a good customer, lot of Louis Vuitton and Hermes sacs..the Hemes boutique on the corner of the La Croisette and Rue Commandant Andre is 50 yards from the appartement we had at that time ) ..if your business is in luxury goods, high price services, or high ticket items..( the price of some heavy industrial sewing machines is like buying a new car..in some cases can cost as much as a house ) ..you give small "freebies" ( items or services ) to good customers.. We call it "très bon relations clientèle".. It is what distinguishes your business from " the other guy"..and it pays..in repeat custom, and word of mouth free advertising.. Make your products "special/ unique" if you can..and do the same with your service.. That is what Singermania (Steve ) is doing by giving away a Chinese patcher with some industrial machines..
  11. Agree 100% with Wiz..the only one who has used the word junk is Yankee63.. Singermania probably has the largest collection of machines ( I remember the many pictures, of many many machines all lined up like the sewing machine equivalent of the Terracotta army :) of any dealer..anywhere..and his advice is extremely well respected by all of us..A lot of businesses ( mine included ) give stuff away to people who spend a lot of money with us..Doesn't mean it is junk that we give away, just means that "whatever" didn't cost us so much to begin with in either time or money..so we throw in a little extra ( could be needles, thread, machine, tools for some of the dealers, for others of us it could be an item or items that we normally make / sell ) ..Quit trying to pick a fight with him..or anyone for that matter..
  12. GoodsJapan do 3 sizes of swivel knives..smallest is 9.5 mm( fits Tandy blades ) https://www.goodsjapan.com/leathercraft-adjustable-ball-bearing-professional-leather-swivel-knife-95mm-463-p.asp My wife ( does n't work leather though ) has the same kind of size hands, wears children's gloves and wears XS size clothing..Luckily here women's shoe sizes start at her size.. French size 37..
  13. I concur with what everyone else said..very nice work..
  14. Very nice "quick" "how to"..Thank-you for taking the time to photograph it and to post it.. :)
  15. Paypal is to be avoided like the plague..whether one is a buyer or a seller..I would not touch it with somebody else's 10' bargepole..
  16. I enjoyed / appreciated Darren's contributions here, I hope that his situation improves, and that he will be back...
  17. What is / are the reference numbers and prices of the "rollers" ?..especially the Celtic Knotwork one ? :)
  18. Indeed, it is a coupe lacets..Here are some more.. https://www.decocuir.com/coupe-lacet-laniere-cuir-c102x1870282
  19. Yes, Jeff said that Thailand was amongst the other countries that were blocked, he also said they had received email from Thailand from someone about being blocked,..But he did n't say that they had not answered the email..Surprise that he has n't stepped into this thread yet as he said he intended to to let blocked members know what ( if any ) the progress is on getting things back to normal, or arranging alternative ways to order.. Jeff ?
  20. mikesc

    Thread learning

    The website belongs to ( and is administered by Johanna..the leatherlady ) Mods here ( click on the link at the top of the page where it says "staff" to see who they are ) have their names in "green"..mine is in "blue" ( thankyou J ) . Which, if you are blue green colour blind ( which in France, where I live, is called being Daltonian, or maybe Daltonien..and now I have the Eagle's Duelin' Dalton ( I think it was ) as an "earworm"..I'll have to look it up, I have it somewhere as the original vynil,bought when it came out..and on CD ..and ripped to .flac)..Love that band, and Don Henley..see my "sig"..and Loggins and Messina, and Alabama, etc ) will be confusing..maybe it affects other members, first time I've seen it come up, but colour blindness ( even partial ) is more common than many people realise..Thanks for bring attention to it Maybe mods names should be in another/ or supplementary "decorated" form ( "usability"), I'll look into the forum software options and if other decoration forms are possible I'll suggest something about it to Johanna..But it is her place..her decisions..we are all just her "guests"..
  21. mikesc

    Thread learning

    I'm not a mod.. Mods have "green " names.. Nor am I a sysadmin on this forum.. This is Johanna's machine that you are posting onto.. But I am ( when wearing one of my many "hats" ) a programmer / sysadmin ( on my own stuff ) , and I know how some stuff works , been involved in such stuff over many decades..( greybeard) ..( But, I don't pretend ( ever ) to know it all by any means, even on my own boxen ) .. I try help out , with explanations , or whatever ( when I am around, if I am around ) .. Not very often you'll see me using "graphic smileys" either..I'm "old school"..like I said .."greybeard"..
  22. mikesc

    Thread learning

    I hear you..( directed to Dun ) as you noticed, I inadvertently triggered another "bug"..whilst i was replying to you.. It may well be that the forum software does not "hold" the clipboard item that the poster is intending to paste.. ( can be a problem with fora that are heavily reliant upon javascript and or ajax "calls".."latency" can throw them "for a loop" I do notice ( and have done for some time now ) that what I'd call ( anti-flood ) = protection against multiple postings of the same post ) happen a lot..poster sees "not posted", system is processing the post, poster hits "submit" again, and ( maybe ) again , system "eventually" posts ( when it "catches up ) multiple copies of the same post..seems to be on Tom's watch a lot..( you have my sympathies Tom :).. Even while I'm typing this I see the system telling me there are new replies ( currently it is showing me 3 "new replies" ) .. It is an occasional problem with any "push" system..Depends upon how the server is set up, and how fast it is , and how fast the connected boxen are..
  23. mikesc

    Thread learning

    Actually they don't .. But if you make a mistake when making them into a "link"..they probably will.. Really simple way to make sure that they don't do that.. When your address bar shows the page that you want to link to.. move your cursor ( mouse pointer ) up to it..then "right click"..then choose "select all"..then choose "copy" then when you make your post , at the point when you want to put your link.. right click and choose "paste" Then go up ( move your mouse cursor ) to the picture that looks like a chain link..left click on it.. a "modal window" ( where a white box opens on a greyed out background ) will open ..It will show two options, in "boxes"..click the top box..and right click "paste".. you'll see the URL that you wanted ( Amazon..or whatever..in this example case to show you, I chose Harry's thread and the last comment made in it ) will get pasted automatically into that box .. Then "left click on where it says "insert into post" then hit "enter"..and you'll be bounced back into your posting box..and the link will be there.. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/85228-nova-pro-15000mw-800mm-x-400mm-laser/?tab=comments#comment-577776 Move your cursor to below the link that you just made .. ( the line with the blue underlining ) .. then "left click" ..and ( if you want to write or post anything else.. continue typing..when you are all finished..left click on the button at bottom right side where it says "submit reply".. and "Robert will be your mothers brother" ( Bob 's your Uncle" ) .. English for "Voila!".. HTH ( Hope that helps ) M It ( the GUI= General User Interface ) is not as intuitive as the software designers ( not Johanna's fault at all ) think it is...."don't fret it"..
  24. I don't think that doing "back pedal" is what they were set up to accept as "needle up" or "needle down"..doing "back pedal" ( by which I presume you mean "heel down" ) may have banjaxed it..Normally you set needle positioning systems to be 'something" when stopped ( when you stop pressing the pedal forwards..not when you "back pedal" ) either to be either "needle up" ..or "needle down"..
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