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R SFraser Sr

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Everything posted by R SFraser Sr

  1. One thing to keep in mind if you choose the style that Paloma posted, https://www.instagram.com/p/CGZrOLEhuFZ/ is that you can reach for them without taking your eyes off your work,' and not have to scramble-grab to get your fingers through the loops that scissor styles nips have. They are a good temper-saver.
  2. You would also have to take into concern any fluids and glues that are in the shop. So yes, there is an ideal temperature - well above freezing. Plus tools are more likely to rust in an environment that wavers above and below freezing.
  3. So far, I am not seeing a big difference in the Canadian prices, but I am getting a chuckle out of their writing style in the announcement of this new pricing scheme.... “ It’s an easier way to shop for the leathercrafting materials and supplies you need so you can get the most out of your leather, with a lot less bull! “ Which inasmuch admits that their early multi-level pricing scheme was bull.?
  4. I just bought one, and now the listing is showing only one left. (though I'm sure that the seller can make more)
  5. I think the "PickPocket" on the side is a great idea, (you can have that catchy name for it, for free)
  6. I'll add to this list of positives, Saskatoon Saskatchewan's Tandy. Manager Mr Kazi Shujah has been great to deal with. I live in Regina, where there is no Tandy, and I totally trust him to select the best leather he can send me in my price range. He has even called me to clarify before filling the order. I have been in his store to meet him and Mrs Shujah, very personable folk.
  7. Here are a couple I made for my daughter and me, a few years ago.
  8. Thanks, I'll have a look at the first link. I'm looking for strips, not sheets, I'll edit my op.
  9. I've seen that there are few model builders on this forum, when someone puts up a “what are your hobbies?” type of post.I am in need of a material that meets this shopping list of features...Styrene ONLY, smooth. Not sheets, strips.Between a 1/16” and 1/8” inch thick,1 1/2 - 2” wide,In long lengths, like 6 or 8 feet.Clear, white, or black, no patterns.This will be glued to the edge of the track.I am guessing that this material exists in some trade, or craft venture,but Google is not forth coming. (so I'm posting this in a few forums)Does anyone have any knowledge of such a material?Bonus points if there is a Canadian supplier.Thanks in advance, bob
  10. Ce n'était rien, vraiment, Dominic. I have not been on this forum very long, but I do notice that members are willing to share their time and knowledge. I'm sure you will do the same. bob
  11. Hello Dominic, Here is a version you may want to use,..... Most of the items in my shop are unique, since I work with different kinds of leather. I have a huge collection of different colors and thicknesses. I enjoy making different projects every time. To avoid wasting precious material and out of respect to the animal, I always try to make the most out of each piece of leather. I use every square inch of the hide I'm working with. This is one of the many ways I try to be environmentally friendly in my shop. I also use Eco-friendly products, from water based glue and dyes to second hand sewing machines and tools. In the proper hands and with proper care, your leather item will last for years and even decades, resulting in less garbage in the landfill. Here is a little story. I used to buy PU leather wallets ( a faux, or fake leather, which is just a fabric coated with polyurethane ) and most of them would last from three to six months. One day I decided to buy a genuine leather wallet, although it was six times more expensive. Here I am 12 years later, with the same wallet, in very good condition. It will still last me few more years! In the long term, leather is economical and eco-friendly! If you have any custom project needs, please don't hesitate to contact me ! Thanks
  12. Terrific, I have ordered one! bob
  13. HELLO, When you say "email me for a catalogue", do you mean will email a catalogue, or paper mail it? thanks
  14. Since you are having such trouble determining the material..... Just peel a piece off and set a match to it. You'll soon find out if it is plastic or leather.
  15. A bit off topic, Nick, but can you tell me where you got that style buckle? thanks bob
  16. Exceptional piece of artwork,Tim. And you have the modesty in your profile information to state; "Leatherwork - Specialty: No real specialty" You should try boots. (ha)
  17. Colt,I have mentioned it before in this site, but now that you are bringing it up, I for one, very much appreciated your posts on the Telecaster Forum, and I am sure many others did, and nowadays we miss your posts. bob
  18. I think another question to ask is - what will the demand be for leather work twenty or so years from now,when he establishes his business? And if there is still at last a moderate demand two decades later - would that demand increase or decrease over the ensuing 30 years?
  19. Really well done, here is the likely inspiration for the strap, for those of you not familiar with Roy Lichtenstein's work
  20. I'll add a little tip for those using leather as their stropping base. Rub the compound bar of your choice onto the leather, (usually backed by wood) and then heat the strop up with a hair dryer. Watch the wax/oil/abrasive melt into the leather, then apply more by rubbing the bar on. Heat again. This will build up a base layer of "charge". Please notice I'm saying hair dryer not heat gun, it does not have to be burning hot (that will distort your flat strop surface).
  21. Looking good Martyn, Hello again, Rusty (OP) Those Rockler Clamps look nice, but seem similar in size to the Lee Valley types. Beware of Rockler's fine print on the checkout page. "Rockler has partnered with UPS i-parcel to handle their international payment collection and shipping." This may well mean you would pay Brokerage as well as the 14 dollars shipping to ship 12 dollars worth of product. Big difference from USPS, with whom you do not pay brokerage or customs.
  22. Hi Rusty in Calgary, Bob in Regina here I made up a couple of ponies for my daughter and me. The pressure comes from the bolt system, your knees/thighs just "hold the pony down" as you are seated. Just to save you a bit of time - I bought a couple of cam-locks from Lee Valley, but they do not allow the jaws to open enough to allow your leather to be inserted for sewing. You might have better luck finding a different cam system, if you do please let me know.
  23. Thanks for this Martyn, Strange that this forum interface would make each user develop something as simple as a NEW button. I've checked all the other forums I frequent and each has a similar button. This is still a great forum, of course, even if the old version had the new post button.
  24. What I have been looking for on this new format is a NEW TOPICS, or NEW POSTS or RECENT POSTS button
  25. An "UNREAD" topic is much different than a "NEW" topic or post. Most forums have a NEW button, the old format of this forum did. There are thousands of topics and posts that I will leave UNREAD, so I don't want to wade thru things I have left unread. But the NEW post button was valuable in finding out what was, well, NEW. I have not found a NEW button on this new site.
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