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Everything posted by kiwican

  1. kiwican


    This is a crime scene
  2. Agree with Grey, for some reason it reminds me of the Minoan empire
  3. I'm a mad max fan myself and I'm digging the repeater scabbard! If I had made that I'd put the snap on the other side from where it is now. Allowing me to sweep the snap open and draw in one cool move as I dive to the left in a slow motion John woo kinda style
  4. Very nice. Assuming that you lined the sheath to prevent the rivets contacting the blade?
  5. Very cool, and oddly much like the design I was messing around with in my head!
  6. This is upholstery leather and I burnished the edges...somewhat
  7. Have you approached high end hotels that have there own boutique stores located inside the hotel itself ?
  8. Nice thanks. Was the actual bag part hand stitched too?
  9. I'd like to make one of these but I'll be hand stitching. Not really sure how to stich the bottom on.
  10. hmmm I didn't consider the cut but yes I can now see how that would need to be done carefully
  11. I've dabbled at book binding. Take a look on YouTube for sealemon. She shows lots of ways to stitch paper. Bind books and make book presses and other needed items for next to nothing
  12. I keep coming back to this cigar case. I really like how it looks. Have to get me some gator embossed hide
  13. kiwican

    Some tools

    Do you have a history on the tools? makers marks etc?
  14. I see nothing wrong with a thick sheath per se. You just built it battle field tough!
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