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Everything posted by tearghost

  1. I will have to try this. Thank you
  2. I posted a message asking for help on what machine to buy got that figured out, but in that message I talked a bit the machine I have. So here it is, it's a jack JK-6380. The trouble I'm having is when I start stitching, pictures show my problem. Black thread is my top stitch that lay's flat on the top and the beige thread is my bottom (bobbin). The pic showing the black and beige thread is the top of the leather and the pic with just the beige thread is the bottom. I have never used a sewing machine, please any help I can get is well appreciated. I know it's got something to do with tension but I don't know what controls what and how to adjust the tension. Thank you in advance for your help.
  3. Thank you to all for your help. I will get some pics of my sewing machine this week along with the model number.
  4. Hello, I am looking at buying my second sewing machine and need help, I have never used a machine before so I am looking for something that's user friendly has a servo motor and a speed reducer. I had bought a jack sewing machine over a year ago paid $1850.00 for it and never been able to use it, can't figure out how to thread properly I had it threaded once before and it sewed but the it had a bird's nest on the bottom of the leather never been able to fix that, now when sewing it does about 2 stitches and the top thread breaks so I don't know if it's still bird nest's on the bottom the machine has become such a head ache that it just sits there. There's no youtube video's on it I called and e-mailed the company I bought it from and no help was given from them at all so I e-mailed the manufacturer with no help at all from them either. I know I need a walking foot industrial and I have it figured out down to 2 machines the cobra class 4 and the cowboy 4500 price wise both machines are the same for the package I am looking at. I make a large variety of products mainly use veg tan, english bridle and suede for lining. I need to be able to sew from 2 oz to about 18 oz. I have chosen these 2 machines because they are cylinder base with flat table accessory when needed and have a throat length of 16 1/2 as I make anywhere from wallets, bags, holsters etc. I would like input on these machines and how well they do the job I need. What are the pros and cons and what are the experiences people have with the company they bought it from. Any help is greatly appreciated thank you in advance.
  5. I'm speechless it's that amazing
  6. I agree with everyone it's a nice lookin holster.
  7. That’s a great looking knife and sheath that I would be proud to own.
  8. Hello Dwight, Thank you so much this info is such a great help as all this is new to me and I am not mechanically inclined at all. I'm hoping after xmas to be able to get the set up and start doing some stuff. Thank you
  9. Thank you so much that is exactly what I have been wondering about.
  10. Hello I was wondering if I could get some info on your vacuum forming set up please?.
  11. I believe I paid about $160 canadian
  12. There's a a place called Hex N Hit there website is-http://hexnhitstamps.com/ they are in Thailand, I bought my custom stamp from them and it is amazing I got the stamp a metal handle that screws in plus the electric heated handle basically its a wood burner that attaches to the stamp to heat it. If you go to youtube and go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3JDQzETO-g he shows his stamp from them its about halfway through when he shows it.
  13. It's a wooden box I made with a door on the front, a heat light attached to the top and a hole about 1/8 of a inch larger then the bulb, a fan is attached to the side with a hole cut out to draw air in and circulate the air and I've attached wooden dowels on the inside to make shelves/hanging bars, because I make an assortment of products I needed to have shelves that I could lay things on or hang from I also made the dowels to be taken out and reattached when needed. I use the hotbox to speed up drying time, and when I use Aussie Leather Conditioner or bees wax I heat up the leather with the hotbox and after it's applied I put the product back in to help the pores open and the wax to melt into the leather. Before I had the box sunburst dying took about a week to do cause I let each stage dry for no less then 12 hours, now it's done in max 2 days. I'm hoping in the new year to make a new one it will measure 4 feet long 12 inches deep and 2 feet high it will have 4 heat lamps 4 fans, 1 shelf and 3 inner walls that can be removed individually to make different size compartments with different temps. Here's a pic of the heat lamps I use
  14. I use a hotbox and it goes in there for 3 hours with each layer that I put on it. So I do my base coat dry it for 3 hours in my hotbox, do my layer of mist back into hotbox for 3 hours, do my edges back into the hotbox for 3 hours and then I do my finishing top coat. All my dyes and resolene is applied by using airbrushes, I have 2 one is for dyes the other is only for resolene. I've never had any bleeding or blending of my dyes using this technique.
  15. Can you show a pick of it the next day?. As it looks in this picture its really nice. I do a sunburst effect also and yes I do a light coat of mixed 50% water/50% resolene in between each color.
  16. Beautiful work your friend is lucky to have you as a friend.
  17. I really like the color choices, and the stitching looks amazing.
  18. I agree with what everyone is saying that's a beautiful belt. I have never used hair on before and seeing that I am going to be buying some sides with hair on.
  19. As always your work is truly amazing I can only hope to one day be as good as you are.
  20. Those are some really nice bags. Good luck selling they should go fairly quick.
  21. I have made many holsters in my time and the way I look at it is this, first I take into consideration the weight of the gun heavy guns (50cal, 500 etc) I would use 10 oz unlined or 8 oz with a 2 oz liner, mid weight (glocks, m&p's etc) 7 oz with a liner 8 oz with out liner and finally light weights I use 5 oz lined 6 oz unlined, second is pancake or cowboy if it's cowboy I always did a lining, last is if it's cowboy is it fast draw or standard cowboy, fast draw I do 10 oz with a rawhide standard I use 8 to 10 oz depending on weight of gun. I only did competition style holster's because in Canada we aren't allowed to carry unless at a gun club. If you are doing concealed carry there is people on here that can give you good advice on her with that, There's one name that comes to mind off hand and that's Dwight.
  22. I have a client who is licensed to marry people she uses this for holding papers when she is standing up doing the ceremony. The molded pocket is made to hold a square shaped microphone. The leather is made out of W&C 3/4 oz veg tan with a suede liner, to make it stiff and hold its shape I used 1/4 thick piece of wood cut into two panels with all edges cut at a 45 degree bevel.
  23. Wow. You always have such nice things. Great work.
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