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Everything posted by YinTx

  1. OMG, that is a ton of tooling! A lot of nice work here. Like the cards, I just did some on a holster, and the little symbols are a challenge, yours came out great. YinTx
  2. I tried damp leather with regular dye in the past, came out really light colored, didn't really help imo. Dont' see where there would be an advantage for it with the pro dye either, but the easiest way to find out is to do a test sample and see if it suits your technique. YinTx
  3. This is laughable for you to say, since you have deemed it your decision whether or not the response I had typed previously belonged in this thread or another. It was not your decision, it was mine. And I decided to delete it and explained my decision in the revised post that was left. Just as it is not your decision who is or is not fit to lead. This. Is there not another option out there? Surely there is... YinTx
  4. You know what, this belongs in the off topic section.
  5. Exquisite. I appreciate that you didn't let the crease cross at the tip of the strap, a minor detail but shows how much you have focused on all the little things to make the final product outstanding. Any chance you would show a photo of the backsides? YinTx
  6. Don't know why I hadn't seen this. Design is cool, I think if the zippered pocket didn't go past the halfway point you would not have the wrinkling issue. Edges are a must to be finished, will make the clutch look like a whole new beast. Stitching is a bit chunky and far from the edge. A deceptively large number of different skills go into making something like this, kudos for taking it on! YinTx
  7. That is cool info to know. but leave room for artistic license. Terms of endearment. must leather be historically accurate? America doesn't have dynastic hierarchies. But tons of little ones running around this country who's parents refer to them as little princes and princesses. just sayin.
  8. I liked it then, I like it now! YinTx
  9. I have seen this design before. Have you posted something similar here? Very nicely done. YinTx
  10. Thank you! It was, I'd been cogitating on it for years and finally did it. Since I haven't done much carving in so long, it was a bit of a challenge to get the tiny letters and symbols, but it was passable. Really I just wanted something to show what is possible for any potential customers. Thank you, and for sure, if I took more time to do it I would probably be happier with the outcome. I have higher expectations for the third version. YinTx
  11. I went through all of my old gunleather books and catalogs, and the closest thing I can figure is the California Slim Jim, although as you can see from the back the belt loop is different. I can't imagine I'm the first to come up with this modification, so surely it is out there somewhere someone made something like this and called it something! Thank you! See attached, and thanks! Kinda agree, but the belt loop is different. Entire holster cut from a single piece of leather (except the toe plug) instead of a separate piece for the belt loop. Nothing earth shaking, but different. And appreciate it! YinTx
  12. Never heard of a walking holster. Not sure what the style is called. I guess its similar to a California Slim Jim, but not quite. Guess I need to figure it out? YinTx
  13. Been thinking on this one for years, and finally got around to putting it together. First version was too big, second version was a bit too snug! (you can see the slight bump on the end from the barrel sight) But that being said, the hand cannon thocks into place and stays very solid, won't fall out even upside down with shaking. Not sure if that is the intent? Any holster makers let me know! I debated putting this in the "critique my work" section, so if you can, give me some pointers! How do you decide when to put in a welt? Also, must say toe plugs are sure a challenge. Kudos to those that do them well. These are the only two I have ever done, and lets just say I need some more practice. YinTx
  14. Also I think there is a creative stamping section under Paul Burnett on the first page of LW.net! YinTx
  15. I believe Bruce Johnson offers the service. http://brucejohnsonleather.com YinTx
  16. There are books that cover this. Creative Stamping is one, I think Paul Burnett's website has some also. I may have a duplicate laying around here somewhere also. YinTx
  17. YinTx

    WTB Plough Gauge

    I have a Blanchard, it is vintage and probably needs some work. Let me know if you are interested. YinTx
  18. That is a fantastic start. Most of us would dream to have instruction from other skilled craftsworkers, but have had to teach ourselves. Fortunately, we still have a great resource: the internet and specifically YouTube. As for tools, sky is the limit and you can have as many as you like or as few as necessary. Bevelers, shaders, swivel knife, backgrounders, modeling spoons and lifters will get you most of the way there. Figure carving bevelers will open new windows for you. What size depends entirely on how big your carvings are. Here are some of many tutorials on feathers: YinTx
  19. That is a neat bag. I hope you post progress photos, this interests me. I have ideas, but since I haven't done it, they won't be much help for you. My concern would be if the straps and handle are in that condition, the body leather can't be far behind, and as such would not have much strength if you were to pull stitches tight, they might pull through? Photos can be deceiving, having it in hand I am sure tells more of the story. Polishing the brass shouldn't be too big a deal if the D's are in good condition (not bent/cracked), but they will tarnish over time unless you have a way to recoat them with a clear finish. YinTx
  20. Best way is to prevent the stretch in the first place, usually by attaching something to the back, like tape. Not sure if it is reasonable to do hundreds in this manner... but perhaps you could think of something else that would work in this instance. If I had to do hundreds, I'd probably have an embossing plate made, the few $$ it cost would save tons of time. After all, a basket stamp is not much different from an embossing stamp. Might result in less distortion on the coaster also. YinTx
  21. I've had the same concern, but using Angelus I have never had it come off. Even on a well worn dog collar! YinTx
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