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Everything posted by fredk

  1. Give that man the ceegar! Your turn, you're 'it'
  2. Trivia*; In the UK the 'Best before' date on packets of crisps** is always a Saturday*** ** crisps = potato chips in US *** I wonder if its the same in US/Oz/Canuk * Trivia. from Roman Latin, Tri Via, three-roads, or a cross roads, where people use to meet on market days to get the local gossip
  3. Here's a teaser, especially for Mjolnir. This is a genuine Viking puzzle, its been dated to as early as the 7th century [ thats the 600s, about 1400 years ago.] This one is one of my favourites There is a special form the Vikings [Norse/Danes] wrote/spoke their puzzles. Give me a name, name me The less I am the more men fear me Name me, give me a name
  4. one word, the same word, 6 letters; means 'to join' and also means 'to separate' the word is ?
  5. afair the Native Americans leave a knot undone so that the blanket does not keep evil in it, the evil has an escape route. Maybe thats a myth too.
  6. Try gel-ink pens for the fine work
  7. A. Nylon thread is basically a plastic. It won't absorb dye. Its made in different colours. It can be surface coloured but that will rub off with any use b. A shallow groove is cut or impressed into the leather as a track for the thread to sit down into. It saves it from most wear & tear c. Two pieces of leather have been stuck together and the sewing has helped join them. A different coloured thread on one side just means they used a different colour thread in the bobbin of the sewing machine d. the only option to re-colour the thread is to un-pick that already done and re-sew, by machine or hand. In this case by hand as the holes are already there, sewing again by machine will mean extra holes and the thread not lining up with the holes present. Unlike cloth, once there is a hole in leather, its there forever
  8. Grand, its just that in the photos it looks like the stitching would be terribly close to the edge. Wouldn't like to see all that nice stamping go to waste cos you couldn't sew it
  9. I can't answer your question but I have one to you - have you left yourself enough room for the stitching up the edge? It looks like it will be rather tight and close to the edge
  10. Thank you..........but yours are just as good
  11. Another way is to make the grove with a creaser and make the black line with a gel-ink pen
  12. Blunt blade I think. Even if it feels sharp, give it a kiss with a stone or strop every little while. Its surprising how quickly leather can take the keenness off a blade
  13. Get some books, maybe from the library; books like Valerie Micheal's, look at the intro and see what tools they recommend to have. From this list remove the fancy tools, some of the tools you may have in a household tool kit I make bags, belts, hats, games, clothes and more; I have three large tool boxes filled with tools, but they've taken me over 20 years to accumulate. Build your tool kit slowly and with care and you'll only need to buy once
  14. IF I may jump in: a cobbler which was in a small town near me [sadly closed down these many years] used several clamp-to-table clams. He used a low bench and clamped the clam to it, so it was at seated working height. The object of using them was he clamped the item he was working on in a clam and he could quickly change what he was working on without disturbing it in the clam. The cobbler told me that these clams had been in use since at least the 1930s, he'd inherited them from his fore-fathers. Proving nothing in this Leather-working is new, just slightly different
  15. or, buy a cheap non-working/non-motorised sewing machine. I picked up a non-motorised Singer clone sewing machine in a thrift store [called a charity shop here] for £5 [about $7] It does from 6 spi upwards. With no motor to strain it'll punch thru quite thick leather, and of course all holes are equally spaced. It'll feed the leather as fast as I want to turn the handwheel No-one wants these old heavy simple sewing machines here. The charity shop was glad to see that one go. I picked up a rough Singer 15 class for £1 at a carboot sale. That one is motorised but it needs serviced PS: I've only tested my sewing machine out; its not been used in anger yet as I'm remodeling my workshop place PPS: I see dikman has mentioned this too
  16. There are some holster makers on here who have used this technique. Have a read thru these; http://leatherworker.net/forum/search/
  17. Sharpies and similar are grand for colouring edges, but not good on the surface. The ink spreads, unless you contain it by cuts. Once into the leather it continues to bleed out. I'd recommend using acrylic paints
  18. I spotted this seller on ebay.uk. Has a large number of different designs listed. He's in Germany. Might send to Oz https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cowhide-leather-White-Newspaper-Design-2-4-mm-Thick-A3-Genuine-Buffalo-369/302653112849?hash=item4677880211:g:yeQAAOSwxKtX~0b- Also; just spotted on Le Prevo website they do metallic; [go about 2/3 down page] http://www.leprevo.co.uk/hides.htm
  19. Wot bikermutt says; but ask the seller for either more pictures or some ideas of the sizes of some pieces. Tandy was selling parts of bellies last November. They were real cheap. Then I saw them - I've thrown better and bigger more useful pieces in the 'free' box
  20. I send the Chinese stamp makers the image as a jpeg. For a photo-etched plate of stamps from Le Prevo I sent them a sheet of photo paper printed with the designs printed on to it in high quality. I find for best quality making the print out on photo paper is the best
  21. Since posting the above I reckoned I should explain Le Prevo's embossing stamps a bit more. Base price is £50.80 for up to 20 sq inches. To that price add delivery of approx £10 plus VAT [Europe] or your local import tax; it adds up to £73 in my case. I kept a number of designs inside the 4 x 5 inch size but the photo-etcher chap said it was bigger by a couple of millimeters on each side, so he added in 2.5 square inches, which cost me an extra £8 or so. I ended up paying £87 for my plate. As I said, the lines have a beveled side. They make decent impressions but they cannot hold antique stain; it wipes right out. I reckon an embossing stamp needs a sharp straight side. The brass ones are cut using machine tools, have good straight sides on the lines and surprisingly they can do very fine lines, finer than the photo-etch of the Le Prevo product
  22. I have had stamps made by Le Prevo; the main down side is the price. You get a minimum of 20 square inches [4x5, go a mil over this and you are into another sq inch!!] of design area to cover for a cost of about £80. Thus if you just want a couple of small stamps they are still £80. Another down side is the stamps/embossing patterns are photo-etched into magnesium metal; this means that every line is angled outwards towards the base. The deeper you make the impression in your leather the wider the lines become. I find the impressions are not as sharp as they could be, or as I like them to be The brass stamps made by certain Chinese sellers can be better value. Several of the Chinese brass stamp makers I've used have disappeared, one has been on extended holiday since February 12th - that must have been some CNY party! But another player is on the block, their prices are very slightly more than the previous makers. I'll be ordering my next stamp from them https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Custom-Made-Design-Your-Logo-Leather-Seal-Wood-Stamp-Branding-Iron-Carving-Mold/382286790022?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=651096957963&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649
  23. Hi, you'll find plenty of info on here and plenty of folk willing to help and advise We go by millimeters for leather in the UK. Tandy has this info page which converts oz to mm; https://www.tandyleather.eu/en/leather-craft-abcs.html Start getting the Al Stohlman books. They can't be bettered. He has one just on hand stitching; https://www.tandyleather.eu/en/product/the-art-of-hand-sewing-leather-book They might seem expensive but they are worth it Be careful buying leather off ebay; many times you'll buy a small peice for 10x what its worth and for the same price you can buy a better bigger piece from one of the leather tanneries or retailers. Tandy is handy, but the likes of Le Prevo are more experienced and will give better advice
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