When you tie your fiador knot - do you use a mandrel or do you do it freehand ? Could a small mandrel be used and inserted in the bottle and worked to form the knot ? I am not a knot person - I am just throwing this idea out there...
I know that this is an older thread, but I do have an answer to your question. I started out using PLA, but soon switched to PETG. Alot of my 3D prints are used in an outdoor environment and PLA just did not stand up to the task, so I switched to PETG and have not look back. I run a nozzle temp of 230 deg C and a bed temp of 90 deg C. I also use a PEI magnetic build plate to aid in removing my 3D prints from the bed - PETG really sticks to your build plate the PEI really helps in removing your prints...
There is a niche market for acrylic templates for such items and I do not know why 3D printed templates wouldn't work. You would need to use ABS filament for your templates to be durable and withstand a lot of use. I do not think that PLA would work very well - PETG would be better than PLA, but not near as good as ABS. I have downloaded several leather template .stl files from Thingiverse and Printables and print them with PETG - they do work for my limited use
The Ender 3 Max is the filament printer that I would recommend because of the bed size needed to print a mold gun. As mentioned above PLA filament will not work well - it would probably a one time use thing. PETG or ABS filament is what you would need to use with ABS being the best. You will need a vent system for ABS due to the fumes produced when printing. As mentioned above - the CAD files needed to print a accurate mold gun are like "unicorn horns".. You will need to be able to design your own and good CAD software is expensive.
If you heat it up it will thin out. Place a usuable amount in a small bottle with a screw on lid and emerse the bottle in hot water. Let it warm up and you will be good to go...
You done good - I like it... It should serve you well. I have no problem with anyone borrowing an idea.- that's what we are here for... Mine works very well for me. I am totally ambidextrous and I shoot right handed and use my left hand to load while holding the pistol in my shooting hand. I know some right handed people that have to hold the pistol in their left hand to load with their right hand. so they switch hands twice during a reload.
Take care - K5HEP
You have a well thought out and perfectly executed idea. You and I are on the same page and I like the way you think. I have carried a revolver for over 25 years. I would carry my speed strip in my pocket and forget it half the time. This is my version of a speed strip carrier for my belt - as long as I do not forget to put on my pants, I am in good shape. Getting old is not fun...
Whlie we each have our own concerns and feelings and I respect that. I do not understand your need to post a farewell to the group. You could have just left without mention and no one would have been the wiser.