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  1. Have a look Nigel Armitage's youtube channel. He has reviewed most of the pricking irons out there. https://www.youtube.com/user/Nordicbadger
  2. I have some spare bits I will do some test. Thanks
  3. I am making a folio case and need to line it with pig skin, but the Horween leather I am using is very very waxy and I am worried the glue will not stick. I am wondering if there is away to remove the excess wax before I glue them togeather Anybody had the same problem and what did you do to get round it? Thanks
  4. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to making one
  5. They are called collar fastener sets.
  6. https://easternshore.craigslist.org/for/5916644454.html Here is a little used consew for $750
  7. I use toothpicks on thin leather and pencils for thick leather. The wood seems to hold the edge paint better than any of the metal tools
  8. I buy 90% of my leather from them. I have never had a problem.
  9. I think we all have done something like this. I made a bag looked great but the top was to stiff and the zipper cut into your hand every time you tried to use it. But its how we all learn.
  10. Yes that would be a good idea, Have a look at this video
  11. Thanks I will check it out.
  12. I trying to find out how the handles are formed on a drop handle briefcase. I cannot workout how to add a picture on my smartphone.
  13. Thanks 9tpi, I have been working on a small tote bag that with an oval bottom, so it will stand up on its own. I was having lots of problems working out how to form the bottom, Your bag really helped. Thanks for posting it Also where did you get the fittings for the end of the string? Mick
  14. Here is an interesting video showing a football being made http://www.wired.com/2015/10/wilson-factory-future-footballs-will-be-connected-undeflatable/
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